Memeball thread, Sup Forums edition

Memeball thread, Sup Forums edition
OC if possible

Other urls found in this thread:

Have all my OC's










EU templates

>not buying a space elevator




>Spain flag
Ayo hol up.

As an Assyrian, I can confirm the accuracy of this memeball

Yes, please show me all the great Visigoth culture in Spain.

Just made
Fresh memeball


Correction: accuracy of the memeball relating to my people

>You can be born gay/lesbian without knowing if you're male or female
Holy fuck you're on to some gold meme material here mate


>Holy fuck you're on to some gold meme material here mate

I'm still curious. What are you referring to?
From my understanding, that entire region was muh slime for a very long time.

Mesopotamia or...?

I hate to use that kind of vocabulary as much as the next man but come on.

You actually really made me think (and I already agree with you).
This is the kind of stuff that makes normies stop and ponder for 5-10 seconds. It's a logical trap. It's beautiful.

But that entire region went full Muslim over 1000 years ago...

Glorious times...

>full muslim
Not exactly, they massacred a lot of Christians during the 20th century. Assyrians fought for the allied nations during the first and second WWs. There still live many Christians in Northern Iraq.

For example:

Search for the Sykes-Picot agreement. Bongs and Pierres broke their promises.

ayo hol' up, you forgot someone

thanks man



good one

what is this in reference to?





Hell Yeah..




No more OC so i'll just post my favs








this isn't a ylyl, newfag


>no lebanon

fuck you too habibi.
















What's the ideology of the blue anarcho?

This one's pretty fucking accurate.



Holy shit! This one's great!







How could I include them when they're currently Muslim majority though?


Ok thanks



Scrolled, didn't see this one.










how can he afford so many missiles?

