Why Japanese hate Christians?

Seriously why do Japanese hate christians and Christianity so much? Hundreds of thousands of books were created by the Tokugawa Shogunate to disprove Christianity to Japanese and then Japanese upped the crime by killing priests and converts.

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Biggest rising religion in Japan right now weeb, such your cotton mouth

Even today Japanese hate and mock Christianity, they hate it even more than Islam. Japanese spit on the cross and stamp on the picture of Jesus constantly.

Because we, the Portuguese, traded Japanese women (to be used as sex slaves) for guns, that some warlord in Japan used to conquer the country fully, and that led to the rise of the Tokugawa, and the OG Tokugawa's mentor, or some shit like that, got annoyed with Jap Women being sold, so he expelled all Portuguese from Japan and outlawed Christianity

It's all Portugal's fault

that was during the samurai era you fucking leaf

The Japanese were red pilled about culture changes.

We fucked them over with Shogun MacArthur and now they're a dying people.

Fuck that mamma's boy MacArthur.

>Why Japanese hate Christians
For the same reason Europeans hate Mudslimes.
Religious zealots trying to force their foreign culture on another culture.

sage niggers, this guy is obviously baiting us lol.

>fuck MacArthur
>not fuck the howling yellow nips who killed 2,400 Americans in a cowardly sneak attack

Read a bit about their earliest encounters with the Christians. Catholic churchs were opiom markets, slave trading (which was illegal in Japan), and ultimately served as the spring board for a failed invasion of the country. They also lied about the beleifs of their religion in order to make it presentable and than went around preaching all the importaint ancestors figures were burning hell for not worshipping Kike-on-astick.

And than the Christian pull the victim card.



Japense raped and tortured Christian priests to break their spirits and when they couldn't they killed them in the most gruesome fashion. Fuck YOU.

Shogunate was like 500 years ago user...
I don't think Japan hates Christianity, they just don't care since western influence didn't spread to Asia.

it's a foreign religion for slaves that belongs to the middle east

And now the closest the Portuguese can do is fap to an anime board, irony.

Now days they dont really.
Back then it was seen as foreign influence and a corruption of japanese ideals. That and they really fucking hated that these new jap Christians were supposed to be pope loyalists instead of imperial or shogunate loyalists.

Nobunaga was decent but his successor Hideyoshi (or whatever fuck changed his name like 4 times) started mass persecution.

(((The Japanese churches)))
Pic related is an Anglican Church in Japan.

>weeabo defending this hard

Christianity was spread easily in Japan because regular Japanese were fed up with shitty lying Buddhist and Shinto teachings as well as savage barbaric samurai class that took advantage of them.

Because of that Christian funded rebellion

That was after persecution and killings though.

hol up

christians are annoying . also christians in europe bragged about slaughtering peaceful pagans in europe without warning when they refused to convert.

and the crusades they killed pagans and jews... and the conquest of the americas the justification was that the indigenous people were not christians and thus anything could be done

turn about id fair play. i dont think christians have room to cry foul

Yeah this happened 400 years ago. Oda Nobunaga liked learning about foreign things and buying foreign tech like guns and ships. He did it in exchange for letting Christianity spread.

When he died his second Hideyoshi took over and slowly realized the power the Christians had gained over large swaths of the country,

Seeing them as a threat to his power, he purged them.

westerners literally used religion to fuck over japan's neighbors


Here ya go!

Christianity was still very small in Japan and mostly present in Kyushu. You japfags defend religious intolerant and genocide on Christians in Japan and even today Christans are mocked and hated in Japan.

Not all.

>Japanese hate Christianity
>Men are beta cucks and fertility rate it extremely low
>They're going to need immigrants to survive 70 years

This is what happens when a country doesn't accept Jesus as their Lord and savior.

Found it funny that the audience despite being horrified still felt sympathetic for the Japanese cruel punishments and measures to protect their land and culture against an invading religion but don't see the symptoms happening here now with Islam.


Because committing Sudoku is the opposite of "honorable" for christians.

You mean like Europe and America? Oh wait

because Christianity a perverted version of Buddhism, used to enslave people into ignorance.

>Why Japanese hate Christians?
Yeah, why would a people hate foreigners trying to come in and destroy their traditions and heritage? How strange.
>goad an attack to enter a war you have no business in
>it's their fault they went for it.
You fucker. They wanted us in that war, they knew the attack was coming, they needed it to happen to have a reason to be in the war. You piece of shit.

>Japense raped and tortured Christian priests to break their spirits and when they couldn't they killed them in the most gruesome fashion
They deserved worse.

There are a decent number of Churches in the south of Japan, near where the Europeans mainly entered the country in Nagasaki. Sadly, several Churches and their congregations were destroyed by the atomic bomb. There is a rich culture there of the persecuted Church from the time after the death of Oda Nobunaga, (pic related) is a photo I took at the martyrs memorial while in Japan. I don't think there's as much modern disdain for Christianity, but, >"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few"

>giving them an opportunity to overplay their hand and show the world why they should be burned out of the pacific island by island is just as bad as launching an illegal assault on a nation you aren't at war with

Excellent logic there, Sue. They deserved every ounce of explosives we dropped.

>targeting MacArthur
>not a shill

Because Truman bombed all the Japanese Christians that is why. Also Japan is the Jewish-Norbert-Weiner-Cybernetic-Golem capital of the world. Why wouldn't the hate Christians?

>waah waah, why won't they let us replace their culture and traditions with our shit?

>we need to stop the islamification of Europe
>why Japan kill our missionaries? We just want to replace their culture
What hypocrisy.

>Europe is Christian
>Rules the entire world for hundreds of years
>Europe stops being Christian
>Degenerate, Communist, Fag infested, Shithole, with beta cuck men, low fertility rates, and a fuck ton of niggers invading the continent turning it back in 50 years

>Most powerful country in the world, wins ever war fought, over 90% white
>Christianity starts to decline in the 70s
>Degenerate, Communist, Fag infested, Shithole, with beta cuck men.

Geez, must be a coincidence.

>US gets their electronics, steel and auto industries dismantle by the Japs in the 80s
>Inadvertently turning Detroit into a combination of post-atomic Hiroshima and 80s Robocop
>3rd largest economy in the world
>your kid is probably a Weeb
Sure showed them. GG.

Stop defaming the flag of Dixie with your faggotry. Christianity is about culture second, primary is saving souls.

Japan was and is a traditional society at its core.
Christianity is, pardon the expression, anathema to national tradition - either you reinterpret it through the lens of Christian belief or you dispense with it entirely.
There's no way in hell that Japan could have remained Japanese while converting to post-Reformation Catholicism, no chance at all.


Islam in the Balkans was allowed to exist and christanity in the middle-East also was allowed to live but why Japanese bigots genocide Christians and foreign priest in most cruel and horrible fashion?

They're smart enough to realize Christianity is how the white man used to brainwash the lesser races

Fuck off, you human garbage. Souls aren't real, you dumb piece of shit.
Because they didn't want their cultute replaced with foreign shit.

Interesting, isn't it? Same reaction muslets have when 'they' are attacked, for any reason.

'Ooga booga brrrrrro, fookin kuffah fookin pehsecyootin' muslimeen when dey make dawah, fookin haram innit tho brrrrrrrro.'

Actually it's declining. Buddhism is the only religion that is growing in Japan.

Despite Christianity only being 1% of the population. Half of the Royal family is Catholic. 7 of their prime ministers have been Christian. In recent years percentage of upper class children (regardless of faith) atteding Catholic schools has exploded due to the quality being seen as better and it being seen as a status symbol. Bascially Japan will be part of Christendom within a few generation.

I'm am at heart Abrahamic not pagan or atheist-Buddhist, christanity is why the world exists today and I will never forgive Japanese for what they did to Christians.

Why should they love christians? Thanks for your shit stupid gwailo, die in your muslim ghetto now.

>die in your Muslim ghetto

Why don't you?

Because we didn't want to get colonized, and it worked.

Goy vey...

Japs killed over 300,000 Christians and over a thousand white Christians. Japanese deserve every thing they got from Truman.

Be careful not to cut yourself on that edge.

That's the reason Japan was the only non European country that could compete with European colonial powers, it wasn't stupid to allow any unnecessary foreign crap or influence in their land

You're going to get colonized by Chinks and Pajeets soon though, nip.

They saw the jew.

Now they are happy with their cartoon jew

I'm Japanese, only on business visit, Sweden horrible ghetto. Typical Christian, all christian nations are ghettos now.. wonder why?


Goddammit after watching this powerful movie I am extremely upset at what you fucking nips did.

Japan will be a ghetto soon you dickless nip. Enjoy your digeaters and streetshitters.

Why shouldn't they?

Sup Forums constantly bitches about their countries culture being invaded then you want Japan to play nice with an invasive culture from the Middle East?

make me think of time, when christians killed and tortured other christians... you call us savages?
You raped by muslim and savage!!!

Christanity is a European religion and is fundamentally the moral ideology and culture that we all must help spread!

Based Japanese Death to Jesus and Christianity.

There definitely was a big recent wave. Attack on Titan has this subplot that is basically just saying CHRISTIANITY IS STUPID, Spice and Wolf has a running theme about the Inquisition being the most awful thing in history, and SILENCE is literally Christians admitting they were wrong to ever bring Christianity to Japan.

Because Buddhism > christianity

>ignoring the Japanese martyrs.

we put faith in our people, no shits will be allowed unlike Canada which is shit capital number one.
You shitty muslims now!!! Eat poop like your ancestor!!

Christianity is -100% European.

Christianity is as European as a dagger stabbed in you is European.

That is not proof that Japan hates Christianity today or historically. That's proof that the Tokugawa Shogunate hated Christianity in it's time. I know someone who's been to Japan reguarly and they tlel me that Japan finds Catholicism in particular, to be interesting and exotic. Sorta a cool wierd religion from a exotic culture. In a good way. The two bombs that landed on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had massive Christian populations. If those bombs hadn't landed. Japan would have had a substantial Christiano population these days. I don't think that it is seen with any sort of disdain or disrespect by them these days.

WW2 Japs were pretty wacky! They thought they're emperor was the sun god or some shit haha!

Moron, without Christanity Europe would have still been savage and barbaric. Europe became powerful because of Christanity.

Christianity creates the preconditions for cuckery? Big surprise.
Why is it that only Christian societies end up this way?

>Ho, yass, me so solly, me on business visit gwailo, ahso me Japanese!

Take your pills, LARPcuck.

Christianity is not why the world exists, and you only like it because its 'yours'.
If you want to worship Yahweh, go to Israel. He's their national deity, not yours.

he was? of course fatty burger dont have culture but we japanese are proud people, we believe in emperor, we dont suck muslim dick!!!

Your desert poison will end this century.

Wrong. Japanese maintained their culture, but they also took the threat seriously, and worked for about a hundred years to adapt. They literally set aside specialists to do nothing but pick a European country and study it inside and out and report how best to incorporate that culture. Their economy, military power and so on were all far better by all metrics with early Japanized Western practices versus "pure" Shogunate traditions.
Qing China and the illiterate Pathans and the Kalahari Bushmen kept the West out. Japan is Japan because it controlled how it brought the West in.

Notice how Japan retains their pagan values and doesn't become a multicultural wasteland.

Notice how Europe has their native beliefs destroyed by Jews and Christians and they are now all becoming third world countries.

Japanese understood what would happen if they lost their native values

American nuked the only Christian city in Japan with a world heritage site church, the largest wooden church ever constructed

Leaf KYS

Also disprotionate number of Japanese politicians are Chritsian despite being a tiny minority in the coutnry

>Christians are the Jews of the World
>the are under the Command of the Jesuit superior general located in Rome
>including the Jesuit Pope Francis

This is Europe.

How did you know?!?!

Then why did he lose?

No FUCK you nip. You're ancestors were evil criminals that killed and genocided every single last Christian in Japan. Your country is dead, low birth rate which could have been fixed with Christian familial values and now you will have Chinese dog eaters and Indian street shitters filling your country. Also many Indonesian Muslims are migrating to Japan.

Every last Christian shoulf be forced to concert or be persecuted

Holy shit you are unbelievably fucking retarded.



Japanese media seems to have a fascination with it, particularly Catholicism.

Granted, they have a superficial understanding most of the time, especially in shit like Anime.

It's like reverse Orientalism with normies thinking Buddhism and Yoga is trendy.

>Don't care about something until you see it in a movie.

Christianity is like Islam, its a civilization-conquering ideology as well as a spirituality. The Chinks and Nips realized this and fought tooth and nail against it as it would've destroyed their civilization and replaced it with ours. It took nukes to destroy Japan's civilization, and its still more Jap than western.

Based best korea will end the semitic kikes in south korea.

>Hundreds of thousands of books were created by the Tokugawa Shogunate to disprove Christianity to Japanese
>then Japanese upped the crime by killing priests and converts
>upped the crime
Are you implying that disproving Christianity is a crime?

Christianity isnt mines or European, go back to Istael sandnigger.

Christians didn't force the Japanese to convert.

China hates Christianity more, China is the real enemy. (always was)

Go back to kindiegarten you drunk degenerate.

It may be on th rise but you should remember that statistics are easily scewed. You're better off just living there for a year or going back at repeating intervals. I was told by a good friend who did this who is Catholic that Japan normies aren't troubled by Catholicism. They see the crosses and the angels they think it's cool looking. That's really it. You think taht trhese people really think about it much but most normies and career people are too bust to think about these things. They see it and move on. Its much simpler than you think. Watch Evangelion or Vatican Kiseki Chousakan, or various video games with angels in it. They like western art and ideas as long as they are rooted in some substantial tradition with solid moral grounding. So not liberal stuff but they like Rome and Greece, they like Victorian England, they like Roman Catholicism, Just look at anime, they think it's cool. its just not something a lot of them give much thought about.

Do their Jesuses have slant eyes?

Exactly that is what I was thinking and what my friend thought of it too