Black people are retar-
Any old chimp can put a PC together...
I knew a guy like that. He was the company token. The took pictures just like that one. Total retard. Went to that glorified High School called Tuskegee.
There was another black guy, tho who wanted nothing of it. That guy went to UC Irvine and was an expert on embedded microprocessors.
Look at how he's holding the soldering iron...
Ayyo Hol up.
not a soldering iron you retards, it's a hot air station. Regardless, would still burn you.
Nigger has some wtfshoulders.
black people are retarded.
picture proves it.
look how he lolds that 1000F hot iron.
Here's the original
Oldie but goodie. G8 B8 M8!
Who's got the one of the chick melting her fingers off working on a motherboard?
how many of these threads are you going to make today?
>He's holding the soldering iron wrong! It would burn his hand!
It obviously isn't burning his hand or he wouldn't be able to hold it. Stop pretending you know what you're talking about.
Rural and suburban retards, everyone.
He doesn't even need to look at all the science he's doing.
As an electronics tech that's really disturbing.
The power to the soldering iron is off, the display on the controller is blank.
how is it again that women and nigger's votes count the same as yours?
>grabbing the thing by the part where it gets hot
Yep,knew it
What's this bitch supposed to be doing, discharging capacitors?
desoldering. Taking parts off.
Actually, hes supposed to be looking like a really smart black guy, but it was a fail. He doesn't know what the fuck any of that is.
Do you really want me to say it?
Let's play Hangman:
_ _ _ _
But user, he already IS the King.
he didn't put it together, he invented it.
Look at his eyes, he knows he's a token of the crazy left in a fake photo, and he's not liking it not a bit.
>I'm doing this for the money
>not looking down
Yea, that is pretty retarded. Look at what you're doing and not everything else
I'm a literal white supremacist and I'd never suggest there are 0 blacks of above-average or genius-level intelligence. I've personally met a few. They act like perfectly normal, rational people.
By and large these people simply do not in any way reflect American blacks. Black home and social life is completely dysgenic and only functions based on constant external pressure by elders to not commit crime. Even for black children raised by parents of other races, most of them will never perform as well in Intelligence Quotient or Emotional Quotient exams as White people.
I'm sorry. I can't generalize about every individual black. I CAN generalize about most blacks and blacks en mass, causing harm and constantly burdening our social net and educational system.
It must hurt, i mean holding that so low
>yfw you realize he's playing checkers.
if he was ACTUALLY soldering...he'd be burning his hand right about now
holy shit he is
whats going on here
Rapper Hangs White Child in music Video, gets KOed later. Thread got koed too, while i was cutting webm.
Oh my god. How does neither the actor, nor the photographer, nor anyone else involved in the project know how to use that?
is that Usain?
The Kang was inside him all along...
reported for being a boring piece of shit
It's because he knows that there are no white kangz.
Let's see....
1. Holding soldering iron in the spot it would be hot
2. Soldering iron is turned off
3. Attempting to solder the wrong side of the circuit board.
4. Working on a shitty old motherboard with PS2 mouse and keyboard ports.
I get the soldering iron thing...but why is there a HD with exposed platters on the desk? Is he gonna put spinners on it?
Computers are all racist.
white people are smar-
women are excellent at STEM
>It obviously isn't burning his hand
That's because it isn't on, you dumb shit! You're going to tell ME how to use a soldering iron, you useless fucking libtard? He's just some nigger they used to promote their myth of equality. He doesn't know how to use it. The photographer doesn't know how to use it. Nobody there knows how to use it.
He's scrapping a power supply, other than the lightbulb being in there for some reason the picture checks out.
Okay, this has to be the photographer fucking with the stock photo company. Why the FUCK is there a light bulb in the open power supply?
White men are superi-
Hint to kid... the power supply probably isn't working because there's a light bulb stuck in it.
>that head to shoulder ratio
Jesus fuck
KEK! It'd be funnier with a pipe wrench!
Another hint to the kid: You test capacitors by licking them.
Again, the libtards just drop some clueless asshole in front of a piece of technology and say, "Look like you're doing something technical!"
hes turbo boosting his set up
>You test capacitors by licking them.
Especially the big one in a microwave!
they just grabbed a black guy and said here sit here we need to take a picture of a black person working on computers. Then he went back outside to play b-ball like all Basketball-Americans do.
I'd like to solve the puzzle:
not showing a picture of 5000 chinamen putting my computer together with kungfu
so close, miss
>no grounding
>metal ear piercings
>stock photo
Kill yourself
It's gonna be ready to run Doom 3 !
>Hint to kid... the power supply probably isn't working because there's a light bulb stuck in it.
Don't worry, he has the combo pliers out to apply sufficient force to unplug the wires. Just unclipping them is for pussies! If you don't crack the board, you're doing it wrong!
>so close, miss
She's still soldering the wrong side of the board.
Kys OP
A mulatto can be very smart.
Still is impossible to have a real country with them, it's just Brazilian history.
>"Look like you're doing something technical!"
It's a hot air gun for soldering SMTs with solder paste. Dude in pic is playing with an old Solid State IC board and components.
I replaced my CPU before. This pic is giving me heart palpitations with how wrong it is.
I was just talking about handling the iron.
Baby steps.
Baby. Steps.
>actually putting masking tape on the glasses
The lightbulb shows if it's turned you retard. Have you never opened a PSU?
>Computers are all racist.
You didn't include the computer screenshot of why that guy hates computers lol. He was a sex offender, and his name and photo are on the net. He is mad because he don't grasp that he can't get a job because he is a pedo.
> How do I fix PC?
Women. Am I right, fellas?
Naw. I've never opened it up. Only hooked it up for water cooling.
Is that feminist piece of shit seriously going to solder a CPU and a fan into a motherboard?
I mean, for serious!?
thats bullshit. That happened way before the video.
Here are some little guys.
For U.
This shit seems sexist as fuck.
Like. Computers are hard.
Tech companies don't want you to know this simple trick to speed up your harddrive 10000x. Click here to find out how.
I just went to Shuterstock and could not find any pictures of people holding soldering irons incorrectly. OP's photo in not shown.
People mocking their photos must have caused them to remove the obviously unrealistic ones.
Have fun melting that capacitor and ruining the board. Also why is your hair not in a net, sweetie? And I won't even start with the jewelry.
White kids are sma-
It not even on bumblefuck. He's doing a trial run. Highly advanced procedure.
Is the full tower case still a thing, or is these old photos?