Hello fellow goys. We are recruiting Aussies to join our ranks at Antipodean Resistance. Before being accepted into our elite youth organization, you will be vetted accordingly.
Check our website for more details.
>inb4 it's a honeypot bruu
Hello fellow goys. We are recruiting Aussies to join our ranks at Antipodean Resistance. Before being accepted into our elite youth organization, you will be vetted accordingly.
Check our website for more details.
>inb4 it's a honeypot bruu
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm surprised you'd come here. Most of us wouldn't be acceptable by your standards.
I sure love honey. Anyone else just shove their hand into honey jars?
>he doesn't shove his head straight into the bee hive
How quickly can I expect Australian citizenship and women once I'm accepted into your organization?
How do you guys feel about weebs?
Oh hello sarcastic goy
Typical faggot Victorians, I can safely assume you're probably only third or second generation Aussies, no true blue aussie would wave around the swastika, a symbol of cock sucking poofter krauts, who would've gladly let Japan occupy Australia and genocide aussies. why not use the aussie flag? or eureka stockade flag you limp wristed fairy cunt
also too many manlets in that photo and im laughing at the manlet in camo gear, comedy gold
i see that my tax dollars are going to good use, thanks AFP!
If you want to win then you should drop the swastika and the radicalism. The way to win is to be edgy conservatives that get just as persecuted as the Nazis do but without the same ideological vigor, honesty, or successful recruitment as Nazis do.
Its not like conservatives haven't been winning for almost one hundred years right now.
Hello kikes.
Goodbye kikes
to beat the jews we must BE the jews. tell nobody of your true political views. in Australia, we must join the labor party and run for parliament and slowly gain power, never revealing our power level until we have all the power we need!
id rather be a kike lmao than be a self hating aussie faggot who thinks germans who sided with subhuman nips are our friends
This is too true. Best way to win is to either jerk off to anime traps or join the leftists.
The masses hate anti gay, racist, and sexist stuff so let's be POZZed homosexual supporting feminists. Then we will win
This isn't leftypol faggot. Get the fuck out kike
It's a honeypot by the emus, don't give them what they want
why do you hate your australian identity so much? i bet you're that type of sperg in high school who told everyone he was german and tried to learn german ,you truly are pathetic boyo
>inb4 it's a honeypot
You failed
we need only pretend, my friend. we need only pretend.
You're too right. The best expression of Australian identity is being a homosexual abbo supporter that hates white people.
I think Aussies need a more universal right wing symbol of their own.
The Europeans have the Lambda
The Americans have the Dragons Eye (cool as fuck btw)
What can Aussies use?
We don't hate our nationality kike. We embrace it. We just want to add a touch of NatSoc to it.
>mfw people unironically believe nationalists are the traitors to their own countries
tip top kek
natsocs sided with nip subhumans faggot, you are a faggot
typical yank who cannot read, we must infiltrate leftist parties and consolidate power. being open in what you believe will get you nowhere
to beat the jews we must be the jews
southern cross
>to beat the jews we must be the jews
Spoken by a true kike.
the movement is run by lebbos
We need a universal symbol for the Australian / New Zealand alt right; similar to Generation identity in Europe.
Kys. I sooner raise a swastika than the cuck stamp shit we have now
No you're right. We must compete with the worlds best sneaks by sneaking around which has never been tried before!
What benefit does your group provide over just being an user?
Maybe... The youth of the American alt-right is adopting the 'Dragons Eye'
It symbols the choice between good and evil.
I'm not sure if the Southern Cross is relevant.
Texan here, love your site and totally agree Being White is not enough... Great way to present that.
Thank you!
No thnx m8... I ain't about to get shoa'd by this ASIO honeypot
El oh El.
Maybe this one would remind our traitorous boomers what the pioneers would have thought of them.
lel, the only people who care about nationialism in new cuckland are the moaris
Did you guys really put up those retarded anti gay marriage posters or were they false flags? Because I'm pretty sure they did more harm to the 'No' cause than good
Where is your chapter in Western Australia?
Never get between a baby boomer and his money.
This. But hey, I'm all for any one or group that's able to turn the tide in even the blackpilled nature of most aussie anons
>the Hitler's you've been waiting for
Epic line lads, man that got the msm in a tizzy
Alt-right is cancer
No actual plans, filled with fags and kikes, endless "mass movement" shenanigans, deny being fascists
Death to AltKike
Death to PRcucks!
>No actual plans, filled with fags and kikes, endless "mass movement" shenanigans
That's how every popular movement starts bruh. First you channel underlying sentiment, then you refine that to ideas and ideology, then you shake out the chaff and take action. The right wing in the United States is still undulating and congealing into an actual concrete movement. You're expecting a full blown cultural revolution to pop out of the ground fully formed when that's simply not how it works.
Yeah, nah. He's right. Adolf would've let this country get overrun and genocided by the Japanese. You're a faggot.
There will never be a "cultural revolution" and you're delusional if you think so. The masses will never like you until you gain power.
I'm not the one bitching and moaning about the slow seep of right wing ideas into the mainstream, that's you and your prematurely purity spiraled thinking.
I fucking hate Australians so much.
"Right wing" isn't enough, fascism is the only solution. Unless you want to hang out with BASED Zionists and homosexuals, of course.
>white supremacist flag
>hates nazis
You really need to get your house in order, m8.
>If you want to win then you should drop the swastika and the radicalism.
>Its not like conservatives haven't been winning for almost one hundred years right now.
Really, really fucking stupid. Stop posting and start lurking, PLEASE.
Antipodean Resistance are good people. Any Aussies reading this should seriously consider joining up.
I heard you guys are actually truly faggots. Circle Jerks and mutual touching on your little bush camps and shit.
I already explained to you why you can't go from bread and circus ZOG supporting masses to 1488 in 3.2 seconds but you don't seem to understand you can't go from bread and circus ZOG supporting masses to 1488 in 3.2 seconds. You and people like you are the reason facism isn't a political player on the stage today, you want it all or nothing and you want it overnight. At least the Marxists understood you had to play the long game.
We can't afford to play the "long game" you idiot. White people are being replaced by the day. No politician will save you and the masses will never support you.
stop embarrassing the huWhite movement with this shit.
Why don't you volunteer to help them with the formatting on their website?
>I can safely assume you're probably only third or second generation Aussies, no true blue aussie would wave around the swastika, a symbol of cock sucking poofter krauts, who would've gladly let Japan occupy Australia and genocide aussies. why not use the aussie flag? or eureka stockade flag you limp wristed fairy cunt
This is 100 per cent correct. My grandparents and great-grandparents would be so fucking pissed it you that they're rip your balls and dick off and make you eat them. Do you even realize that Australia as a nation emerges out of Gallipoli and from fighting the Germans and later the Nazis?? Do you even know anything about Australia?
Do you even know anything about Nazis?
You remind me of the alt-right faggots here in Burgerland who want to wave around the American flag and think the swastika is "bad PR"
Too bad you guys aren't accepting older ages.
After all, the older people have real life experience.
>helping Australians
The faggot who made it needs to stop sucking, and stop importing 7 fucking fonts.
yeah, including the stories from my grandfather about trying to kill the fuckers and defend Australian interests.
Do you know anything about the Nazis? Or about anything at all? Can you give me a single indication of success in your life?
>We can't afford to play the "long game" you idiot.
Then you're already fucked. Keep beating your head against the wall that is public opinion thinking tomorrow will be the day you finally get to have your March on Rome.
>implying there should of been a war in the first place
>Implying the British weren't kike controlled and dragged us into the war along with them
>Because you fought someone in a war you can't have their government style
wtf I hate democracy now. Thanks Napoleon, my ancestors would be pissed we pussied out and gave the parliament way too much power
Just like I thought, you know nothing at all about anything and you are actually the enemy of Australia. I look forward to personally castrating you. Leave for Germany if you can't handle Australia and its true democracy and laws. You're not welcome here.
the eureka flag
Hi /r/Melbourne
Good advice actually
More suggestions?
Nah both sides of my family both arrived on the first fleet and I've had family fight in every single war we've had.
>implying we were a democracy when the Colonial governors were pretty much mini fascist rulers and appointed all the way from England.
Your also retarded for thinking old must equal good. If we used your logic Americans would of never revolted.
>wtf are you doing George Washington, your monarchist ancestors would rip off your balls. Traitor reeeee
You better affirm your loyalty to the Chinese and Aboriginals then. I'm sure their very loyal as your fellow Australian
He is helping
Those guys should save his posts and study them.
Australia isn't just whatever shit you make it up to be when you're jerking off. It's fundamentally a democracy and always was. If you don't like that, then you have to leave. Also, Australia in the 19th as colonies is not the Australia that you live in now. You can go recreate that one in your wanking fantasies as you travel back to Germany where you belong. You're no Australian at all. Just think of how fucking ashamed your grandparents and great-grandparents would be of you.
OK so i might join, but what are the final objectives, can muslims join and are there plenty of girls to root?
They can organize and change it to be whatever the fuck they want Australia to be ' MATE.
so fuck off
If they want a NatSoc future - Godspeed.
Hitler's Germany minus the war was pretty awesome.
>Australia isn't just whatever shit you make it up to be when you're jerking off. It's fundamentally a democracy and always was
>Fucking implying
The Queens, appointed governor kicks a elected prime minister out of office. Doesn't sound too democratic to me and up until the 80's you could appeal to the courts in England
In 1930 we didn't even rule ourselves. The British gave us full right to rule ourselves in 1931 under the statue of westministers and Churchill wanted all of our laws to go though the parliament back in Briton.
it's only in the 1930's did we become a real country instead of a colony. You don't even know your own history
You can't inb4 your own thread. Lurkmoar before posting, newfag
>fellow goys
That's a dead giveaway that you are dealing with a jew.
Try learning the laws and principles of your own country, retard:
Representative Government
Another fundamental principle which underlies the Constitution is that of ‘representative government’ – that is,
government by representatives of the people who are chosen by the people. Consistently with this principle, sections 7
and 28 of the Constitution require regular elections for the House of Representatives and the Senate, and sections 7 and
24 require members of the Commonwealth Parliament to be directly chosen by the people.
Also, Australia become a nation-state in its own right in 1901. Here's a book for you to read (since you obviously don't read them enough):
La Nauze, J. The Making of the Australian Constitution (Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 1972).
Yeah, my grandfather fought in the war too. It sounds like you're letting sentimentalism get in the way of objective truth.
>Becoming a nation ≠ becoming a free democratic nation
The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 by federation of six British colonies, each of which became a State. The Commonwealth Constitution provided for a Commonwealth Parliament, with legislative power on a range of specified topics, leaving the residue of legislative power to the States. That constitution was (and still is) contained in a British statute. The United Kingdom Parliament retained ultimate legislative power in relation to Australia.
>The United Kingdom Parliament retained ultimate legislative power in relation to Australia.
>retained ultimate legislative power in relation to Australia
>retained ultimate legislative power
1930 Australia Free. lol no
How about we call America a democracy but at any moment I can make any law I want overturn any of their decisions or entirely remove their entire government in a single moment.
>1980's can appeal to British courts
>Queen has kicked out prime ministers before
muh democracy. Your a cuck your monarchist ancestors would be ripping off your balls, all those men who fought in the boer war didn't want this bullshit they wanted the Empire let alone all the 18th century British imperialists
>Leave for Germany if you can't handle Australia and its true democracy and laws.
>Australia and its true democracy and laws
m8, you really need to stop posting and lurk more.
Yes, Australia is a constitutional monarchy. Water is wet. And you get sunburned in summer without suncream.
You're obviously an insincere larping sophist because you didn't address my point and you changed the wording of what was under discussion. Dismissed.
Thanks for the ant chart. I'll let some local ants know about it.
>sentimentalism get in the way of objective truth.
Wat? Australians and Nazis were and are enemies.
I like the idea, but i'd be more enticed to join if you were a militia type op
t. Jihadwaffen
>Supporting a man who would hand our nation over to the Japs.
Shoo shoo, anti anglo-celtic traitor.
>ant chart
A man who doesn't know how to view an imagine and left click a single time to zoom is no man worth arguing. Please die in a fire. Thanks.
>Wat? Australians and Nazis were and are enemies.
And Australia and Japan were enemies, now we're allies
And the British and French were at each others throats for hundreds of years now their allies
We invaded China and killed Koreans now China is our biggest trading partner
Your sentimentalism is getting in the way, of using your brain to point out very real flaws. If we used your way of thinking no one would of ever became democratic cause the French/Napoleon and the Americas who we all fought against
>Being democratic when the we fought the french and Americans over that exact thing. Traitor
Look at all the shills and kikes trying to sabotage our group.
Try harder faggots
Facism for Germans, White Australia Policy for Australians.
You will never be German, stop circlejerking in the bush to the swastika and get into politics like a real man.
Keep up the good work guys! I really got a kick out of your chinese flyer prank. Greetings from Melbourne, Florida. Sieg!
>grey on grey!?
Looks fine
Because you fought someone you can't use their style of government. Really makes me think.
>White Australia Policy
Is not a Government style it's just a immigration restriction
If you really wanted to pull the old = good then Australia should be totally under British control with no ability to self govern. Cause the Brits are real good right now getting bombed by pakis and refugees I'm sure they'll manage us good. Or perhaps we should explode into different states with different train lines
>1 post by this ID
I never said there was anything wrong with Nazi Germany's government, just that we don't need it down here. No amount of LARPing as GROS DEUTSCHLAND REICH will change that.
No, it doesn't.
>implying anyone here gives a shit about what Germany and slavs do to eachother.
>implying our goal is to get Germany Danzig back instead of cleaning up Australia
Australian intelligence
>I never said there was anything wrong with Nazi Germany's government
Okay now we're getting somewhere.
>just that we don't need it down here
>Politicians selling us out to China
>Mass Asian immigration
>Cucks and shit everywhere
>Gay vote is going to pass then we move onto trannies
>Drug addicted bogans growing in numbers
>Literal communist posters being plasted all over campuses and white people being universally despised
If we kept things the way they are white Australians are dead
reply to me