The solution is simple.
Make it so if companies hire someone that cannot be E-Verified, their employees wages are no longer tax deductible.
It will do far more than workplace immigration raids because it targets all businesses at all levels simultaneously.
What will happen is companies will stop hiring illegals because it will cost them far too much to make a profit.
This will mean all work dries up for illegals.
They will have no reason to stay since they cannot make a wage.
At the same time stop all public assistance to illegals.
They will have to go back to where they came from.
This will make them leave voluntarily and since the government is not forcibly throwing people out public image of this policy won't be perceived as negatively as mass deportations.
I have the peaceful solution to end illegal immigration. Debate me
Other urls found in this thread:
Most companies don't put illegals on record. They just have them do day labor and pay them under the table.
That and ending welfare would also be a strong deterrent without even needing border security. Which is why it will never happen and it will continue to be a problem because they keep handing out visas and they keep overstaying them. No amount of border security can stop the illegal immigration that the USA is experiencing, especially when everyone feels waves of guilt everytime we deport a criminal.
This country is lost.
That isn't true. Most use fake information and don't pass e verify and companies hire them anyways.
>implying they will be taken back.
No chance, no way around killing billions of stupid dreamer at this point. Op is a faggot
If you overstay your visa you won't pass E verify. Which means my above method would still make impossible for them to survive here.
Not an argument. How will my method not prevent them from making a life for themselves here?
Like I said, it will never get passed because it would actually work. You'll never hear it get mentioned as a viable solution to prevent illegals.
Do you have proof? I've always heard it was the other way and based on what I have seen from construction companies picking migrant workers up from the home depot parking lot it made sense. Seems kind of stupid to have a guy on the record if there is a chance he is an illegal.
Sounds perfectly reasonable OP. I think the reason this already isn't happening is due to massive amounts of corruption at the highest levels. This shines a light on the whole 'off the books' shadow economy going on, that encompasses everything from illegal immigration and drugs to God only knows what else.
I work in construction. Nobody on an actual construction site goes out to Home Depot to pick up laborers for the day. The only people that pick them up are people looking for small jobs, side jobs, and home improvemenr jobs. To be in any trade on an actual construction site you have to have some form of license. They check. Big sites have inspectors everywhere. The illegals are able to get the licenses and have no problem gaining employment. The ones you see at Home Depot are the fuck ups without any real qualifications that do shit like landscaping. You won't ever find a licensed electrician or plumber or sheet metal journeyman sitting in front of the store.
Accordingly to Spanish press, a country is safe if illegal immigrants can't be arrested in it.
It is such a simple solution that the fact it isn't being used makes me think they actively want to bring about the destruction of our country. They want us to fight. To start killing minorities indiscriminately so they have an excuse to end us.
Which is obvious bullshit. You can gain asylum legally. My uncles gf was a Colombian refugee. She came here legally because her family had a hit out on them because they were involved in politics. She waited her turn. Came here legally, and got into college, learned the language and is studying for her citizenship. Strict illegal immigration laws don't make her any less safe.
Good to know. It was primarily the landscaping/painting workers I was thinking of. If you want this to get traction make a simple write up and mail it to your congressmen, post it to websites for exposure and you can even do a WH petition. Try and get as many people to see it as possible. Keep a record of all responses and publicise the hell out of it.
I have written letters but I live in the PNW. They don't want to change things. I have sent letters to the White House and emailed them. No response. I even called into the Lars Larson show and got him on board. I don't know why else to do.
Post it to Reddit or other major social media sites. Send it to sympathetic congressmen, even if outside your district. As corrupt as the whole system is, I am sure you can get 1 person who is willing to at least respond. Also try discussing it at the local level to get the community on board. Worst case scenario try to make a PAC with likeminded individuals and lobby for your ideas. Now would be a good time since you would have a year to get up and running before the next election cycle and may be able to get some cheap ad space or a direct line with a person running for office.
That is good advice thanks.
Why is this not a thing?
I'm totally on board with this. One thing to keep in mind they're going to counter with "that's rascist".
Always ask why and never argue against a blanket statement or buzzword. Force them to clarify their stance so you have something concrete to argue against. If they can't come up with cogent arguments, just tell them they are not worth your time and move on. Don't fall into emotional traps.