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If a girl cheats on you just have your friends pick her up, drop her in the middle of the desert and then have an airtight alibi.

she's a fucking hardcore 311 fan, who followed them across the country and went on a 311 cruise. fuck her and him and their friends. all people with shit taste in music deserve to be slaughtered.



Dude worked at Texas Instruments then met this skank that worked as a waitress. He married her, supported her, bought a house and everthing. The skank cheats on him (its his fault somehow), he loses his job, all his friends side with the skank. he loses the house and the money in the joint bank account. She starts fucking black guys in his house and he kills her and 7 other people at the party. Then a cop killed him.

TL;DR Balding Nu-male is devastated when his whore gf cheats on him, snaps and kills multiple people for some reason. They are both degenerates and both deserve what they got

if he was alive, i would have a beer with him. after what he did.

>white women in a nutshell

She cheated first... hmm.
I still say they were drug mules.

He did good. The way these people live cant be permitted.

I'm sure she did absolutely nothing to kick the hornets nest.

>Good looking, successful guy gets betrayed by his wife and his friends. Guy kills wife along with some of his/her friends.

This is an r9k wet dream.

Lol fucking leaf, he took out 7 degenerate faggots off the Earth. He's more of a white nationalist than you ever will be. Larper, go kys honestly inshallah

>muh r9k
What's with this meme? R9k are all underage incels who would never get a girl to begin with let alone be cheated on.

Same desu, sounds like the guy had the quintessential MGTOW nightmare fate.

Pretty epic he didn't take it lying down

>calling people roasties
>caring at all about shifting social dynamics within an ever changing society and devoting your spare time to wishing ill on those who have sex

you truly are a wizard OP

Hey man nice shot

I have never had such a good feeling about a killers as this. The bitch so deserved it. Rest in peace Spencer bro

Clearly there was a state actor involved.

>Work for Texas Instruments
>Become a tool.


White knighting after she's dead....


Yes blame the girl and not the actual sociopath.

this guy is a hero tho.

because hes the one in hundrets, who actuallly did the right thing and took revenge, before killing himself.

so he ERRADICATED the injustice and didnt just totally uselessly kill himself.

KUDOS go out to that guy !!

yes KUDOS if u think he did the right thing in his situation, where he had literally nothing to lose.

thanks for the LT;DR

This again? I do admire him enormously though, I have nothing but respect for him, he's done what we'd all like to do.


someone put his name on the memorial, this martyr shall be remembered.

Listen here mulatto, 311 never happened.

he killed taytays cat? why?

good for him

Is this music?? I lesson to better sega and mega man music.

I don't know who the other 7 people were, but the bitch definitely had it coming. How the fuck did he lose the house after the skank cheated on him. In the case of adultery, the skank should get nothing.

He is a loser and a scum bag, but if she didn't cheat like a roasty bitch her and her friends would be a alive 1 less roasty 1 less neet beta loser and 7 less roasty enablers

Why are these ignored?
>drug dealer
>lazy fuck
She shouldn't have cheated on him but he is still a degenerate.

>he doesn't realise Sup Forums is a minority of (((intelligent))) satire artists and a huge majority of retards who take it as fact
Sorry, you sir are and Idiot :)

Literally who?

Is he wearing makeup? Kinda gay m8

obviously this guy is shit and hes better off dead but I really REALLY fucking hate when women do the whole "break your heart/destroy your life" and then go "why can't we be friends? tee hee!"

fucking women are ten times more empathetic than men, they know exactly what they do when they fuck with someones head, and they will keep it going for fucking years, all for fun

again, this guy had other fucking issues and you shouldn't kill your ex or your friends, but reading the post when the guy is saying "all she wanted was to make up bro" I want to smack him and ask him if he's ever even met someone with a vagina


Also notice how this story didn't get any national media coverage. They don't want other cucks getting any funny ideas.

That weapons grade reddit cuckery

>marrying a whore who cheated on her boyfriend and left him for you

>being suprised that shes a habitual cheater

Looks like spencer did the world a huge favor desu

stupid question, the skank is a woman

Because we Americans still view sluts as females when they are sub human trash. I dont get why females win anything in the courts and it only furthers the case against marriage or doing anything for them.

>She wanted him to grow the fuck up so they could all be friends again.


>Being taught SQL
Silly, you either learn it or you never get it

What a hero.

Says the whores mother.

Thats why they are ignored.

If you remove all the speculation on others' mental states and apologetics the story seems very clear. Guy suffers narcissistic injury, woman decides she'd rather trade up than help him, he snaps. Basically the family destroyer story.

I know you already want to object that she did help him, but she did not. She patronized him by treating him like a woman. A man who thinks of himself as a man (whether misguided or not) isn't looking for handouts and support, but that was all she was willing to offer him. So long as she did this, she further hurt his identity. So and so. So he doesn't get angry, he rages.

I'd guess if the cops didn't kill him he'd have killed himself.

The worst part of this is that he didn't start out as a family destroyer. They typically hide their failure in a web of lies and then kill the family when the lies are about to be revealed (or when they have been), to "protect" them from his failure. This man clearly was willing to live in his failure and do something about it. But the continuous bullshit by the girlfriend definitely turned a routine narcissistic injury into a fullblown case of rage.

Shame it had to turn out like this, she probably thought she was helping at first.

Those screencaps are far too biased. It paints her as a saint who was forced to cheat to escape from a baby eating sociopath.

>Let's be friends
>Deletes phone number
>1 year later she tries coming back thinking I will be her doormat when things go south and be a rebound
>Talk to her lead her on
>Suddenly block her number and then play video games

If more men did this and the betas stopped orbiting. Females will get the message and would be forced to start shaping up.

It blows my mind that people don't get this fact. If a woman will cheat on her partner with you, she will find a way to mentally justify cheating on you with someone else. Every fucking time, and yet people act shocked that this happens.

>She starts fucking black guys in his house
Where did you get that from?

>He was jealous that she cheated on him and he was too much of a self centered little prick to move on
So let me get this straight, this whore cheated on him and it is somehow his fault? No, this degenerate bitch got what she deserved, break up with him, sure, but don't cheat on a man and not expect a fucking retaliation.

>she was a "free spirit"
>goes on 311 cruise with ex
>"things" happened

This world is not real.

>all his friends side with the skank
Pretty strong indicator he was the asshole in this relationship. Well, that and the whole "mass murderer" thing.

They do it to help themselves look past their own flaws and taking dudes to the cleaners.

Nevermind that you just took a guys hard earned home and savings from him, you extended an olive branch and he denied it, making you the better person. Even if you fucked up his life after cheating or whatever.

Manipulation games to the bitter end.

can i get a basic gestalt on this reddit shit

3 of the 8 murder victims were black

she went to 311 concerts

no way she DIDNT get porked by some swarthy drug dealer weedman

They both sound like human garbage.


>nu-male cuck can't hold a job so slut cheats on him

uh really breaking news here. why are white "men" so fucking fragile? lol

This man is correct. Damn shame on all accounts. The woman was just being narcissistic herself. She couldnt bring herself to seperate completely from the man because it made her feel bad.

She pulled being a retard hard and pissed on his identity. None of these people shouldve died, just shouldve acted like better people.

nvm, yeah. she was probably a coalburner.

Maybe she was using the financial security he helped her create while telling them how much she cared and was trying to help while he was busy losing everything he owned. And how many of them was she fucking?

Yeah, you can cheat and steal from many people, but eventually there is someone crazy enough to do this to restore their honor. People should really consider how they treat others. If you're just going to hurt your spouse don't marry at all.

She had it coming.

this writeup has a lot of personal attacks against the guy, so it's really biased and puts into question the validity of the entire account.

it's pretty incredible how many guys fall for this, and how many women do it shamelessly

a good test for women is to have them read that article
there are only two possible reactions:
1.) they read and say "that's fucked up, do women actually do that?"
2.) they say "oh yeah, my back up guy is X"
I think we all know which is the right answer
>inb4: she can answer 1 and be lying cuz le all women lie

From what I can tell.

Some reprobate married a degenerate, the degenerate cheated on him and and took him to the cleaners + all his friends.

In retaliation he killed her and some of her friends before being shot by the cops.

So yeah, self cleaning gene pool.


>get married
>lose self
>wife cheats
I didn't read the r*dd*t posts. Is that how it went?

This is stupendous news.

A roastie and her friends got ventilated as well as a deadbeat cuck. Is it wrong that I'm extremely happy about this?

Good point. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I think you're way overestimating tech support's salary lol

The fuck is this degenerate celeb shittery and why is it on this board.


They have to live with themselves, so they'll turn him into the other so they can sleep at night.

But in their dreams, they'll have found a way to help him.

roastie slut cheated on her cuck of a husband, husband goes full Elliot Rodgers on slut and her roastie friends

>amber is the color of your bloody floor

I love the whole "women should be afraid all the time" shit coming out of this. Yes. Tell woman that they are constant threat all the time, that won't have adverse effects at all.

not at all

I'm gonna let you in on a secret: His friends wanted to fuck his girl. Of course they sided with her.

just from reading that, i think its actually her ex, or another guy she cheated with.


leave your cliches for plebbit and facebook, fagget.

You can get killed walking your doggie.

Yeah, there is no such thing as shared property. If shit hits the fan stuff always belongs to someone above everyone else.

you could get raped pumping gas

Makes me think of a dude I kind of knew. Lost his job, had a hard time finding a new one. No drinking or drugs problems. Solid dude. Wife was about to leave him then his business finally took off. Then she stayed. Reminder bros, if you hit hard times or get depressed for any decent length of time your woman will cheat and most likely leave you.

Its funny because females are encouraged to cheat and have backup plans and think they are upgrading when they do not realize that the person they want will dump them and the person that truly loved them will move on and get someone who will. I have played the relationship Game too many times to have it happen again.

That's fucking awesome

So in short, nothing of value was lost. Least the guy grew a pair of balls to do what was necessary

This is why you ALWAYS have binary relationships. 1 or 0. If she pushed for 0.3 then YOU give her 0. Then she will beg for 1. Then you can give her 1 or 0.

Women "branchwing". A lot of people dont get what this actually means. A monkey never lets go of a branch until it firmly is grasping another. It doesnt fly in mid air hoping to catch a branch.

Its up to you to be a tall enough tree that small trees dont interest her. And you dont go to a forest of super tall trees with slut monkeys saying "hey come swinging with us its fun ditch ur tree hes a creep"

Was she financially supporting both of them when she was jobless? Idiot.

I had a girl try to pull this shit on me once to my friends. She literally paid only the electric bill. There's psychos.


I could have fucked a married ho recently but shit like this is why I didn't. You never know when some guy is going to snap. The ten commandments exist for a reason I guess.

Agreed it is clearing the gene pool. The less we have of this the more we can get back to older values.

>he made her cheat on him
what is this?




>In the case of adultery, the skank should get nothing.

Welcome to the US Court system.
>Be me. Married for 8 years.
>Get a decent job, downside is that I have to travel for work a couple weeks every two months.
>Get a text from my neighbor during a trip. "I don't know how to tell you, but your wife has a guy staying over every time you're away." Sends pics of the dude and my wife, his car, etc.
>Confront wife. She denies. Show pics. She confesses.
>Divorce court time!
>Her lawyer successfully plays the card that she should get half of everything because she doesn't work. End of having to sell my house that I brought into the marriage in order to give her half of the value (which was more because I had to quick sale it at a loss).

Of course, maybe my lawyer was shit. But I've spoken to guys in similar situations and it seems like women have to REALLY fuck up in order to not profit from a divorce.