>if socialism does not work, then how come Norway, Germany, Finland and Denmark are so sucessful?
If socialism does not work, then how come Norway, Germany, Finland and Denmark are so sucessful?
>socialism is when the government does stuff
didn't you just suggest socialism doesn't even work in Scandinavian countries? that's shooting yourself in the foot you retard
Yeah ok.
also, most of the wealth being redistributed in Scandinavian countries right now was accumulated prior to "socialist" policies
When they do collapse upon themselves like Venezeuala in the near future, will you still claim them as socialist countries or will you do as always and say not real socialism?
if the 20th century wasn't enough to discredit commies and socialist, nothing is going to be.
>economy is privately owned and operated
>government taxes private companies and individuals in order to provide gibs to citizens
This is literally capitalism. Welfare and taxes are a capitalist idea.
because it's not real socialism
Because their defense budgets are paid for by the USA and nato, plus most are moving to centre right govt
Because they're not socialist countries.
Retarded kiwi
If these nations were to stay homogeneous, they could be governed by half mad theocratic oligarchs and still be wildly succesful. Niggers are a destructive virus and Europe is just starting to get their first sniffles.
Because we're not socialists.
Because its done in the national interest :^)
B E C A U S E T H E Y ' R E W H I T E
if only you knew how bad things really are in the socialist utopia
I would not call them a success fag.. their gdp to debt ratios are horrid. They are soon fucked. You have no idea on what you speak about
White people.
Because the gov doesnt own the means of production. Ie it's not socialism. Also they are a high iq people with less predisposition to be corrupt so they can actually take a bit more money from taxes from the rich for social services. That will end when the muslims invade their countries, like what is happening in Sweden. Social programs can't survive an open border or even many diferent competing etnic groups.
I think you're about to be schooled by reality, but not by me, I'm too drunk right now
the only thing we succeed in atm is killing ourselves.
Don't worry they will all collapse by the end of the century. Hah Nz, i may immigrate there in the future.
>their gdp to debt ratios are horrid
>debt: $20 trillion
>GDP: $18.5 billion
They control the means of production in health care. They are indeed partially socialist
Gdp to debt ratio dumbass.
They get to be protected by the bubble of protection that capitalist USA provides. It's easy for any form of government to yhrive when they don't have to worry about national defense, protecting their trade routes, or doing research
>he's triggered because he's crushed by debt
Good point
>Capitalists import millions of shitskin subhumans for cheap labor
>this is somehow the fault of socialism
Bourgeois democracy/government cannot implement socialism in any way. It's just another form of welfare.
>shitskins take advantage of welfare
>germany is already fucked
>scandis have no shitskins
>but can't really own a car
>can't really start your own business
Capitalism is not a government philosophy. Countries import people. Monetary systems do not. Get a brain.
Ok... you obviously are clueless
If the goverment literally owns all the hospitals, then what you have is socialized medicine. If there is private clinics of any kind, then that is untrue. IF most hospitals are run by the state this is certainly closer to socialism than some country that doesnt has this, but very far away from everything being run by the government which would be an uter failure like Venezuela. Also don't forget the part that this people (northern europeans) have higher iq than most people around the world, that's really important. Also if they take many migrants the system will collapse because this is funded by the people that own private wealth via taxes.
If you want socialism, just move to Venezuela, commie scum.
>can't really start your own business
Let me tell you about your country.
It's incredibly easy to start a business in Denmark, especially because of our low corporate tax
It's the dose that makes the poison.
How much of the economy is owned and operated by the government in those nations?
Socialism is state ownership of industry or state capitalism; the degree and scale of which is important.
Even the USA held vast government projects in a range of industries for the national good.
>especially because of our low corporate tax
Explain how a low tax on profit makes it easier to start a business. Give details please.
How does socialism not work?
Marxism is not socialism.
Marxism puts intrinsic value to Materials, true socialism places 0 value in materials as all humans are socialized and not materials.
Go to venezuela, cuba or north korea. Excellent socialism at work there.
underrated this literallly communist germany (east germany) was still more roch than all "capitalist" african countries
It makes it easier to survive after the business start because new businesses have very low profit margins and this ha
But they're not socialist countries
Because none of those countries are socialist.
None of them are socialist and all of them are Marxist.
>It makes it easier to survive after the business start because new businesses have very low profit margins and this ha
Is a business somehow vastly more viable by keeping 80% of it's profit rather than just 75% of it's profit?
Imagine being so cucked that you dont have the means to back this. Face it germancuck you are being held hostage by big burger cock (bbc )
>if socialism does not work, then how come Norway, Germany, Finland and Denmark are so sucessful?
Because America's providing them security while they live in their Socialist paradises.
What's there to answer?
You have to be a mouth-breathing retard to think that these countries are socialist.
Retard, those countries aren't socialist. They have a few socialist policies, but overall they are capitalist democracies. They all have strong property rights, for example.
Do they not teach you morons this basic shit in school anymore?
>Norway, Germany, Finland and Denmark are so sucessful?
That is the biggest joke I've heard all damn day. Successful? That's fucking funny.
Socialist are fucking lazy little parasites that bitch and complain because they don't want to work.
Fuck off.
1. Those places are socialist in name, not in actions.
2. Those places are white, so they have high IQ on average and can succeed despite some socialist tendencies.
Up until it reaches a very large size.... abso fucking lutely
Lack of Property rights /=/ Socialism
Socialism is the socialization of the people not the removal of every individuals rights.
What you are speaking of is Marxist Leninism.
oh yeah, they arent socialist. Of course their governments dont control the means of production. If their governments owned the means of production, that would make them a textbook definition of socialism which they totally arent.
Socialism = Everyone of the community having tgeir interests carried out in relation to the community.
Marxist-Leninism = the removal of the rights of individuals, this is not socialism as it is focussed on material paradise and not the sovereign human as the ultimate value.
That is not socialism, it is a corporatist state.
>a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
But how does keeping 5% more of the profit help to start a business?
To gather capital, buy machinery, land, buildings find workers and make deals to buy and sell goods and services?
Surely factors like access to loans, a willing and able work force, cheap property, a robust demand and reliable supply chain would be vastly more important than keeping an extra 5% of the profit.
Requirements for socialism.
1: Wages must be sufficient for a decent living.
2: The people must not have their folk rights oppressed.
3: The right of property of humans must be established so long as the claim to property isnt far removed from the individual and claims much of the nation.
4: The Socialism must be national.
5: Rent is to be abolished.
Because they're not socialist.
Its welfareism
I haven't looked at the others because I can't be arsed but the AVERAGE personal tax rate there is ~56%
If you're alright with OVER HALF of your paycheck getting bent over and fucked, by all means, it is a utopia.
Regulations on things such as cars make it so that the average 20k car in America would cost the equivalent of 60k in Denmark. Land has similar price points. Therefore, very few people in Denmark actually own anything they possess.
Fuckloads of people are on anti-depressants as well.
Fuck off.
All those countries took off because of capitalism and market reforms
Terrific wording, user. Accuracy of that statement gave me chills.
You could almost say our socialism is...national! Like some kind of...National Socialism!
Even the Danish PM gets pissed at people pointing Denmark out as a "socialist utopia".
Seems like Sup Forums's general IQ is falling.
I remember the original pic, poor guy
Because (((Socialism))) and Socialism aren't the same thing.
>Actually falling for the (((Capitalism))) meme
fuck off you leftypol kike
people like you are why the UK is a fucking third world country
go get raped by ahmed faggot
They were successful only when they were white.
they're about as socialist as china is communist.
if communism doesn't work then how come china is booming rn? durr
Germany got heaps of money from the USA in the marshal plan after the war. Other countries all had the freest economies for the first half of the twentieth century and are now slowing down their economies with government programs.
Those are all social democracies like Venezuela
If racism doesn't work why did america become the most powerful nation!
Where are all your niggers that just take from the system without giving back?
they haven't followed anything close to communist theory since the time of Comrade Deng
I think you mean 18.5 trillion
Here is your answer.
>Despite government healthcare they still have a better score than the USA in private property rights index
>private property rights is the core component of capitalism
>Countries even leftist think are the best have the highest level of private property rights. Leftist BTFO.
All say something that will piss off both sides, because it was done by white people. And I say this as a Mexican. Socialism can work but only with white people. That is something no one wants to accept. Why is this? White people dont get careers or college degrees because they want to make a lot of money, they look for rewarding careers, doing something they love to do. Unlike Tyrone the Army cook who joined the military for the pay and benefits, Chad joined the infantry because he loves kicking down doors and fucking shit up, and he would still do it even if they cut his wages in half. So when you give white people free healthcare, free home, free college and other goodies they are still going to work because they work because they love what they do. Being teachers, police officers, nurses, and they will still do these jobs no matter how much you tax them. Brown people on the other hand only work to survive, to be able to put food on the table, have somewhere for their family to live in. If you provide them with a home, food, healthcare at no cost to them, then why would they go out and work and break their back? They already have what they need. Maybe it can work with Mexicans, maybe. They will still work even though you give them everything because Mexicans just love having money in their pocket, but if you are going tax them at 50 to 60% to pay for benefits, I doubt they are going to and pull overtime and shit when you are taking away they are only incentive to work. This is why socialism works in the Nordic countries, its just a bunch of white people who love working. I mean I met blue collar white people who love welding and being electricians, because it makes them feel masculine and alpha af.I doubt they would stop doing those jobs even if you gave them free housing, food and healthcare.
They're small homogeneous white high IQ populations.
All protestants are
holy shit these people exist
Classcuck lol
Maybe mixing a little socialism with a little capitalism makes for a really groovy system, and going to far to any extreme is hazardous? You know equanimity, the middle-path, all that jazz-ma-tazz.
>Those are all social democracies like Venezuela
You are comparing Venezuela to Norway, Germany, Finland, and Denmark?
Have you seen news of venezuela at all these past two years?
fucking deranged dude, scandanavia's problem is the african immigrants from the syrian conflict
venezuelans are starving, looking to fucking rabbits as a food source
this user states the situation perfectly