American journalists have come to me and told me that my hentai scenes will corrupt American youth. Yet...

>American journalists have come to me and told me that my hentai scenes will corrupt American youth. Yet, you still have very little gun control in America, and kids have access to this all the time. You see in Japan, nothing happens, you can walk on the street in the middle of the night with a skimpy T-shirt or a mini-skirt on and nothing happens, but, in American, seems like you really care about the human rights of the anime and manga world. You don’t give a shit about real human rights, but you will do all you can to judge or put down Japanese culture.

Explain yourself, America.

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dayum son where'd you find this?

If Japanese people had guns they'd be almost as safe, and if Americans didn't have guns they'd be in almost as much danger. The real problem is not access to weapons, but that American culture is inferior in general.

>I feel free here, I can eat hamburger every day and not feel guilty. I love this country for that, you don’t give a shit about being fat

I nominate this man to be President of the Olympics Committee for Tokyo 2020.

Yes, it's America who we should be worried about

>Last year in Japan, I was diagnosed as morbidly obese, but when I come here to America I thought, “Wow, I’m nothing compared to these guys!”

>I have three sons; one is my assistant, one is a professional singer, and one likes this thing called “scat.” The last one is my punishment. I am also happily married.


We sometimes will sketch on a train and draw people’s faces and reactions. So, if you have just a piece a paper, you can do whatever you want. You can make a girls cleavage larger or draw their panties, but if someone sees you they will sometimes ask, “What are you doing?” and you can just reply, “Oh, I am hentai manga artist,” and they understand. Well, actually, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but I don’t give a shit.

How shit of a person do you have to be that "he likes scat" is the only thing your dad uses to describe you.


Can American ideals be saved or its doomed through too much acceptance of the wrong kinds of beliefs?

>trusting Japanese statsitics

If the prosecutor can't get a slam dunk conviction then they will simply choose not to prosecute a crime. How do they determine if there's a slam dunk conviction? If the guy confessed after being beaten during interrogation.

it's not too late, it's never too late

we need to stop being moralists

This, Japan isn't full of niggers so they don't need guns.

I always thought that when people insinuated that America = freedom that they were being sarcastic.
Was I wrong? Is there idiots that actually delude themselves into that thought process?

>Can American ideals be saved
America is already losing it's most important ideal: freedom of expression.

Sure, as far as the law goes its well protected, but culturally speaking, freedom of expression is dying. Today's youth doesn't take it anywhere near as seriously as our ancestors did, and they find it acceptable to attempt to silence people they don't agree with. If we lose the cultural value of freedom of expression, it'll take only a couple generations to lose the law as well.

And if the most sacred of American ideals is having trouble, what chance do the rest have?

>How shit of a person

Freedom of expression is not dying in America, it's dying everywhere in the world.

There's nothing suspicious about those stats, the U.K. has sadly transformed into an open cesspool of rape.

>Can American ideals be saved or its doomed through too much acceptance of the wrong kinds of beliefs?
They just need to stop sexualising real live children, something which has nothing to do with banning art.

user, please. The UK is a rape haven. Blame your muzzies.

If anything, freedom of expression is dying in Europe. I don't see it dying in America.

kek this is fucking hilarious, how can one man be so based?

The problem with america is that it's full of spics and niggers.
take them all out and crimerates drop below pre-islamist europe.

Its hard to oppose pseudo morality

I don't get why people are so easily offended by things in this day and age. Is it fear of war or some people use their hurt feelings to physically hurt others?

>Child pageants are still things
>Fucking South Park made fun of that shit

Such is life; no one is gonna use a cartoon to learn a valuable lesson

most if not all school shootings are committed by young whites
you dumb racist nigger

It's nice to know that in a country where nobody has any children anymore the ones who procreate the most and will shape the next generations are hentai artists.

My porn future is safe and sound.

>There is a site that I’ve heard of that is very popular in America, but it’s called like fuck. I asked someone once, why is hentai manga being posted on They told me it was and I still don’t get it.

>I don't see it dying in America.
Sure you do. Nobody is calling for laws curtailing freedom of expression, but there is a lot of cultural backlash and pressure against people saying the wrong sort of things online.

It's just that America has a lot stronger freedom of expression protections that other countries, so nobody has moved that cultural pressure into the realm of the law yet. They would if they though they could get away with it.

That's because niggers don't go to school.

Black crime is insanely high, it's only the poor ones that do a shit ton of crime.

And it's not only blacks that you have to defend yourself from, it's anyone.

>Sup Forums shit

Even if that were true its too late and at this point it would only cause riots. Besides mentally ill whites are the successful school shooters

I've seen obnoxious niggers go to school on a daily basis.

The amount of deaths school shootings contribute to actual gun death statistics is so small that it might as well be a rounding error.

They're just high profile, but not a lot of people die and they don't happen all that often.

you'd need to elaborate on what you mean by danger. without guns, people may not necessarily be less aggressive, but they'd certainly not have access to a long range weapon and would need to resort to close combat, giving the defender a better chance.

People without guns use their car.

It's similar in Japan. There are groups there who would love it if all the manga porn would just go away. They reason they can't is because manga is a ubiquitous medium over there and the regular day to day mangaka defended the rights of the porn mangaka.

This would be like if the TV industry defended the porno one over here.

Can he describe me in drawing what this "scat" is?

We have too much nigger

You'd still be diagnosed as morbidly obese. Lots of friends to cry with while eating another tub of butter and ice cream, but still morbidly obese.

I'll agree that there are many people in the US who are in favor of censorship and are fundamentally anti-free speech. I'm just glad that it hasn't hit our laws the way it has in Canada and Europe.

>I really hope to make this world better because when you get horny, you don’t really feel that you are going to fight or kill somebody.

Is this guy Jesus?

It's false tough. I mean how do you explain rape, bdsm, violent sex, murder after rape, necrophilia, etc.? A lot of people feel violent when horny.

He's fixing the world one boner at a time.

>What do you do in your spare time?

>I have very little spare time, but, when I was younger, I would take one hour a day before sleep to go to a whore house. I’m joking… kinda.


Some part of the world is eventually gonna go nuts

We aren't a meme show yet.

>Hornyness leads to violence

The average American is a violent psychopath who revels in bloodshed due to living in a shithole (All races are violent psychopaths) and has extremely hypocritical views on sex and violence.

>Do you ever see your manga being mistranslated during localization?

No, I actually do a lot of it myself. There is a site that I’ve heard of that is very popular in America, but it’s called like fuck. I asked someone once, why is hentai manga being posted on They told me it was and I still don’t get it.

based as fukku

>he doesn't know the sadpanda

This really fighting or killing though
>violent sex
So with consent right? Some people like it rough.
>murder after rape
basically post fap deletion/tab closure/download canceling
The person is already dead, so outside of hentai, people aren't generally fighting zombies and then fucking them.

>Japan is more free than America

>So with consent right?
I was implying all of these to be without consent. Like just take any Asanagi doujin and take in consideration that some people do this for real. I'm not against censorship but he isn't the first Japanese person to say that their porn is somehow making people less violent which is fucking stupid because not only is it wrong but Japan is more one of the highest consumer of violent porn (both fictive and real illegal ones).

The problem is, guns are rarely used (by the agressor, mind) as a long-range weapon. The vast majority, as in 95-99%, of gun crime occurs with handguns, which perform abysmally at ranges outside of 10-15 meters and are typically used under 5 meters. So "close combat" occurs one way or another, regardless of the presence or absence of guns.

>Now, I see myself as an ass man.

America is in its most poisonous era of PCness and other political issues. Even a culture as homogenized and suicidal as nips is more free than America.

I'd still rather live in America though because I believe we can get rid of the veil of easily offended people and not devolve into the premise of meme show .

But consuming violent porn doesn't necessarily mean people are acting out their violent tendencies. They might be able to suppress it because of the porn.


>I'm not against censorship
Opposite of what I meant to say

Obviously, I was just giving an exemple. Some people do (regardless of their access to porn), it's not rare for violent rape to happen (Like any h-manga based on a real crime for exemple), so he's wrong. And his quote wasn't even about people acting anyway but just the thought.

So is the last one a NEET?

blacks kill each other or in when committing crimes, whites go into killing sprees killing random innocent people and children

Do you know what this two have in common? You are too stupid to get the right answers so I will tell you, they both have stupid American culture. Stop pointing fingers and making up excuses like a nigger and fix your shit culture. You so fucking stupid it drives me mad I wanna kill myself.

Isn't Sexual harassment a really big deal in Japan?
Not that I would associate it to have anything to do with Manga/hentai, but from a glance, sexual harassment and their work culture seem to be the only somewhat negative aspects of an otherwise nice culture.

>fix your shit culture
Fuck you, it's not my responsibility. I'll continue watching anime and ignoring the shitty attitudes of various people who happen to live within the same ~4 million square mile region as me.

Do you know what these two have different? Blacks kill each other in America and Africa, school shootings happen worldwide.

I know there's the groping, but honestly I think that might be less about the culture and more just a practical consequence of the trains being crowded as fuck and a perfect environment for it.

Sure, but five out of four women are raped on American college campuses, and that's why America needs to stop importing such evil material.

And that's why American culture will eventually bow to the ultimate form of censorship

The harder we don't challenge them, the harder we won't solve the problems and stop the mess.

We have no choice to fight or die like a chicken.

>Besides mentally ill whites are the successful school shooters
That counts for like .1% of all gun violence probably.

Japan and Korea both rank as the worst OECD nations insofar as women's rights as concerned. That report had US women earning 91 cents to a dude's dollar. IIRC those two were of order 0.5:1

They can't even beat a gook's score. Step up whitey.

There is a containment board for this kind of thread.

I don't know about other rights but comparing wage is a shitty way to determine women's right.

Wait, are you saying the failed ones are niggers? That'd actually be really funny.

>five out of four

Doesn't change the fact all people are psychopaths regardless of race.

Back to

Trans women and traps get raped too.

One of them is a trap

>all people are psychopaths

>school shootings happen worldwide.
Uh what? Other than warzones those kind of things are never heard of.

Is La Blue Girl good?

>all people are psychopaths
I've heard better philosophical reasoning from my sister who has Madara as her idol.

>school shootings happen worldwide
Oh, you zany murricans.

Why can't they understand??? We need gun because we want to protect our family and property. They don't know how far these savage non-white willing to go when they commit crime.

Its true; some are just better at controlling their urges than others.

If the perfect white man can murder for petty reasons then they are the same as the nigger or the spic

Thanks for your insightful input, Sup Forums!

Maeda is so chill.
I want to live in Japan so I, too, can be safe to walk at night and buy weird h-manga without being labeled a deviant.

No, user, if you buy some tentacle rape shit people are still going to think you're a deviant.

have you ever been a victim of a crime before

Japan isn't that great outside its cartoons; its just western morality is warped and retarded to a point where Japan is desirable to live.

>savage non-white

Whites have stolen/tried to steal more of my shit than have niggers, spics and chinks combined. I'm rather grateful to have gun-owning Thai neighbors; we have a mutual understanding that although we may hate each other, we have each others backs if we get/are getting robbed.

No they aren't. There are multiple school shootings outside America every year even if you only count first world countries (Canada, European countries, Asian countries). There is a bigger amount happening in America, but America is also a much more populated country than most of those other countries. Furthermore, school crimes also happen with other weapons such as knives which isn't taken into account when counting those school shooting (Despite the fact that most school shootings generally result in only 1 dead or none at all, meaning they'd have been just as succesfull with another weapon).

I'm Canadian. Fun fact, we had the first school shooting death of 2016.

Oh, now that makes even more sense. You Canucks and your inferiority complex, always trying to pretend to be on the same level as murricans.

Being a moralist is great.

Basing your reason on feelings instead of basing your feelings on reason is not. The process for moral choices need to begin by looking at the whole situation with an open mind (not the feminist buzzword; an actual open mind that doesn't factor in political correctness when making judgements) . You can't build this foundation when large parts of the story are being blocked out for contradicting a narrative. Without this foundation, you're basically guaranteed to act as a source of injustice with a series of self-centered morals that barely deserve the label of "morals".

Reals before feels. Reals, then feels.