>watching (((movies)))

Other urls found in this thread:


>breathing (((oxygen)))

>branch 6" beneath the surface of the water.

I don't get it. Are you triggered because you were a nerd who never had any real friends back when you are a young lad like these guys?

I used to LOVE movies. They ruined them.

>procreating (((((((((((((((with niggers)))))))))))))))))


there's a token black guy you bigot
all us non-racist liberals realize that black people don't swim so he's not in this scene

they run a train on her in the book. not even joking.

Wow, those creamy twinks are succulent. Can you imagine passionately tonguing their foreskins after they fell asleep at a sleepover? Source on the video?

>tfw two intelligent too watch moobies

that movie really reminded me f the good days..can we go back

is she a trap? whats going on what movie is this op?

What the fuck?
Was that boy or girl.

It (2017)

She gets gang banged in the books, not even kidding.

I don't, I watch film.

>in 1980 America
>when half of them are Jews

>imagine calling yourself a commie even knowing you're a shill for the establishment and big business.

was it lovecraftian kino?

Stephen King indulges in pedo fantasy, paragraph after paragraph.

>"big" Ben

My dick hopes it's a girl.

agreed. I don't know anyone who has seen any movies lately

it's a grill

it's from the newest incarnation of "IT"

I was so disappointed when I learned that they left the gangbang out of it.

Disgusting pedo scum.

Milo pls

why would you think they'd include it?

Kek I love mentioning this to liberals who think steven king is some anti trumper super hero. He is a drug addicted degenerate.

For anyone that doesn't know, It ends with the kids getting lost in the sewers and their group falling apart, so the girl decides to let the guys run a train on her, all losing virginity together to bond. They are all like 11 or 12.

>Go on a drug binge
>Writea book about an 11-year-old or so girl
>Make her get gangbanged by a bunch boys at the same age

thanks user so why is op mad?

>that smooth, soft, supple 15 year old stomach


Is this good?

Normalfag pls.

Isn't that scene deleted from the book IT? They fuckin put in the movie? DOTR when?

Haven't watched movies or TV shows in 18 months. It is really surprising how much the narrative and propaganda stick out when people point this shit out now when you're not numb to it anymore.

>Anime of underage girls. ILLEGAL.
>Pedophile writes about kids having sex. LEGAL.
Explain this libtards. ARREST STEPHEN KING.

>tfw you will never go back in time and get a middle school gf

I was too busy playing video games to like girls, I even had a "girlfriend" who wanted to have sex but I was scared so she dumped me and two weeks later got caught having sex with a Mexican kid in the locker room

I just watched this movie tonight and thought the same thing.

Also obligatory Jew character and unnecessary Bar Mitzvah segment.

All police are sick bastards.

All white single fathers molest their kids.

The original IT was fine.

Is this before or after she lets them all run a train on her?

man that is hot as fuck, too bad I already fapped

i loved how steven "pizza pasta" king wrote a literal child sex orgy and no one bats an eye

>not reading the book

I watched a movie today with my wife and had fun.

>itt Americans getting triggered over a girl in her puberty showing a bit of skin
you're all pretty much telling us "hurr durr i'm a fucking mutt / arab / nigger that can't control its fuck urges"
french television has constantly half naked girls

Stephen King sucks at writing. He just committed.

pretty sure I know what year it is, retard

This is America, FAGGOT. You must not realize how out of the baseline this is for us, and considering (((Hollywood))), this is very relevant.

I just watch fight club over and over lol


I'm still not convinced that that is a female.

"She" looks completely boyish.

Fag, if you read the book stan (the jewish) kills himself because he's to much of a coward to face IT again

>yfw all media is devolved into kike propaganda
>yfw it was planned all along

Television is the worst thing to ever happen to society. Whether you believe in cultural marxism or not, intentionally or unintentionally it has desensitized every single person who consumes it. Television turned the uptight '50s into the decadent '60s. Continually the envelope is pushed farther and farther and now you can turn on daytime tv and see simulated rape and murder of any variety. What is it to kill a man after youve seen it done literally millions of times?

The internet is an exaggerated version of this in that vulgar material can be actively sought out and received in seconds. If you were to google "dog fucks woman", you will not only get what you were looking for but receive a smorgasbord to choose from, thousands of dogs fucking thousands of women.

One can only imagine what another 500 years of this will do us. Nietzche was right. God is dead and there is no going back.

(((Steven King's))) book had these characters have an actual gang bang. That's probably what this scene is meant to reference.

What are these films?

>guys we to sexualize kids more


The Jewish Fantasy Structure That Devoured Western Culture


movies that pedos on Sup Forums like

Pedo films

>tfw no orgy in the sewers with all of those kids taking turns to lose their virginity with the loli, while the loli comments on their dick size, if they cum or not, or if she reaches orgasm

It's not too late to go in your sewers, maybe you'll find one.

I don't watch movies.

The only time Milo likes foreskin is after it's been removed.

They really are shit. Like the feeling you got when you tried to watch The Happening and the guy kills himself with his own lawnmower but everyone in the theatre just goes along with it like it's a good film.

>You must not realize how out of the baseline this is for us
>This is America, FAGGOT
Well I didn't hear you complain when jackie Chan was being buddies with the black man on your cinema
I'm sorry man, I didn't want to hurt your national feelings

it's all shit because china is buying hollywood

kek the happening man
I was only 15 and I could go into that movie, for some reason I wasn't let in Matrix reloaded

I think even the Happening was last movie I've ever seen in cinema

literally nothing wrong with that scene

King cant write a story without degenerate bullshit on every page.

Man, you guys are retarded. Any Sup Forumscore list would surely include the Genesis Children by Anthony Aikman

pretty sure hes a closet pedophile

he puts weird underage sex scenes in everything

Thank you my white and based brother.

people seem to forget this part

She's 15

>any year
>not watching movies

That attention to detail though...

If you pause when she runs up to them, they all have boners.

Am I the only person who saw her key necklace and kept thinking it was trying to reference cuckolding? Sup Forums has perfectly warped my perception of the entire world

>King was born September 21, 1947, in Portland, Maine. His father, Donald Edwin King, was a merchant seaman.
>merchant father
>pedophile leftwing artist
>usually can't think of a good ending
If only his name were Kingstein or something.

King isn't really his last name. His father, changed his name but there was no legal documentation to prove it from Pollock to King when he was like 20. Then they had Stephen. His family goes back like this:

>Father = Pollock
>Mother = Pillsbury
>Grandfather (Father) = Pollock
>Grandmother (Father) = Spanski
>Grandfather (Mother) = Pillsbury
>Grandmother (Mother) = Fogg

I don't watch movies anymore and i use to go to the theater alot too. Now i hate hollywood and the majority of celebrities. Celebrities political opinions should be kept to themselves if they don't want to alienate their audience.


Is this from the new It movie? Is this the part from the book with the orgy?

I personally was really disappointed when I heard they got rid of the child sex orgy scene in the movie. It is not out in Japan yet, but it probably won't sell as well with such scenes removed.

That's pretty realistic behavior for a girl that has been sexually abused though.


It's a latchkey thing - GenX kids did that shit all the time because our parents were working and no one cared that people would want to kidnap and rape children.

>making fun of nerds

You must not have seen the movie

>Replying to (((Anglos)))

wtf, I love Trump now

Stephen King's a hack.

>be stephen king
>be on drugs
>ima write a movie about a haunted clown or something
>oh fuck im so high
>lets throw a pedo orgy in there
>fuck what was i writing again something about a sewer?
>do some more drugs
>oh right, it was a giant spider
>best selling horror movie of all time

I worry about you, Bevvie. I worry, A LOT.

> Sexual abuse victim
> Rapes several children

Normal behaviour...

>there's a token black guy you bigot
>all us non-racist liberals realize that black people don't swim so he's not in this scene

The black kid wasn't a core member of the group, mainly because he lived further away on a farm and because he's a nigger.

>Stephen King's a hack.
There's the understatement of all fucking time.

just watch old movies, preferably pirated. this way you don't give them any more money.

there are plenty of great old movies that will keep you busy the rest of your life


So... like, link or something?

old news

The Woodsman has a good atmosphere and calm pace to it. It was good.

Lolita is boring. The book is only good because of the narrators dissembling and mannerisms. In film format you don't get that so much.

Pretty Baby is agonizingly boring.

It wasn't a pedo orgy. There was no pedophile involved and it wasn't an orgy.
If you don't wanna fuck children and aren't triggered- it was a beautiful scene in the book.