Babies from Skin cells

What does Sup Forums thinks of this intriguing possibility? It is being done with mice already.
> (CNN)In the not-so-distant future, research suggests, eggs and sperm may no longer be needed to make a baby -- at least not in the traditional way.
>In 2016, scientists in Japan revealed the birth of mice from eggs made from a parent's skin cells, and many researchers believe the technique could one day be applied to humans.
>The process, called in vitro gametogenesis, allows eggs and sperm to be created in a culture dish in the lab.
>Adult cells, such as skin cells, can be reprogrammed to behave like embryonic stem cells and are then known as induced pluripotent stem cells. These cells can be stimulated to grow into eggs or sperm, which in turn are used to form an embryo for implantation into an adult womb.

Other urls found in this thread:



>edition cnn com/2017/02/09/health/embryo-skin-cell-ivg/index.html

Women are becoming obsolete.


God is going to fuck our shit up.

Black babies have been made without fathers for over a century now, why is this news?

I can be mother and father and the same time? Kahn was real

That doesn't negate the fact babies need mothers, something that is enshrined in our DNA through 200,000 years of evolution for our direct species, not to even mention our ancestral species which we share DNA with.

There`s no even need of women`s wombs

>drop kid off at nursery school all day
>go work
>pick kid up
>stop at McDonald's for dinner
>get home
>sit kid in front of tv
>let kid watch spongebob until brain rots
>ignore kid while talking on phone

Mothers lol

How the fuck will kids manage?

holy shit this

Honestly I don't trust the possibly unseen side effects of this method

if nature so far selected very specifically isolated and controlled populations of cells to use for reproductive purposes in the more complex beings, I can only assume it's not easy or convenient in the same way to repurpose other kinds of cells.
How can I believe these pluripotent cells are actually the same as those other pluripotent cells in everything including chemicals percentage in cytoplasm?

>I can be mother and father and the same time?

>be male
>produce both x and y chromosomes
>can actually choose to have a female clone of yourself

i can't even take care of myself and now I'm supposed to take care of a kid? fuck that

>babies need mothers
They need fathers. Modern {{{women}}} have demonstrated themselves to be worse than useless.

>Step 1, buy Japanese sex robot
>Step 2, get artificial womb
>Step 3, birth as many children as you can afford
>Step 4, raise an army of RWDS
>Step 5, profit from all the father's and mother's day gifts

much more beneficial than having a (women)

>What does Sup Forums thinks of this intriguing possibility?

Roasties BTFO.

this is evil

kekked and checked

scared roasties?

keep larping fucking retard. women aren't good parents. single mothers are worse than anything for society. live off government welfare and completely neglect the children. the average roastie lets their baby stare at the ceiling for 9 hours while they're on facebook. kys the myth of the "mother" has been destroyed


Women aren't good parents by themselves. Both a mother and father are required. Stop projecting. The fact is you're a beta, or even worse an omega, and can't get pussy. You've let that fester into an entire world view. Sad as fuck lad. Sort your head out. You're not going to change millions of years of evolution you dumb cunt. Exactly the same reason why feminism has made less happier and worse off. It goes against evolutionary behaviour.

>>sit kid in front of tv
You forgot to mention the iPad aswell. I unironically know single mothers like this.

Exactly the same reason why feminism has made women less happier and worse off. It goes against evolutionary behaviour.***
They need fathers and mothers you black pilled irrational cuck.

Correct. You can already see it beginning.

You had a bad mother huh?

Abominations and chimeras soon

you can already make sperm from egg cells. But to me it feels wired. There was a reason why evolution made mammals produce with two different gen vehicles.
I mean, inbreeding with your mother or daughter is bad but producing with yourself is not? where is the genetical variety then?
Gattaca is near it seems

If you're presuming there is some sort of reasoning behind the undirected development of the specifies through gradual change and mutation, you misunderstand something about evolution.

The moment you inject reason into the equation - making assumptions or predictions about what might, or might not, be advantageous looking forward - is the moment it ceases to be evolution and becomes something else. Something directed. Something "reasonable".

Either its evolution and there is no reason, no direction.
Or there is reason, a direction, and it is not evolution.

haha roasties better learn their place soon

aussie on vacation?

Wow, we will be able to replace women soon.


We will eventually have this within 7 years and there will be plenty of options. Think about this for a moment. That will be amazing. Sci Fi reality come to life.

I don't know, man. I don't see the point of having a kid without a woman. Kids need a mother, either in form of a woman or a realistic wifebot.

Holy shit I'd have guessed early 30s.


and that's some of the better ones

that's the dad's age.

>Nature and animals are wonderful and deserve our respect
>LOL, lemme take degrading selfie with elephant dick

Daily Reminder that if you were born in a vat you are disconnected from the lineage of humanity and are no longer a human.

That's a fucktoy tho

>man cuts off balls and becomes a woman
>marries a faggot
>doctors take the balls grind them up
>faggot cums on the ground up balls
>9 months later all male gentically engineered quadruplets are born
>ballless man and faggot raise and rape the kids
>the kids grow up and follow their fathers footsteps
>the cycle repeats

why would they want to do that

>female clone of yourself

>Head transplant to be performed in December

>Trannies can clone themselves a real female body.

You can't make Y chromosomes though. It is entirely possible to use a double copy of a man's X to make girl babies.

>That scar on the back.

2/10 would not bang.


>That doesn't negate the fact babies need mothers,

Jew detected.

You dont need women to have biologically able children. Also you could probably make some designer babies easier by changing the dna in the egg before impregnated

Once this technology is perfected the elites will make everyone sterile and they will control the production of new humans

Hopefully they won't mass produce niggers this time.

women didn't raise children you little delusional cuckold faggot or maybe you're a dumb fuck roastie bitch. women breastfed children and then the child raised itself mostly. children worked jobs starting at 5 or they went to schools where they were taught by men for pretty much the entirety of history.

the only thing whore mothers did was teach their slut daughters how to maintain the home and that's it. mothers never had anything to do with men

how can bl*ck boiz even compete?

Yes. Gonna be fun times ahead.

no need for women
lower their value in society

>popping out a baby is what qualifies you to be a mother

isn't this 2017? Who wrote this fucking article, a bigot?

Makes one wonder if there will be genetic deterioration of the species using this method of reproduction.

Man, fuck women. They're manipulative, whore-ish, disloyal, and don't contribute anything to society. They'll never do anything for you, or you principles.

>Be in high school
>Be on school's cross country team
>Before every meet, our team is congregated under the team's tent waiting for the races to start
>Coach's wife and 1 year old daughter always shows up about 30 minutes before the race
>1 year old daughter always recognizes are uniforms, and runs up to us to give each individual person on the team a hug
>We look absolutely ridiculous when she does this, and are laughed at by everyone
>One day I get absolutely annoyed when she does it
>She gets to me, and I push her off of me, propelling he about 4 feet in the air
>Coach is absolutely infuriated at me for refusing to baby sit his child, and starts to yell at me
>I start to yell back and tell him how his daughter made our team look like an absolute joke before every race
>Kicks me off the team right then and there

I didn't give a fuck then, and still don't give a fuck now. I stood my ground and stayed by my principles. It's not my fault he's raising a whore for a daughter.


Were you bullied in school you fucking fag?
I wish we had gone to the same school together, I would have sniffed you out as a bitch the moment we meant and enjoyed every moment of making your life miserable.

howdy reddit

>disrespecting children.
Be a man you pussy

it's like if a millenial called their ww2 veteran father a nazi.

Wow, so now the only projected value of women that people in "sexbot future" threads assumed, is gone. Sup Forumsacks thought women's only value in the future would be egg farms. Now they won't even have that

You launched a one year old? And you feel justified in that? You somehow think you're a good person.

let it slide

>being able to breed/clone humans from skin cells
Isnt this basically half the plot of Dune

That user may very well be a fag, but you just trumped him with this megalofaggot reply

>You're not going to change millions of years of evolution you dumb cunt
>what is genetic engineering

>Which are then placed in a womb

Nice reading comprehension.


I agree with you. All the people berating you are faggots.
Do you honestly think you're tough? You're an edgy little faggot who's probably a manlet.

Take your soma


All we need are artificial wombs and sexbots now then women will be obsolete.

There is a big difference between if its possible and if its affordable and the market usually chases 15-30 yrs behind

how long do you guys reckon human engineering will be made legal?

I bet as soon as rich chinese men start doing it america will follow

So how soon until someone swipes skin cells off some celebrity to make a rape slave clone at home?


>implying that pic related isn't posted on Sup Forums with great regularity

not at all

wtf, tell me this is pasta. It's a small child, a 1 year old who wants to hug people.

>Adult cells, such as skin cells, can be reprogrammed to behave like embryonic stem cells and are then known as induced pluripotent stem cells. These cells can be stimulated to grow
So you're saying I can have my foreskin back? Where can I donate to this and how can i help them speed it up?



>letting the globalist elite in power literally make their own humans
how fucking retarded are you people anyways?

Leaving humanity behind?

It's not them making babies
it's your choice, if feminists
and faggots want to not have
kids, and single dudes want
to raise kids, it's all about
the future, and the Man's choice

Some of us had friends, but yeah. Basically.

So I can make eggs from my skin and then what?

Fertalize them myself for selfcest baby? Have some chad fertilize them? Is this for gay people?

>That doesn't negate the fact babies need mothers
[Citation needed]

This creates jobs. Will have to hire nannies L


I bet some mangina judge will give her full custody

You're literally socially handicapped, somewhere between legitimately mentally retarded and autistic. Life is going to be extremely fucking hard for you, I'd recommend suicide ASAP.

Lol, that fucker ran out of mana long ago.

>tfw gay
>tfw might be able to carry on a "real" family after all
I always wanted to have like 8 kids and contribute to the white race.

I think nursery school is a bit young for friends in any real state, generally at that stage they are only for parents to watch.

what about making a female clone of myself then when shes 17 fucking her and making a baby?

People actually fell for this bait.

Channers are fucken dumb.