Why haven't you joined the Marines yet Sup Forums?!?!?!

Why haven't you joined the Marines yet Sup Forums?!?!?!

Other urls found in this thread:


>be in US military
>kill an arab
>come back to the US
>go to military prison for murder


>Why haven't you joined the Marines yet

You suck at loading trucks David.

they never asked me to join them!

Marines are shit tier. If you want to kill brown people join the Army and get a Ranger contract.

seen what it does to young men.

(As a fellow white person and routine financial contributor to the alt right) Much of our movement has at some point in time served in the United States Armed Forces, and we commend your heroic acts for our country and people.

You don't want to kill sandniggers?

5 other threads already on this. Its a diversity program now for gibs. Affirmative action and the military should of never combined