>Civic Nationalism doesn't wo-
Civic Nationalism doesn't wo-
This. I'll be happy when all those trump haters are proven wrong by civic nationalism being a glorious success. Hispanics and blacks will be a massive voter bloc for republicans
All rise for the Brazilian national anthem.
never go full brazil
This Leaf was not a shithead.
>country that matters
The Olympics completely bankrupted Brazil.
No it obviously doesn't
Brazil's economic policies aside, Brazil's society proves that national pride can overcome racial differences. There's a reason why black Americans are so radically different from the majority, and why this isn't such a common phenomenon in the rest of the world.
>a soccer game is sound proof that civic nationalism doesn't work
Well, my country is a really special case, since our independence, we've recieved immigrants from various places. Besides the portuguese, africans and the native tribes that were the oldest, we recieved the dutch due to an invasion in the north-east, the french in Rio during a period, germanics came as mercenaries to fight for the newly independent Brazil. Some merchants form Tunisia were invited here by D. Pedro II to open bussinesses, since he felt they were naturals at it. When slavery was abolished, coffee farmers made propaganda for germans, italians and japanese to work in the fields. We have civic nationalism because being brazilian isn't about what you look like, it's about loving the land you live in. Instead of "my race is the best" we have "my motherland is the best". In fact even our royal family represents that, they descend from various houses from Europe, the Bragança from Portugal, the Bourbon (both the french and spanish side), the Orléans from France and the Habsburg from Austria
That is all history though, what future does Brazil have?
Having lived in Brazil, I can tell you there is no more racist place on Earth. The entire country is a broken, rotten thing one major power outage away from race war in the major cities. The only thing keeping them civil now is the de facto segregation.
Can you give some examples please? I'm interested in the early signs of societal breakdown.
Brazilians have no national pride or a sense of national identity outside niggerball (and neither do we)
Your white minority is mainly portuguese, germans and italians right?
Btw brazil is lost
I used to be more pratiotic, but the last 5 years i started to be more individualistic. It's really hard to be patriotic when you can't trust your institutions or your people. All is left is history, and that's just make me depressed.
Also, yes, whole society is also incredibily racist and don't even hide it making OP point moot.
Take black people for exemple. Richer or more educated blacks tend to avoid these stereotypes(but only partially imo). But most of the brazilian blacks have a huge inferiority complex. like they "know their place" let's say. If you don't believe me, take a look on our congress. All 27 senators, no one is black. Congress is 80% white. Non-whites are the majority, but they don't elect their own, they trust whitey to do their job because whitey is smarter. We had a woman president, but i'm sure it will be decades until we see a black president.
What about the rest? They still have this inferiority complex, but they are also fucking crazy. They turn it into anger and rage, and it's the scariest shit if you see one at the street at night. Like, legit risk of dying scary.
White people also know this. Most older guys i have met have racist believes, some open others hiding. But it come out some times. Political leaning doesn't affect it, the left is just as racist as the right. In ((school)) they teach us, racism is wrong, etc etc...but these lesons can't survive on their own. It's natural selection really, people that don't believe in racism tends to get shot eventually.