I've heard liberals cite this book a lot.
What is your opinion on it Sup Forums?
I've heard liberals cite this book a lot.
What is your opinion on it Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Basically says whites were first and everyone else is catching up
uneducated white supremacists vs a phd historian academician intellectual's thesis
I read the God Delusion once. So therefore I am smarter than you.
It was utter trash.
And it's thesis is fundamentally flawed.
Philosophy and memes are what make great civilizations not location.
So your saying if you live in a place with no resources you can just meme your way to greatness
>what pol actually believes
>reddit spacing
>no arguments
Opinion discarded, now and forever
Book of assumptions based on Liberal points of view.
You don't need to read some thesis of excuses to know that niggers are retarded which is why they don't develop in any facet of life.
There's a lot of valid criticisms on this book, but you won't find any sound arguments on Sup Forums. Just a lot of
>hurr its wrong niggers r all just niggers
American Renaissance covered this book in 2008
i'm sorry, it was in 1998 actually!
one year after the book was published.
probably long before they started forcing kids to read it in public school...
it's just a bunch of excuses for subhumans
Look man, niggers are dumb, they have an IQ twenty points below the rest of the planet. Diplomacy between their people is solved through dismemberment and cannibalism. It's not a case of "catching up" or "last to discover X process or design", the knowledge has been accessible to them for millenia, they're stupid nigger brains just can't process the information to copy someone else let alone innovate.
But user, niggers are just niggers.
Is that what I said?
>thinks that just because they look like horses they behave like horses
That's the only way leftists can win arguments.
Putting words in your mouth and argueing against an argument you never made.
The vile Jew Jared Diamond's Phd is worth less than toilet paper.
He has the chutzpah to claim that abos and new guinean cannibals are the master race.
Pic related.
>Im-fucking-plying there are no resources in Africa.
Stop trying to address the ideas proved by this book you're all being fallacious and getting nowhere. We have to come to the realization that leftists have a monopoly on the one thing we don't, truth. We must go back to the memes and faux-philosophy designed to grab the emotions of people, emotion is all we have, the truth is not on our side.
So smart:
>in mental ability, New Guineans are probably genetically superior to Westerners
Makes perfect sense
Yeah, this is LIMP tier retro-history. China had every material advantage Europe did and was,briefly, a world power 100s of years before Europe but China screwed the pooch and collapsed; why? No Christianity, no concept of universal, God Given Rights so the Chinese stomped-out their weaker anons, their own culture because there was no reason not to.....
Which is why they still eat each other?
dindu nuffin
The post above you proves you wrong. Now go back to your gaylord website.
So tell us Mexican Wizard
How did horses act before they were tamed ?
How did dogs act before they were tamed ?
What is selective breeding ?
If only had china realized they could use their gunpowder to make firearms earlier than europe
I know this book is commonly required for bullshit classes at colleges and universities. Humanities, history, anthropology, etc.
(((Diamond))) gets rich every year in royalty from this forced required book reading as a clever scam.
Lol what? Australia has to run adverts on the TV to stop abos from sleeping in roads and being run over.
There is not even the slightest hint of them "mastering industrial techniques" - they have IQ's of 60 and are suited to a hunter gatherer lifestyle - one of bushcraft.
Hes such a bullshitter.
Africa has resources. So does new guinea. So did North America. So did South America. All inhabited by tribes and natives. What stopped Native Americans from using the resources that the US has built it's infrastructure on?
Thesis only works with Australia with aboriginals because most of Australia is a shit hole.
Africa is one of the most resource rich countries though
(((Jared Diamond)))
Don't bother, these leftist cunts never reply. Because they are wrong.
whitey btfo
What are rocket arrows.
What is a a tiger crouching cannon ?
No tamable animals. Oil and diamonds are of zero fucking use to a civilization going from hunter gatherer to farming.
zebras have never been domesticated, not even by white people, fuck out of here dumb fuck
I hate this fucking Jew faggot more that is probably healthy.
Everything I could've said about this book has sadly already been addressed in this bread.
Ferguson's writing is better, West and the Rest is the closest thing to reality you will probably ever find. No Jewish tricks like (((Diamond)))
I see it cited here and then I see 100 (yous) saying it's trash, I'm going to not read it, and just assume it's trash because of how triggered it makes people here.
Muh Europe is wide, Africa is tall.
Can you please stop calling Africa a country? I'm tired of euros spamming
>american education.
Pre-selective breeding, horses were too small and skittish for someone to ride on. Thus the necessity for the chariot. Zebras could have just been bred to riding size by an advanced enough civilization.
Ya dumb bitch.
It just states the obvious, whites ended up in a superior position in history do to location. I don't know how Sup Forums can actually believe whites are magically superior form day one just because. It's fucking retarded.
He just goes into outrageous detail about certain groups and locations for the entire book. It's not wrong, its just rather boring.
>What are rocket arrows.
>What is a a tiger crouching cannon ?
not firearms?
civilizations rise and fall because of various complex circumstances, not because of resources. Obviously if you are a Marxist everything is a zero-sum game.
Its a good read; but it bends over backwards to explain away why Europeans, Middle Easterners and Asians became dominant. That explanation works decently for the peoples of the Americas (isolation causing a susceptibility to old world disease and forcing them to invent all technology for themselves) but it falls flat for explaining why Africans and Abos were as primitive as they were.
I'd say read it for the information and analyze it for yourself rather than just taking Diamond's analysis as correct. The facts in it are very interesting even if the interpretation is a bit of a stretch.
What are aurochs?
What are wolves?
What are Wild horse/Tarpans?
Europeans and Asians have animals that are equally difficult to tame, but they succeeded in doing so.
Umm, excuse me, that book is not peer reviewed
Its a book on secular humanist apologetics that claimed that discrepancies between ethnicities and societies were tied exclusively to geographical features and therefore racism was scientifically disproven.
It of course had massive holes in the theory, and was later discredited completely when it was determined that homo sapiens had different levels of archaic hominid admixture as they expanded across all continents, creating scientifically measurable and indisputable genetic swarths between different ethno-regions of humans.
It predated
>No tamable animals
White people eat everything, tamable or not. If we're hungry a way will be found to subdue and consume other creatures. Being too stupid to use the flora and fauna of the land effectively is no excuse.
A lot of historians have issues with the book.
>niggers are all just niggers
Prove to me this is wrong.
((( (((jared)))(((diamond))) )))
Fucking cultural Marxism. It ensures every aspect of culture follows the admonition:
>Work from a flawed premise and be rewarded for hypocrisy
Basically expends the whole book making excuses for nonwhites being undeveloped.
Including bullshit ones like claiming zebras couldn't be domesticated (tey can).
>aborigionals routinely master industrial technologies when given the opportunity to do so.
MY. FUCKING SIDES. Abbos can't even master not being drunk for 5 consecutive minutes.
Vee is be uwu
So do blacks, the Africans problem is Africa is full of crap to eat via foraging so they never had incentives to develop mass agriculture.
What are you people talking about? Liberals hate this book. I was sitting in an anthropology class the other day when the Prof mentioned this book. Immediately, half the class started to snicker and roll their eyes and the Prof then acknowledge d how dumb Diamond is.
Fire arrows are the predecessors of fire lances, the first firearm
Yeah, I remember scoffing at this part in particular. Like I said before the book has good information; but Diamond's conclusions are dubious to say the least.
Basically Diamond spent some time in New Guniea and he was impressed by how much the people knew about the forest, what to eat, what's poisonous, what you can make medicine out of, etc., etc.
And out of that he convinced himself that they were somehow smarter than westerners because they had all this knowledge of their environment that we lack.
Its a flawed analysis though because what the New Guinea people know of the forest is basically the equivalent of the knowledge we have of how to operate in society. They know which plants they can eat, we know not to try and cross a street unless there's a sign telling us to walk. Its the same basic environmental knowledge but Diamond wanked off over how much the people of New Guinea knew because it was alien to him.
Diamond is correct that primitive people do have survival knowledge that we do not and which our society might not appreciate. But concluding that they're smarter than us in any way was just him shoving his head up his ass to try and embrace the delusion that everyone is equal.
Some of the things (((Jared Diamond))) says in it are true, but it's retarded to think that genetics and IQ have absolutely no effect on what civilizations are like.
>Thus the necessity for the chariot. Zebras could have just been bred to riding size by an advanced enough civilization.
So how come no has done it yet dumb bitch?
I dont know what that has to do with the fact that no one has been able to domesticate zebras
Jared Diamond doesn't dare touch the AQ in any of his books.
The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.
Because they are the teachers of young people, the university intellectuals are in a position to help the System play its trick on the young, which they do by steering young people's rebellious impulses toward the standard, stereotyped targets: racism, colonialism, women's issues, etc. Young people who are not college students learn through the media, or through personal contact, of the "social justice" issues for which students rebel, and they imitate the students. Thus a youth culture develops in which there is a stereotyped mode of rebellion that spreads through imitation of peers—just as hairstyles, clothing styles, and other fads spread through imitation.
Excellent post, and by a leaf no less.
Woe to the conquered.
The Selfish Gene is great too
Rocket Arrow (Chinese) >
lead to these FIREARMS
Fire Lance (Chinese) >
Hand Cannon (Chinese) >
white privilege: the book
horses have and had a hierarchy structure and are less aggresive towards humans than zebras. Dogs started to hang out with us just because they saw it as an opportunity for food
Is the petrol huffing thing a really widespread issue, or just a funny meme on Abos retarded behavior in general?
One of the fundamental flaws of this book is the claim that animals in Africa are undomesticatable. This is patently bullshit. Domestication happens when you take the least aggressive individuals of a species and selectively breed them. The silver fox experiment, where Russian scientists domesticated a wild fox within 3 generations, proves this.
Basically, if Africans correctly isolated and bred wild animals, they'd have the means to establish a civilization.
Here's a good run down westhunt.wordpress.com
>Captain Horace Hayes, in "Points of the Horse" (circa 1893), compared the usefulness of different zebra species. In 1891, Hayes broke a mature, intact mountain zebra stallion to ride in two days time, and the animal was quiet enough for his wife to ride and be photographed upon. He found the Burchell's zebra easy to break, and considered it ideal for domestication, as it was immune to the bite of the tsetse fly. He considered the quagga (now extinct) well-suited to domestication due to being easy to train to saddle and harness.
Location is everything. It's why we evolved to be white (both physically and mentally), to adapt to our environment.
wasn't this BTFO when the oldest human remains were found in Europe. also the New Zealand shit was LMAO.
No it really is all as bad as you hear.
Nope we bread dogs from wolves..
but nice try. it wasn't just wild animals stated hanging out with us for food. The closest living relative of the dog is the gray wolf and there is no evidence of any other canine contributing to its genetic lineage
Zebras have a hieracrchy the same as horse. They are in the same family.
Attempts have been made to train zebras for riding, since they have better resistance than horses to African diseases. Most of these attempts failed, as would have initial attempts to tame wild horses.
the difference ? TIME Give us a few 100 years and whites can tame anything. Because we rock. :)
Funny how you completely ignored the first paragraph before that kek
>Attempts have been made to train zebras for riding, since they have better resistance than horses to African diseases. Most of these attempts failed, as would have initial attempts to tame wild horses, due to the zebra's more unpredictable nature and tendency to panic under stress. For this reason, zebra-mules or zebroids (crosses between any species of zebra and a horse, pony, donkey or ass) are preferred over purebred zebras.
Again no one has domesticated them
Europeans also could have survived off of squirrels and foxes if they wanted to. The difference is that Europeans seem to put an emphasis on the delegation of time so that they can accomplish other tasks within the limited window of day light available. In addition to meat one can argue that animals are a useful tool to produce work as well. Some will claim that the animals of Africa can't be tamed to do work but the same can be said about niggers and you better believe they worked those cotton fields.
Diamond's conclusions are political and designed to advance his own cultural marxist agenda.
It is corruption, not honest scientific inquiry.
And if anyone speaks up against it, they are blackballed and persecuted.
God damn that fucker and his fellow tribesmen to fucking hell to what they have done to the liberal arts.
It's a good read. It takes a stab at polylogism by arguing environment played a key role in the advancement of civilization.
This of course doesn't sit well with the racists, nationalists or marxists, and so Diamond is hated by all the right people. That makes him worth a read.
It's part of the truth. North and South America should have had poo-in-loo levels of civilization going by IQ alone, and resource access is part of why they didn't. Anyone who tells you that resource access, culture, or genetics alone are responsible for a group's success or failure is a cuck, cuckservative, or stormfag respectively.
>nonwhites being underdeveloped
must suck for east asians and their high hdi and iq making them underdeveloped
muh zebra iz a horse with stripes there4 it can be tamed
he starts out with the premise that everyone's equal
his evidence that humans are equal, even 60 IQ abbonigs, is that they don't eat shit that kills them and they know their way around an area they lived their whole life
then, in order to support his headcanon, he finds a bunch of excuses for the rest of the world
He's not a historian.
>Jared Mason Diamond is an American ecologist, geographer, biologist, anthropologist and author best known for his popular science books The Third Chimpanzee; Guns, Germs, and Steel; Collapse; and The World Until Yesterday
> You see goy, Europeans were just lucky. Even though you were constantly, for several
centuries, invaded by muslims and other eastern savages and still persisted, it isn't about the quality of the people.
By the way sexual selection doesn't exist.
>Negroids riding zebroids
I need a video of this
All of that was meant as green text
And they really burnt down the interior of Australia thousands of years ago by setting fires to hunt animals?
Jesus fucking Christ, it's hard to fathom the stupidity.
>"it's not cuz Europeans were smart"
Argument from authority logical fallacy, try again nip
A liberal Jew shits out half baked ideas to romanticize third world savages and trick gullible morons out of their money.
Nailed it
>Most of these attempts failed, as would have initial attempts to tame wild horses
You dumb retard, the point of that paragraph is it's hard to domesticate zebras the same way it was hard to domesticate horses, but it's still been done repeatedly (by white people).