What would happen if one were to do the same thing with "14/88", hypothetically?
>inb4 arrested for hate speech
our guy
bump this shit is fucking gold
Get shot down by Australian CIA
worth it
What a nice pilot. It must be hard to write like that.
I don't think T38's are set up for smoke
I don't get it. What the fuck is this suppose to be? V T E N O? It looks so shitty that I can't understand what it's even supposed to be.
maybe this is not his first rodeo
He must have practiced ,there is no fucking way he can be that slick on the first try.
This is GOLD! You aussies really crack me up sometimes.
That one is actually well done and I know what the fuck I'm looking at. The other pictures are fucking worthless
He's a sky writer you morons, people pay him to write things in the sky
Aussies are truly the greatest shitposters
What's life like being illiterate?
I forget how much this costs but apparently sky writing is pretty cheap now. Like 2 or 3k.
Aussie bantz has reached a level previously thought impossible, the madman actually controlled the very skies in order to shitpost
Which state anĂ´n?
sky writers = top trolls
Terrible lack of skill in sky writing which = terribly shitty message in the sky, un-redeadable by people who dont already know what it says.
>but I'm illiterate
You're fucking retarded m8. Your pilot sucks at wgat he was trying do. He failed. It looks like shit and doesn't look like it spells anything
HAHA I officially love aussies, not a single leaf would ever have the balls for this.
Not yet
Literally everyone else was able to read it except you
>shitposting on the sky
gays BTFO for all eternity
I knew you fucks were bant masters but what mad man was so dedicated to be the master shitposter he took to the skys
But I already voted no sky jesus
I'm sure people on the ground know how to correct the most fucked up V and O ever attempted at sky writing in their head, but from the awful pictures posted: nah. You only know what it's meant to say because OP posted it in the name field fuckboy
>and doesn't look like it spells anything
How does it feel being black, uneducated and illiterate?
fucking straya
just when I thought the leaf had finally taken 1st place in shitposting you pull a stunt like this
straya, you sonofabitch
I don't care what you say. This looks like garbage and like it doesn't say anything It's quality on par with if I used my non-dominant hand to write, with my eyes closed. It's absolutely a mess
Sydney, nsw
You really needed to post this in three parts as though it were real time and building so much legitimate suspense. This fucking perverted Jewish female. Spent all that time and money. Printing chemicals on top of everybody how to use their genitals and misinterpret the Bible. We are men. We love dicks. And our own especially. But men hate on men who don't fuck around with shitty women like they do. I don't see "vote no". I see "I hate my life and gender". TEE HEE HEE SO ORIGINAL. I hope he falle out or explodes or somebody writes "all vaginas have demon seed" too.
You zero economy. None. You have had deficits for ten years in a row. $30 billion. Go write "I eat gina rinehart's tuna flaps". Fucking Tony Aboriginee. Stupid chinamen i hope NK nukes you
>It winds
>Waah he can't fly
Fuck off poofter.
Americunt confirmed illiterate.
Even if it was unreadable people on the ground would still know what it says because of context, were having a big gay marriage vote. Go be retarded somewhere else.
it looks like shit
>n-no it doesnt! I-its an epic win u guise!1!
Yeah stuff written on windy sky with smoke often turn to shit you retard.
Nodick sick in the head possessed by the shekinah hoax. Man hating phobes can't function without females. They get ALL their self worth. Out of fucking women. It's either men are shit. Or women are shit. You lash out whenever anybody stops suffering like you do. Clam cuck bottom bitch. Fungus muncher. Slime fucker. Piss cuck. Zika drinker. Period enabler
>I'll have the plate of trichomoniasis please
ITT triggered faggots
That's pretty hot desu.
what's life like being retarded?
Somebody should trigger your cock off. Just lorena bobbitt fucken everybody like that robo cop youtube video
Nobody gives a fuck you gay sauna faggot. Everybody is at least bi. Every single God damned thing you see on here. Is jewry or zionist plots
You proved my point you fucking idiot lol. It looks like a downy tried to into sky writing. I don't care why. It looks like unreadable shit in the first pictures
Get mad
>Somebody should trigger your cock off.
Do you mind? It's all the same in the dark really
Like OP's little bitch getting so ass blasted you take your dick protests to the heavens. Waaaa rainbows are the sign of the covenant im a super huge mega feminist. Fuck this you know nothing. Drunk on estrogen and midol
Fake faggot. Nothing new under sun. All boys start as girls. Surrogacies. Adoptions. Artificial eggs made only from males. Fags out breed disgusting original sinning clam diggers by a 7:1 margin. Where are your kids? You dont have any. I like how I'm in the 144K probably. And youre not
Yeah where abouts?
South north? Near what suburb i am literally outside looking right now
>being this autistic over writing on the sky
Are you homo by any chance, why get mad?
Kys. Do it to your vaginismus vagina. It literally doesnt matter. Ruth and naomi. David and jonathan. Many other examples. STOP EATING BACON
Better angle for you illiterate idiots
Why would I be mad? I'm not the one circling jerking and saying "epic win" under my breath for the worst attempt at amateur sky writing I've seen in recent memory, for a reason which doesn't even matter.
>he believes homosexuality will go away or somehow lose ground on civil/human rights in civilization
>so desperate for this fantasy that he resorts to sperging over a fucking bad attempt at sky writing as if it's an important victory
Lmaoing at your life
>i want more expensive vaginas
>i want the yes side to lose for first time since polling on this began
>dont ever question "heteros", only other men
Best jew cow and woman
pooftahs fuck off
>all he can do is say one thing while he scarfs down yeast infections and alimony
What in the fuck do you do with a woman for 80 years? Talk about shoes?
Oh hey its you again, I remember you from last night. Still ready to go to hell?
Lmao at the raging faggot
You stupid jew bags' problem is you think you are god who can save self because you contaminated the blood line thru another species and the world's first pussy. Did the pilot wrap himself in a plastic bag like he's supposed to?
How does it feel to be illiterate?
Is this the same AUSSIE who paid for TRUMP in the sky over that womens parade?
Like dolan
now i want someone to write niggers the next time there is a chimpout
Feels better than being a shitty sky writing pilot lol
Probably. Bibi's got him on speed dial
>hates women
>hates gays
>flies around in a super mario engine crying in the clouds
Old man yells at clouds. Literally
Based Oz.
I'm an atheist and I hate you mentally ill perverts!
Calm down and stop being offended by other peoples opinions, what gives the state the right to tell a religion what to do.
Why are you so obsessed with have something that has been used to celebrate "heterosexual" relationships for centuries. It's literally ironic.
I hope it's some kind of metal and you get ass cancer
Someone seems like they need a warm bottle of milk and a change of diaper
Now that is next level shitposting, the sky really is the limit maybe not even the sky.
I love you cunts so much
Because there you go again usurping all that is Holy and pretending you walk on water. Adam and steve didnt enable satan to rule the air. You did. Fuck pharisees. Your lies and pedophilia aside, if this obsessive guy were wearing the shoes of gays he is the type to take it even worse. But you dont think this way. With your personal responsibility. Logs and splinters. If Christ hated anybody it was hypocrites and those with closed off ears and stiff necks. Like you
2bh I'd vote yes but this effort is admirable.
based pilotbro
t. faggot
too bad he'll get arrested for hatespeech
T6 can do skywriting. Shop this with pepe up front and wojak in the back
so brave...
>to be honest
>saying this
Why not just be honest
Why do gays pretend to be religious?
My trad wife is going to have to wait, I am not making white babies till I have had sex with a qt red pilled femboy. Also MOAR!
Australia isn't like your shithole friendo
>Praise kek maga 3d chess degenerates xD
The safe space meme works better when you're not inside one yourself, user
Even I wanted to go to Australia long before the memes, even though everything in the ocean and the toads can kill you.