Exporting poorness and stupidity is not enough for a superpower.
>To Russia's west, Poland, Hungary and Romania will seek to recover regions lost to the Russians at various points
What did he even mean by this?
>In the northwest, the Karelian region will seek to rejoin Finland
It's less than 10% Karelian Newborns are less than 5% Karelian.
>In the Far East, the maritime regions more closely linked to China, Japan and the United States than to Moscow will move independently.
There is virtually no trade with the United States and people there don't want to be left alone with the chinks. The total population of the region is less than 4 million people.
No wonder you burgers believe that Vlad Pootin himself stole the election if your think tanks are like this.
>we predicted 20 things but only 1 of them remotely came true
>we're very proud
that report is absolute shit
>china's decline
gave me a good laugh
Whites in Russia will be a minority (45%) in approx 15 years. Official stats based on fertility rates.
>Official stats based on fertility rates.
>posts divorce rates
I'm not sure what's going on anymore.
mmmmmzzzz do you have any boyz for pootey poot?
>40% white
>must be USA
Why are americans so pathetic at trolling?
>losing cultural identity to muslims
>watching helplessly while the US fucks all her old girlfriends in front of her, quaking with impotent rage
>Most sex slaves are sold from russia, and farmed out to rich arabs, dirt turks, and
>women are so fed up with their men their, they are all willing to leave for any foreign cock. even poor chinese cock
smelly dumb burger scum
Are you mentally retarded
LMAO, if Russia becomes 45% white, according to your totally trustworthy "sources" America would be would be around 20%, I don't think you guys are well enough with the 56% whiteness.
Are all burgers like this
Also, it's pretty nice to know that Russians will be outbreeded, even trough they are outbreeding in at least 70% of the federal subjects.
if it were russia they'd all be starving, addicted to heroin, and syphilitic
Would be sad to see them go. Russians are pretty cool. We're like the best of bros right now for the moment in space exploration (we're both working together on the ISS for one example and our astronauts have to learn the Russian language for another example). I think that the drama between our people in the news more like like professional wrestling than actually serious.
Ugh, it's like arguing to a 8 year old. Not worthy
Also :
le 40% Obese
56% white face.
Old forecast.
They've done a complete 180 on their position since
>turk rape babies
Amerimong education everyone
Everyone should stop replying to this
> Clearly a Bait
No one could be naturally retarded as the OP
old news,fake news,they did not forseen Trump card and thought business gonna be as usual- but it didnt.
Post Slavic populations
How's BRICS treating you?
>Old as Fuck data
Russian population growing since 2008
2.48% growth in latest data.
Not pretty welll, country is shithole and will be for a shit ton of time.
>not Zionist propaganda
At least you tried.
We are still trying to recuperate after 13 years of leftism.
Previously they actually predicted Russia will try something stupid around 2015
they did. they promoted trump to run for US president and pulled the strings for him
>Is that your father? It looks like average 56% white american.
Oh, it seems that's the same doc for some reason
Dont forget to SAGE
Also there is a S scripted in a wall.
Confirming my hipothesis that this was made in America.
Not only that, but the ethnic Russian population is growing
Russia is becoming more Russian while everywhere else is just becoming more African.
Woah nigga do you really expect me to read all this sensationalist bullshit?
Stratfor is a joke you fucking idiot.
>Hungarian territories lost to Russians
Only Americans can be this illiterate and retarded.
Also retards don't understand that Russians are ethnic majority on like 90% of Russian territory, and Russians are rather unique in the sense that from Smolensk to Vladivostok you don't even have real dialects.
Russian "Federation" is federation only in name, mainly to appease non-Russian minorities which have minor autonomy.
It's appaling how every retard today can call himself "geopolitical analyst".
Yes, I wrote my comment based on that map.
Also OP, the only possible explanation to such retardness, might be Alzheimer or A good paycheck
>There is virtually no trade with the United States and people there don't want to be left alone with the chinks. The total population of the region is less than 4 million people.
It's more like over 6 million, but I suppose your point stands. But the fact that it's so far away and slowly Chinese businesses are becoming the majority of those around is going to be what steers the course of the region. The fact that there's so few people is *why* it's more vulnerable.
Also, I have no idea how can Karelian region "rejoin" Finland. Those people aren't Finns, they are Finnic (German-Germanic, learn the fucking difference), and Finland literally didn't exist until they separated from Russia after WW1.
In fact Finnish identity was practically created by Russians.
It's amazing how Western ignorance about Russia is still prevalent even though information is very easily accessible. Yet I guess it's easier to write fanfiction than try and learn something.
Well the problem with Karelia is that they have been Russified already.
Stratfor is just a Neocon outfit writing white papers to justify the MIC's unsated desire for bombing the shit out of " 'dem evil Ruskies!" for not groveling in submission because Communism collapsed.
>In fact Finnish identity was practically created by Russians.
Yeah, that's why they spoke their own language, under Swedes and under Russians, because they had no identity.
Kanye west and jay z help russia/putin and friends launder money via cd sales.
russia promotes them to damage us culture
Are you aware of how empty China itself is?
They can't even colonize their own lands, let alone Siberia. And those lands are rich in resources too.
China taking Siberia is some mix of hopeful thinking and total ignorance about the subject.
There is also some tendency among American charlatan "experts" to lick Polish balls and write fanfiction about how Poland is the next superpower.
Meanwhile, in reality, Poland has demographic issues too, shitload of Poles emigrated to West, and Polish GDP per capita is exactly like Russian (just look up CIA report). Not to mention they are ruled by retarded socialists right now who besides telling immigrants to fuck off aren't really the brightest persons around.
Many of Russians have Finnic roots. They are a mix of Finnic tribes and Slavic tribes.
I suppose but it's amazing someone can call himself "geopolitical analyst" and write retarded shit like this.
I didn't mean that Finns didn't exist, I meant that their national identity was created by Russians in order to solidify their control.
Before that Finland was perceived as Eastern Sweden basically.
Finland as a state never existed before the end of WW1 so I have no idea how can Karelia "rejoin" them.
>Therefore, our forecast is that Germany will begin an extended economic decline that will lead to a domestic social and political crisis and that will reduce Germany's influence in Europe during the next 10 years.
Oh yeah can't wait for that to happen again.
Good point, they're still afraid of Uighurs and the fucking Dalai Lama, I doubt that a Siberian land grab against a nuclear power is in the cards anytime soon.
Lots of the poles studying and working abroad in western countries will eventually return to Poland.
Man, that one guy second from the right in the bottom row is Burger-level fat.
Well ironically Soviets also misunderstood situation and were awfully paranoid about China, even more so than against West.
But in reality China would gain little by snatching Siberia, that is if they could snatch it in the first place.
Rest of Asia is a lot more relevant and conductive to their influence.
The SA were pretty burger tier.
article doesn't even mention crimea
that's literally 2 million ethnic russian/ukrainians added
I highly doubt that and that's not even that relevant, what's relevant is that after years of "stellar" success Polish GDP per capita is exactly like Russian.
People can't seem to get a proper image of Russia, either they naively glorify it or go to other extreme and pretend it's perpetually stuck in 90's.
Yeah, but Siberia isn't full of Muslims. It's not like Xinjiang which has literal active resistance. They'll de-facto control the far east by having large economic pull in the region without competition.
I admit, this might end up not happening because they seem to be on their way to demographic collapse just like Russia, but we'll see.
>I meant that their national identity was created by Russians in order to solidify their control
>Before that Finland was perceived as Eastern Sweden basically.
>Finland as a state never existed before the end of WW1 so I have no idea how can Karelia "rejoin" them.
I recomend you stop talking about things you know nothing about.
As you can see it's a map divided in regions.
Russia isn't on it's way to demographic collapse though. And Siberia is (relatively) full of Russians.
See, Siberia is only really friendly to settlement in a narrow strip in the south, and that's where people live. There's some 40 million people there.
Well you may contest 1st and 2nd point, but Finland never existed as a state before 20th century, and that's pretty much a notorious fact.
> the fragmentation of the Russian Federation will not be preventable.
>To Russia's west, Poland, Hungary and Romania will seek to recover regions lost to the Russians at various points. They will work to bring Belarus and Ukraine into this fold. In the south, the Russians' ability to continue controlling the North Caucasus will evaporate, and Central Asia will destabilize. In the northwest, the Karelian region will seek to rejoin.
Romania, Hungary and Poland will dismantle and dismember Ukraine controlled or supported by US? And Romania get Moldavia or Moldavia get Transnitria?
You're right. The report didn't even mention the reorganization of the Russian army, modernizing their equipment in a rapid fashion.
It's a good read. Also looking forward to it. Though in that article the writer states that Belarus insisted that the exercise would remain public while the Russians aren't to keen on preying eyes this year it seems. Would you say there's a growing rift between Belarus and Russia? Lukashenko also gives more domestic speeches in Belarusian instead of Russian like he did for years. Strange times. Former proxy states like Ukraine and Georgia moving away from their supposed ally.
Neither Ukraine nor Georgia were Russian allies. They were simply neutral. Then part of their elites chose to turn to West/America (or were coopted, whatever you believe).
But I think both projects are a failure, since the people Americans chose to back are extremely incompetent thieves.
About Belarus, Lukashenko is growing old. He's afraid Putin will stab him in the back. Contrary to public opinion Belarus isn't really a puppet, Lukashenko is an independent actor, but conforming to Russia more or less because it makes sense.
However realistically Belarus is too connected to Russia to move away, and Belarussian people don't want it either. But Putin doesn't need another Ukraine. So things are kept in some sort of balance, and Belarussians get gibs in return for being allies, like cheap gas and other stuff.
Is there a chance that USA / CIA niggers make Revolution like in Ukraine but in Belarus and change alignment of Belarussians to uSA/EU believe that joining EU with the false song that will get them gibsmedats and improve quality of life?