I have no hope left on normies and our nations

I am a Catholic in Northern Ireland
I thought my father was redpilled, i thought he was the only person around me who understood.

I talked to him about being replaced and niggers. I told him about how the media manipulate you and about the niggers in South Africa and Zimbabwe, about race IQ and about the Niggers in the US.
>So you would rather unite with Protestants and chase all the niggers out?
>Me: Yes!
>You're worse than Paisley!
.... just fucken nuke us all and be done with it

He said "ack but there are some good niggers! I talked to one". I explained how we are influenced by our surroundings and that he was raised around us but this immigration will not stop, and more and more africans come here then they will behave like where they come from and all the minorities will create ghettos like in London with no go areas.

I spelled the whole fucken deck at him and thats what he says
>Your worse than Paisley
I did not even do it to soon, i was redpilling him since a year or so, bit by bit.
He also says "sure we will not live to see that", that is us Irish being a minority. He does not give a fuck about what happens when he is dead.

I suppose we young lads just have to wait until the aggravated minorities become a majority and have more political power than us when we are in our sixties and kill us for being a white oppressor.

How the fuck do we redpill normies lads? I thought i had it but now i see that i do not.

Introduce them to alt-right red-pilled youtubers like Sargon of Akkad and Thunderf00t.

Immigrate to America, there is still hope here under Trump, we must stay united.

Ehh... Even if them cucks were redpilled i do not think normies would be interested in it so much to watch.
I know you are joking though

I can't leave Ireland. You don't understand European Nationalism. We are deeply rooted in our historical land.
All the best to you burger bros.




Anyone got advice? i would really appreciate it.


Another shameful self bump

I will just post some memes anyways


Can't reach everyone. That was a very real conflict, and if it played a large role in his life the prospect of things that will be happening decades down the line are not going to supersede it like they will for young people. Maybe focus on playing up how the English are destroying themselves via mass immigration and how that could spill over to the island thanks to the unionists.

But, family is more important than politics. It's not worth damaging a relationship over. We have to do better than that generation, but part of that means holding on to traditional family values and respecting your parents even when they're at fault.

Also, tough that in Ireland, the most nationalist party is also far-left in all other aspects. Kind of fucked.

>> altright & redpilled

LOOOL ... sure ...faggot :D

> ut, family is more important than politics. It's not worth damaging a relationship over. We have to do better than that generation, but part of that means holding on to traditional family values and respecting your parents even when they're at fault.

I agree. Me and my da were only debating and we would never fall out over this stuff.

> Maybe focus on playing up how the English are destroying themselves via mass immigration and how that could spill over to the island thanks to the unionists.
That could work but he seems to have bought into the Civ-Nat Sinn Féin bull so i am just lost with him on what to do.

Well we have a new party in the south called the National Party!

Sinn Féins bullshit is our main enemy in the north. They really do have a massive effect on how people think.
Its sad



>>So you would rather unite with Protestants and chase all the niggers out?
>>Me: Yes!
>>You're worse than Paisley!
Your father and his ilk are the real enemies of Ireland. He should fuck off to Dublin, and we should build a wall.

>Maybe focus on playing up how the English are destroying themselves via mass immigration and how that could spill over to the island thanks to the unionists.
The Unionists in Ulster are the only group resisting immigration. The Republic of Ireland is where the colour is changing.

I know this. It is upsetting when you put it that way. He is still my father though. I would like to redpill him.
If we were to do that to all the cucks i would not even want to spare a beach of Éireann, never mind Dublin. Have em fuck off to London.

I'm from Finland and my cucked dad who I once trusted said:

>You sound like a Fascist

My da is not so bad if you were to compare him to that. He is somewhat traditional. I should consider myself lucky i am not a scandi!

My dad is bluepilled as fuck and he can't even read English, I have shown him redpilled documents and stuff and he have watched them but I don't know if he ever understood anything about them.

>Catholic in Northern Ireland

Lad, let me redpill you.

The Church of Rome is a cult that teaches that an Italian faggot is God incarnate. It has nothing to do with Christianity---it's a remnant of the cults of the Roman Empire. You would do well to leave it and join a real Christian church.

Irish nationalism is a meme invented and bankrolled by the same German globalists who brought us the Russian revolution. Ireland only ever made sense as an independent nation to French or German warmongers wanting access to Irish ports for a future invasion of England, and now to globalists and jihadis wanting Ireland as a backdoor for illegal Muslim migration into the UK post-Brexit.

Ulster Protestants are the ONLY people in western Europe doing anything to fight Islamization beyond whining about it. Shitskins who try to settle in Ulster quickly move on when they figure out that the Ulstermen have no use for their "diversity." Ulster remains the whitest part of western Europe.

Next time soneone accuses you of being worse than Paisley, consider it a compliment.

>But, family is more important than politics.
I've gassed 90% of my family for being anti-natsoc and not receptive to reeducation campaigns.

A wall? No indeed. March down to Dublin, remove from power the globalist gang styling itself the government of Ireland and replace it with something less inclined to conspire with the Queen's enemies.

> Ireland only ever made sense as an independent nation to French or German warmongers wanting access to Irish ports for a future invasion of England
Dropped right there, i could not take it seriously enough after that point to continue.

>talking to parents

Old gen are pretty much irredeemable. Youths and current can be worked with however.

Start small maybe.

One step at a time.

Because the Kaiser gave the IRA boatloads of guns just to be nice. Of course.

Sorry to disturb your slumber.

I'm drinking liquorice, where's it on the map?

Ya know, you may be right. My cousin who is mixed (cath and prod, his father being prod and not following Sinn Féin may play a role in it) says he is joining the RAF and my brother said "would you not feel sorry for killing them" he says "id take there heads home as a trophy and hang it over the mantel"

I guess prods are based

More blacks to Ireland which is already too dense and no more people should even consider living there. What an insane world we are living at.

Wotan (the Real God) Bless You Irish people.

Pope is Jesuit, cuck, and evil being. Get rid of it already, you should not accept anyone to your small tiny island. Let it be like that.

I say im a catholic but truthfully i am more of a spiritual agnostic. I agree with what you say about the pope. He can fuck off.

Hows Finland anyways?

Very shit. We are prisoners of EU and must follow everything they want us to follow. More blacks and more refugees to the eternal winter of Finland, that's the plan and everyone's ok with it.

But Paisley was redpilled fenian scum.

Im sorry i even fucking asked.
Welp, wheres the poitín?

Maybe he was but it is his view on him and calling me like him is why its annoying. Its not about whether its true or not that i am like him, but rather how seemingly hopeless redpilling my father is.