She's one dumb cunt, isn't she?
Chelsea Handler
White woman calling black dude a racist. Nigga what?
Some kike babe support from a reality television show eight years ago? Some plastic-faced nobody that gets thrown out of low-class Hamptons establishments?
Literally, nothing. Bye.
She's a Jew what did you expect?
She could have at least called him and, Uncle Tom and that would have made some sense.
It's literally the level of retardation you expect from a 2 year old.
I think a two year old is smarter than this dumb cunt.
She also looks like a fucking antelope.
Look at those eyes. It's the look of someone who has not done a thing with their life and knows it.
the reason i called ben carson a black white supremacist is because he made his money complicated surgeries and not making rap music or playing in the nfl. i mean like can you stop acting white. -chelsea handler
whats the first thing you think when you hear hillary? ...........................................................................................................................................................................badass.
Parkinsonian rage.
The first thing I think is "does she really believe we can't tell she's fucking lying all the time?"
All memes are converging, love this.
That's actually coming out more and more
You can support white supremacy without being white. Just look at Sup Forums.
Whatever you say, dumbfuck commie
(((white woman)))
Historically, chicks named Chelsea are fukn retarded. Just a chicks named Courtney are huge sluts.
Good Goy, it was a white woman.
Honestly, that's how some of these liberals sound nowadays, when a black person had a differing opinion.
definitely you are a progressive if you dont think black people can be racist.