Why do you beat up anyone who disagrees with you
I need help understand Antifa
Because it works. Diplomacy is for brainlets.
But that's the thing hitier did were he just tried to take over without diplomacy
Saying mean words is literally worse than rape. When antifa gets done with Nazis, Stalingrad will look like a HWNDU meetup
This. The idea is that if we stop fascists from openly organizing they will be unable to mobilize when capitalism inevitably falls apart again. So far the idea has worked.
Holy shit the delusion. I'm not even on their side, but you fail to see that the average, normal American still supports free speech - even for people they dislike. Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization according to at least New Jersey with the federal govt close behind. The leftist msm that gave antifa cover has abandoned them. People understand antifa are just thugs who employ violence. That tactic can't last long and the backlash with cut their knees out
"Everyone i dont like is fascist"
Hurr durr conservatives won't do shit...yea cuz I mean we aren't packing more heat than can bilzerian. We're rational, but please do not be fooled. When the straw breaks the camels back your mask ain't bulletproof.
>So far the idea has worked.
>So far the idea has worked.
>So far the idea has worked.
Lel, Antifa has lost any support that it had. putting a big blanket on anything that's to the right of kasich as Facists was just retarded. It was fun to watch the rise and fall of antifa though, I'll give it that, now you faggots just shoot yourself in the foot at every chance you get. Should've disassociated with the SJW Tranny, BLM crowd and been more about communist ideals. But nope, now it's just a laughing stock.
because they're NAZIS
To shut them up. To disperse their organisation, to prevent them publicly spreading, or simply expressing their ideas.
Which organization? anyone with a MAGA hat? Your ideals are fucking ludicrous
This might make it simply:
Egalitarianism is their religion. When someone says anything that goes against egalitarianism, they react as a Muslim would if you insulted Muhammed.
Because it works.
Virgin Conservative
> " Why don't we conversate about our differences and reach some argumentative common ground?"
> * Bashes Fash *
Their trying to implement a communist regime thru means of violent revolution.
Deeper level is they are just another tool in the tool box that George Soros uses to engineer civil wars (Purple Revolution).
It is acceptable to beat up and silence haters. Maybe haters should just move to a country where you be accepted (good luck).
>falls apart again.
I don't recall a complete breakdown of capitalism world wide happening
Enlighten me
QRD on antifa
>pedo gestapo
wow that was easy.
dont even thank me.
lurk more nufags
We need to organize better like antifa. We need to organize across multiple groups to get shit done, like they do. And not be afraid to use their Alinsky style tactics. The NRA needs to work with pro-life groups and Turning Point USA. Also, we need a violent alt-right, just like they have a violent alt-left. They corrupted all the instututions. When it comes to civil war, we are fucked because they have all the instututions on their side. The guns and background behind using them aren't enough to win.
I do not think that left wing radicals have any interest in applying violence in America, except protecting their own, personally. But violent means of shutting people down may be applied to anyone and by anyone of course.
Hmmmm. Who's behind this post? Jidf? FBI? Anita or Zoe?
We learn violence from right-wingers ... it's not an ideal solution but it sure feels good to be punching nazi trumpsters.
Work on it, kid. You got the snark down. Now work on the wit. You'll get there. And we're here to assist your development
there is no reasoning with communists user, there is no point in trying to understand them either, because non of their shit makes sense.
it's all lies, subversion and irrational shit from some severely fucked up ideology
>2+2 is 5
forgot you already have white supremist groups and kkk?
>proceeds to imagine throwing "lefitsts" out of helicopters while LARPing as an SS officer
Read world history after the time of the great depression.
Commies want to make the world a better place. They will make it so the government can hurt or kill anyone who gets in the way of that goal. Nazis want to make the world a better place. They will make it so the government will hurt or kill anyone who gets in the way of that goal.
>jokes on an anonymous imageboard of professional autists are just as bad as lanky beta faggots stabbing people on dubious pretenses
They also stab horses
The horse was probably a Nazi.
>So far the idea has worked
We hate you more than ever, people hate you more than ever, it has worked but not to your advantage. keep it up
>The idea is that if we stop fascists from openly organizing they will be unable to mobilize when capitalism inevitably falls apart again
so you're still shilling for the establishment, you worthless cunts. why don't you just tape your mouth to Hillary's asshole, at least that way you won't have to bend over every 5 seconds.
You antifa should read history books of your own thinkers. There's no material basis for a revolution here. You are also not preventing people from spreading their ideas. Here's a hint. While leftist appeal relies on appearing in public and bragging about having your opinion, making it about you, right wing ideas don't. We figured all this stuff out for years alone and with it being socially unacceptable. Nobody has to go see a speech. The street isn't actually the political field, it's just a side show. You'd need to take down the whole internet. The other thing is that if your organization becomes socially unacceptable, that is, unsuitable for virtue signaling, you're going to lose a whole lot of support, so tread carefully.
Memes have consequences.
If the consequence is your inability to handle them without desperately trying to summon the nanny state to take it all away, then you should and probably will be removed from society.
Because I'm a retarded nigger without the Mental capacity to handle coherent thoughts other than of conflict.
If you think that, that's your problem. Most people can take a fucking joke without going fully autistic. Not society's job to placate your Down syndrome.
>being able to debate is for brainlets.
the mind virus is real
>radical left
>just wanna protect themselves, user
>proceeds to u-lock random unarmed people
Go ask Eric Clanton, after he gets his rectum repaired, how he feels about organizations literalled named BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
I'm sure they just want to protect themselves, right, by any means necessary, of course.
Because Marxism
Yeah. It's a monumentally retarded thing to say. Stone Age-tier retardation.
>me no like mouth sound he make. me hit him with rock til no more booga