Dare I say, Harvard are /ourguys/? Harvard has dissociated themselves with the mentally ill tranny Brian Manning. Brian Manning decided to become a woman after living life as a man. Harvard found this to be reprehensible and refused Brain from speaking. Thoughts?
It was more to do with her (him) being a "traitor", leaking classified information to wikileaks and then serving seven years in prison before being pardoned by Obama, and invited fellows like Mike Pompeo and Michael Morrell pulling out because they invited Chelsea Manning.
It has nothing to do with being trans, it was more about losing other fellows over their decision to invite Chelsea, which was seen as a clear insult to those invited one being the CIA director.
It was a careless and idiotic move by Harvard to do what they did. They weren't disinviting Chelsea because they were trans, they were doing it because they lost fellow speakers because Chelsea leaked classified information and was labeled a traitor.
naw that's just the cover story.
Havard elites understand that trans is a mental illness. They're /our guys/
>implying you wouldn't fuck baliey jay when she had a hairline
I stand corrected then. They are /ourguys/
Thought it's name was Bradley.
Being a reasonable person equates to being one of pol's guys.
I honestly want to just kill myself
the fuck i love harvard now
Yeah they were always ourguys. Didn't you hear that they segregated their graduation for niggers. They are sticking a middle finger to lefties and they don't even know it. They think putting niggers in positions where they don't deserve will help them but it will inevitably eliminate the negro from higher education after they all fail in 3 generations
I requested permission to join harvard I was a professional in memeatics and they denied me. Fuck harvard
Also archive your links nigger.
That is what (((they))) want you to think. dont fall for the tricks goy.
wow, this logic is just, so much bullshit
I want to fuck that tranny. Help.
>Harvard are /ourguys/?
they were founded with slave money
No. They specifically banned one transgender who the NSA said was a security risk or some bullshit. Her gender is irrelevant.
WTF I love Harvard now?
I mean, this is cloudy. It makes sense because Harvard is but a tool of the elite, but even still, I'm uncomfortable with it. Manning, despite issues, is generally held to have exposed war crimes and to have been unjustly imprisoned until Obama pardoned Manning for brownie points at the last possible moment. This is just another form of bullying people into silence, as is common in modern universities.
I don't think this is a good thing.
>manning was released
fucking hate this country.
His mental illness isn't why he was banned you dense fuck. It's his association with Wikileaks.
This had better be bait.
>Manning, despite issues, is generally held to have exposed war crimes and to have been unjustly imprisoned
What? He leaked 1 video exposing war crimes while also releasing a shit ton of private information as well as strategic information.
I mean maybe I'm missing something, but honestly I feel like Manning just got luckily swept up in the incredible leaks of Snowden, and people confused Manning to be a Snowden-esque whistleblower, while he was really just a traitorous liberal cunt (and tranny).
God, I wish I could be that pretty
>1 war crime
By one war crime you mean a lawful engagement against armed combatants, right?
Regardless of some of the possible good or bad the leaks may have done, it's still in bad taste to invite someone would may have put CIA agents in danger because of those leaks when you are also inviting the director of the CIA. They needed to put a little more thought into who they were inviting.
Was it? I thought it was shooting of civilians.
Hardly. More like a Reuters photographer and a Sadrist RPG team.
>walk into men's room
>see this
Why are trannies becoming more prevalent?
>single example
>uses plural
I think you mean Bradley manning
Harvard is filled THE MOST bluepilled cucks possible. You are retarded if you think they are your allies. Top tier universities USED to be respectable, now they contribute nothing but laughs to the world.
>try to fuck it
>turns out it doesnt have a penis
>punch her in disgust
u got me good leaf
Linetrap told me I was handsome many years ago, actually. :3
the cia doesn't tolerate leakers of any kind except when they do it to trump. MAGA! fuck the deep state!
a. fucking. leaf.
Princeton and Uchicago are probably the only two top universities that have a shred of credibility left to them. Princeton because of certain professors, and Uchicago because of administrative stances on unpopular/offensive opinions.
Just admit you fucked up
>t. Princeton and U Chicago alum.
The fact is that intelligent people can still be found at top universities, but the systems as a whole exist to promote a leftist social agenda. That's it.
>high taxes and so called "government services"
>government erasure of consequences of sexual irresponsibility
These are the goals of the university now, not to educate or solve any real problems.