Redpill me on Sikhism
Redpill me on Sikhism
I don't care if they're Sikh or Sunni or whatever, all Muslims gotta go
>faithful allies against the mudslime subhumans
>kindhearted, good ppl despite being shitskins
>will sell you cigarettes and beer when everything else is closed
honestly the only shitskins worth a dime
Can't he wear the fuzzy hat over the turban?
Special snowflake couldn't wear the same hat as the rest of the doods?
A shitskin is still a shitskin no matter what kind of hat they wear
Why couldn't he just put the big hat thing over his rag?
That being said Sikhs are ok in my book.
Peaceful people, Non-proselytizing, and they live and let live. Cool in my book.
Fuck you burgers. For one sihks hate Muslims more than 90 percent of people and IMO and from my own life experience, sihk men seamlessly integrate into British society because they understand a concept the Muslims do not, respect.
Tldr Sihks are bro tier and I have literally been invited out pakki bashing in Southall by a group of turban lads.
They fucked all the white women in Britain during WW2 whilst the white men were fighting in Europe.
Kraut knows
>Using tldr
Can you go back to redshit pls
Are you 16?
We've been using Tl;Dr for as long at least 8 years.
totally sick dude
smelly disgusting poos. they need to all fuck off
I'll never gonna get why some communities in asia like Sikhs or Gurkhas feel so proud of being the cannon fodder of the Brits.
>muh warrior culture
LOL and what does that gave them? to be the bitches of the British Empire, to send their young to get killed and maimed for a couple of pounds? What kind of honor is that?
Some natives here were real warrior cultures, and they got completely exterminated over that by the Spaniards, because they'll never surrender.
>be poo
>get conquered by whites
>100 years later you're occupying Germany
Poos are invading peacefully, but not in Germany. They are in the US and London mainly.
Honour. Something lowly Argentinos cannot grasp.
Sikhs and Gurkhas are warrior peoples, like the Anglo-Saxon, and are drawn to fight with other warrior castes. And they're not 'cannon fodder' either.
This glorious bastard has a 30:0 kill-death ratio.
Sikhs are sick lads mate, wouldn't expect you yank cunts to understand that though. We know you only see in black and white.
I hope this is sarcasm. But of course you never know with the retarded burger education you guys have over there...
They are literally fighting for their masters. They got conquered by Britain, they have surrendered over 200 years ago.
They have hundreds if not thousands of years of history and they have accomplished nothing with these supposed "great warrior values" of theirs.
Incas were a backwards bunch of peasants in the 1300s, and in 90 years they forged one of the biggest "Empires" (not the right word) of history, considering their stone age technology.
Anyways, if they fight for honor, then you don't owe them shit, they have no right to live there, and they seem not to want to fix their lands.
you are such a fucking fag holy shit
They aren't based. It's like a numale bearded lumberjack Texas fag saying with a lisp, "That sheeeit would never happen in TX ya'll," about a bunch of beaners gang rape murdering a white girl. Happens all the time.
I was in India for a couple weeks and got to see how based the Sikhs really are. Sand nigger pieces of human garbage, that's how based. Love incest, street shitting, rape, stealing. Fuck all the bong Sikhs in this thread, you aren't fooling anyone. Whites don't need you or want you, so stop lying to yourself.
>you must all be a uniform uni-
Marshall race
Professional kebab removers.
digits don't lie, tl;dr is reddit fagonometry now
Hindu Indians hate them and I don't know why.
Apparently they're special and don't have to dress in uniform like everyone else. This is embarrassing.
Very embarassing for the medic who has to drag his sorry ass off the field because his gas mask couldn't seal because of that stupid beard.