Sup Forums is seen to be the board with the lowest intelligence on Sup Forums with good reason...

Sup Forums is seen to be the board with the lowest intelligence on Sup Forums with good reason. Everybody knows it to be the descendant of Sup Forums: the people who were swarming together to mock cancer patients and try and get little girls to kill themselves only a few years ago have merely decided to set up shop now as bastions of moral virtue. It is always the people of lowest morals and intellect, the people with the least to be proud of who look for a way to make themselves feel better at other people's expense simply because of their ancestral descent, and racialism allows them to do that. The culture here is simply another ebullition of the coarse and vulgar and and materialistic and godless society we live in, another head of the hydra of modernism, along with Communism and leftism and Social Justice Fanaticism on the other side of the question. One side claims that all human behaviour can be reduced to biology and Jewish conspiracy theories, another that it can all be explained by economic systems, and nobody treats their fellow men as ensouled individuals responsible for their own behaviour and actions any longer regardless of either colour or class. One side says that the European peoples must be flooded by immigration until they cease to exist, as the Romans were extirpated by the Germanic hordes; the other says that every last coloured person must be either driven out of the country or exterminated simply because of their heritage: neither party has any really higher moral principles than either race or class (apart perhaps from some vague allusions to “degeneracy” on the one side and “tolerance” on the other) upon which they can judge their fellow men, or intend to set about building a better society.

Anybody who hates a man simply for being coloured, is a monster; anybody who demonizes a man simply for being white or for upholding Western civilization or for opposing mass immigration and multiculturalism, is a monster; both sides can go hang.

Other urls found in this thread:

>not even a tl;dr
And they told me bongs were exceptionally polite

i am a homosexual

OP irl.

>Ameritards get befuddled if they have to read more than two sentences

>thinks we're stupid
>posts all that text
Nigga I know the end's just gonna be about my mother dying in her sleep

you're the idiot with no grasp of history. The jew coveted the power of the Roman empire and sought to subvert it via all the Jew methods we are familiar with

in response to this the Romans annihilated Jerusalem down to the last stone.

The Jews have a revenge complex against Europeans every since based on two things:

Jealousy and Revenge.

Which is why Satan is their god because his primary motivations are Jealousy and Revenge.

It's not complex, but it is a very deep very bitter war and it cannot be rationalized away using the mind or flowery words.

>Ameritard ''history''
Did you learn that on HC hahahahahah

>Anybody who hates a man simply for being coloured
Color is a good indicator of criminality.

The Romans attacked Jerusalem because they wanted their independence, not because they were "subverting" something. There is not a shred of evidence for your claim. You are simply lying.

The "Jewish conspiracy" is a late 19th century-20th century phenomenon which has absolutely no former precedent in history. The objections which people raised to Jews before then were purely on religious grounds.

Sir John Glubb has shown in his "Fall of Empires" that mass immigration, radical feminism, sexual degeneracy, low culture etc. are a feature of all civilizations whatever in a state of moral decline. The deterministic obsession with blood purity and Jews on the one hand and leftwing grievance-mongering and socialism on the other instead of attention to moral character as the root cause of the trouble is simply another symptom of it.

aint nobody got time to read all that

ah yes the Jews the poor jews

oh boo hoo! the poor jews just wanted their independence! Boo hoo! it's all a lie, Jews are good! Jews are good I'm simply lying! It's been debunked Jews are the soft stepping gentle doe of the forest! Boo hoo! Jewish conspiracy obsession is the result of a decayed people and an insane mind as shown by Sir John Glubb, it says it right there.

"Jew Madness"

its treatable now with ritalin! Boo Hoo! The Poor Jews! The Poor Poor Jews! WAHHHH IM CRYING IM CRYING RIGHT NOW! ALL THESE BLESSED JEWS HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THIS EVIL GOY LIES!

I invite you to produce a single Roman author who attributes the decline of the Empire to Jews.

Classical Greece tore itself apart by war and moral decadence long before there was a single Jew in Europe. How will you endeavour to blame that on a conspiracy?

Not an argument fag

>Sup Forums is seen to be the board with the lowest intelligence on Sup Forums with good reason.

3/10 troll harder newfag.


come the fuck on, what do you think Xianity is

>long before there was a Jew to be seen

the romans talk about jews all the time, they knew who exactly they were and dealt with them all the time

you're a fuckin' idiot. I'm not going to go goose chasing you exact quotes and scenarios of special jews who's balls they excavated.

It's pretty obvious you're pro-jewish anyway. One of the great plagues and poisons of Britain is all the masons and jews riddled in your country.

Maybe all the muslims will finally scourge your country of all those filthy institutions.

Classical Greece fell long before Christianity or even Jews entered Europe. Pray read the post in the picture. Thank you for confirming that you don't have a scrap of evidence to support your nonsense. I am a classical scholar so I knew full well that at most you could provide an allusion to Jews being money-lenders in Cicero and to the spread of Jewish religious practices throughout the empire by Seneca. Not a single Roman writer over the course of 1,000 years ascribes the fall of their Empire or the decline of their morals to Jews.

The notion that Lord Rothschild "bought England after Waterloo," to which you allude, is a forgery invented for a political pamphlet first written in 1847. It is called the "Rothschild Libel."

Archived it for you

when there were no Jews in Britain:
Judenrein times are best times

Aaaand dodges the Rome point which was obviously what I was responding to. Pre-law, Goldstein?

im gonna be honest with you mr. classical scholar. I can find proof of Jews in roman times. I never said they were solely responsible or the ones in charge in Rome. I never ever said that. But the Romans had dealings with the Jews.

I just don't want to because I don't see the pay off. this thread will die soon and you will fade into the ether of the internet. I don't know you and our reputations outside of this thread and even in it don't matter. It don't fucking matter. If I cared I could go through the effort, but I don't care about you enough to contribute to any kind of correspondence even one born out of rivalry.

>the other says that every last coloured person must be either driven out of the country or exterminated simply because of their heritage
>you are not allowed to from natural communities and bonds with your own people and you must accept that stranger have the right to claim your land, the property of your people as your own

No, fuck off. Classical liberalism was just a tool in the hands of the imperialist masters, who were thinking in terms of aristocracy and exploitable servants. It is a failed experiment, the great colonial empires all collapsed, when the ruling class couldn't discipline their offspring and they wasted the empire away and the lower classes took over.

The common men needs communities to protect him and his family, humanist universalism is a failed strategy, and it is only used by traitors to hide their true agenda.

OP was a sad enough cunt to screencap his own post, too.
Fairly certain he's the guy who was going on about how he'd kill a Nazi before a leftist, just like Moseley and Powell would have wanted.
Edgy kid gone totally insane.

anyone know what this nigger lover is on about?

An ALife game!
Where can i get a copy?

It doesn't matter whether it does or does not die off. I posted it in the first place for my own amusement, expecting it to die without a single reply, because only the coarsest and most sensationalistic nonsense ever rises on Sup Forums. I refuted everything you had to say and nothing you do will ever change that fact.

such source
very p-values
statistical significance -- it sure does

he is an arab tho

I expressly said that I did not agree with mass immigration and multiculturalism, so this is a straw-man. What I would not do is hate or despise a man simply because of his race.

you refuted it with a sourceless screencap post and a link i didn't click on that had no further explanation. It's weak. I say prove there were no jews and you tell me to prove there were and neither of us provide good effort or sources.

The reason that picture is a shit source is because in the picture there is no source for itself. That's an idiots way to source things. If I was a professor and I had to grade you I'd fail you for that alone. That's why I don't believe you when you said you were a "classical scholar" which is really when i tuned out and decided to not take you seriously because you aggrandized yourself for no reason.

Go ahead and keep smelling your farts some more, though. you seem to love it

The words in the screen capture are my own; I posted it simply to save time. If you wish to refute a single fact therein I invite you to do so. What exactly are you taking issue with? Show if you can that Jews were present in Greece before 300 B. C., or that the Peloponnesian War did not take place between 431 and 404 B. C., or that Hellas did not fall to Macedon after Chaeronea, never to regain its former greatness or glory. There are no sources because these are matters of simple common knowledge.

After you lyingly or ignorantly said that "The Romans talk about Jews all the time" I defied you to show a single Roman writer over the course of 1,000 years who ever ascribed the fall of their Empire or their morals to Jews. You have failed to provide one, and that is because there is no such source. Cicero speaks of their money-lending practices, Seneca disapproves of the spread of their religious practices, Tacitus calls them stubborn and ethnocentric and wealthy and that is all.

Damn OP. Luker here. Sup Forums just got BTFO

>he doesn't realise Sup Forums is a minority of (((intelligent))) satire artists and a huge majority of retards who take it as fact
Sorry, you sir are and Idiot :)

>our fellow men
Fuck off faggot, driveling snobs like you are why UK is a festering shithole. If the plebeian masses won't do what is necessary out of love then we will make them do it out of hate.

In antiquity there was absolutely no racial prejudice against blacks, and even in 18th century England a black man like Ignatius Sancho could become one of the literary luminaries of the age and a personal friend of eminent figures like David Garrick and Laurence Sterne. Shakespeare wrote Othello, and Dr Johnson's black servant Samuel Barber married and had children with a white woman in his life-time. Racial absolutism is a historically ignorant ideology. Well-nigh every person in Britain has a coloured friend or acquaintance at this point. All that racialists and Neo-Nazis like you do is scare ordinary white people off and make them think that the only alternative to your ideology is the mass immigration lunacy we have right now. Enoch Powell himself was not a racialist and said that it was "simply about the numbers."

Why have the Jews been expelled from nearly every land, country, kingdom, or territory repeatedly for thousands of years and coincidentally it is always within a short time span of everything going to shit in said land they get kicked out of.
Something something the almonds

In ancient times it was because they were a very ethnocentric group that would not intermarry with other peoples or conform to the state religion and generally kept to themselves (so racialists really ought to like them and hate the Romans, but they are hypocrites), in mediaeval and Early Modern times, if you were anything but a Christian you were persecuted or expelled by default. Miguel Servetus for example was burned at the stake by John Calvin simply for denying the Trinity. Had it not been for the efforts of a small number of heroes like Milton and Voltaire, Europe would still have the Index Librorum Prohibitorum and the Inquisition and all the other barbarism of that age----which persecuted free-thinking whites and Jews alike.

O, yes, to say nothing of the fact that great Jews like Spinoza in the 17th century and Moses Mendelssohn in the 18th supported religious tolerance and freedom of speech to boot.