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Some animals earned their right not to be food.
Dogs are mans best friend.
Civilization was built on the backs of horses.
And Cats keep rodents out of the house.

Those are our allies in the world. They are our workers. They are our friends.
They earned their place.


Bond with dog, train dog to guard sheep, train dog to protect children, eat dog when he's too old. What's wrong with this?

>Swiss eat cats and dogs

Proof theses fucks are not white and Asian hafl breeds.

You forgot to add in sucking the dogs dick you fucking leaf.

Anthropomorphising much?
Horse steak is tasty as fuck, you faggot.

Cats and dogs are delicious. you just mad that Switzerland is paradise

eating natural predators is degenerate

Civilization was literally built on the backs of horses
You don't even understand what Anthropomorphising means if you think it describes what I said about horses.
You are literally retarded and your opinion is invalid.

>Civilization was literally built on the backs of horses

and cows

Aliens eat women. Anything wrong with that?

A lot of people ride cows into war?
Travel the country sitting on cows?
Herd cattle on the back of a cow?

Cows pulled stuff sometimes, that was about it.

I've had horse, it really isn't that tasty you edgy cuck

>Cows pulled stuff sometimes, that was about it.

what is agriculture. stop eating beef you degenerate fuck

Civilization wasn't built on the back of cows, you move the goal post pretty far from Civilization built on the back of to...they pulled farm equipment.

Fuck off Pajeet, you're fooling no one.

It's regional. If you really think that way then whose ally is some stray dog? They're vermin.

I get Horse meat every monday and not a single fuck is given, the meat is great.

No it's chang.
Abdul just kills them.
Pajeet worships them as a god. Fuck it, they worship goddamn cows.

if it weren't for dogs there would be no civilization.

Wow, we eat Pajeet's God and not even they fly planes into buildings. A true religion of peace.

reminder horse meat is god tier

It is, easily the best meat there is. I wish cow and pig slaughterhouses were replaced with horses. Lamb is good too but nobody cares about it here.

Based pajeet doing work.

>civilization wasn't built by agriculture

The Swiss eat dogs and cats?

The only meat that is better is that Japanese Kobe meat.

americans are fucking stupid for banning horsemeat. fuck the bleeding heart libshits so much

I've been saying this for years but the Swiss aren't even human. They're a swarthy alpine race and their shitty little fake country has been loaded with jews for decades because of their banking laws (created by ashkenazi jews) and in recent years chinks despite their strict immigration laws. This is also why they eat dogs. Literally subhuman kike/chink dark-haired and eyed alpine garbage. Sub-human filth destined for the gas chambers and crematory ovens. Let's do this. Let's kill all of the Swiss

>Kobe meat.
I've never had nigger before.

lmao switzerland has one of the lowest chink and kike populations in europe. they are whiter than you

That looks like Whale meat

>lmao switzerland has one of the lowest chink and kike populations in europe. they are whiter than you
Well you're wrong but even if you were right, the alpines aren't white. They have swarthy brownish skin and dark hair and dark eyes. I have blonde hair and deep blue eyes and pale skin. I burn in the sun, never tan. Alpines tab so much they look like arabs. Alpine dare not white.

The Swiss are literally and objectively not white

It's only reasonable that if dogs and cats are on the menu in your country you get nuked.

Only rural peasants eat cats and dogs and they kill them themselves. They would never serve that shit in restaurants. We do eat horse though.

>Only rural peasants eat cats and dogs

Same thing in China swissbro. You are not so different.

Yes there fucking is. We coevolved along side dogs as companions in hunting, work, play, ect. They are our ancestral friends. Anyone who has ever owned a dog knows that the bond between man and dog goes deeper than food (unlike cats, or basically every other animal). Dogs can understand us and every pet eventually comes to reflect their master. Dogs love us and we love dogs.

Eating them is basically a lesser form of cannibalism. It's subhuman.

gdi wrong pic

meanwhile pigs are smarter than dogs and we eat them by the truckload

if you have to eat you have to eat

>When the last word you type is "subhuman" and your brain tells you to attach a pic of a subhuman.

Generally Eaten Animals were bred for that.

Dogs were bred for loyalty and hunting. Dogs often Implicitly trust their human friends.

Cats were bred to look nice, domesticated for decoration. Cats are smart, we can tell
because they don't give a fuck about what we're doing and know that they need only
put in minimal effort to get by. But more importantly, if your Cat truly cares about you,
It will begin to bring you Dead animals. Mice, Birds, Voles, just little things. They
actually bring smaller ones live, but tend to kill them when they wriggle away. If you go
near them when it's just escaped and they look like they're playing with it, they leave.

It's because they care.

They see that you don't hunt. "When does it get food?" "what does it eat?" "It has to eat something..." "... i know, I'll bring it some food!"

It cares, for a member of another species. Can't say you see that every day, when it comes to the animal kingdom

i see you follow the muslim way

An overabundance of pet companions leads to uncontrollable anthropomorphism.

It's not about right or wrong. It's more: "Wait they were doing that all along?"

good thought, like how all horse owners want to fuck the horses

There is, though.
Carnivore animals accumulate toxins in their bodies, that are harmful to humans.


Cats are syrian invaders don't belong in Europe. They're also genociding birds. Dogs are retarded wolves and horses are obsolete.

Never heard of it or saw any cat or dog meat in the store shelves, but horse meat is real tho.

>people have different tastes
Kill yourself horse fucker

Gee I wonder who could be behind those posts.

It could look like tuna, Never had Whale so i don't know.

Who cares how smart pigs are? They aren't our friends. Not like dogs.


>It cares, for a member of another species.
domesticated cows and pigs have demonstrated this repeatedly despite falling under 'Generally Eaten Animals'

Give me a reason not to eat a cat or dog that isn't "MUH FEELS"

You people are as pathetic as libcucks.

This, pigs can kill people. Dogs don't, unless it's a fucking Pit-bull.


It's Soros and crew

>They see that you don't hunt. "When does it get food?" "what does it eat?" "It has to eat something..." "... i know, I'll bring it some food!"
Cats confirmed for retards.
I mean what do they think, that their food bowl magically refills itself?

It is the behavior of 3rd world country sociopaths. Eat something that was loyal to you and your family, with no emotional attachment. That is subhuman ethics.

>every time in recorded history that a dog has killed a person, it's always been a pitbull

Women arn't people, so no.

Dogs are vermin unless commanded by man. Cats aren't any better either.

Bullshit, dogs are annoying little shit machines, if you bond heavly with a dog you are emotionally stunted. I don't understand people that care about dogs after they are dead.

Fake news. The studies that showed that were heavily flawed and funded by animal rights groups to push an agenda. Consistently it has been proven time and time again that dogs have a deeper understanding of humans. Even better than that of animals actually smarter then them, like Chimps.

Also, try linking a scholarly article next time, Brainlet.

Jokes on you. You gave humanistic descriptors to non humans thus anthropomorphising. While you try to sound intelligent, you're likely clinically retarded. You should have that looked at.

so does that mean dogs are tastier?

Horses are beautiful creatures, I've worked with and ridden them for most of my life. I can't imagine eating one unless I was stranded and starving somehow.
Not to mention breeding horses for slaughter is inefficient, they are more needy than cattle and most other farm animals and take a while to gestate.

>Only subhuman barbarians give a fuck about empathy, compassion, non-violence and respecting another creature. Fuck that subhuman shit.
>I only care about loyalty


Looks pretty white to me faggot.

Dogs and cats are friends not food, but a horse it's to much meat to waste it.

> Implying PIttbulls aren't nigger-tier.

why the fuck would you eat an old animal?

one more reason to hate westerners
literal animals with 0 morality

sopa de bernardo?

people who eat dogs are not human, end of story
>inb4 2 gorillion angry "Canadian" replies

lamb smells you finn merchant

Why do I have the feeling that this thread was made by an Asian American? Maybe because of the chink hate thread that is up right now. Hmmm really makes me think.

it wasn't even a judgement call on pitbulls one way or the other. you missed the point, your argument that pigs are different than dogs because former can kill people was just stupid. dogs, all kinds, domesticated and wild can and have killed uncountable people since forever.

You're no better than the filthy chinks you fucking mountain kike, your shit nation is why people like Soros are still around.

>Swiss eat dogs and cats
What the fuck? Do they mean asians living in Switzerland?

Sage and report all slide threads

I keep seeing this meme
>hurr durr pitbulls are niggers hurr durr
Ive literally watched black people shit their pants
over a yard with a couple pitbulls in it. They are
afraid of pitbulls more than any other dog, for a good reason. A well trained pitbull is some of the best nigger repellent you can have. That being said I'd still rather have rottweiler.
And....cats are fucking based, I can't understand hate for cats, they are awesome.

pittbulls will get the bbq treatment too

>no unis in the top 20
>no art worth preserving
my sides hurt
Even argentina gave the world borges

you CAN still eat your friends though. not that you should.

t. Ahmed

>"heh vegetarians are such crybabies"
>eat a dog
>"why are you eating a dog waaaaaah"


fucking savage


Cats and dogs are better than people. Fuck off. I'd rather kill and eat a dog-eating chink than a dog, if I had to.

Chinks/Koreans without souls wouldn't understand.

I want to fuck all these girls in the picture. except for the smallest one, she kinda looks like Jay from Jay and silent Bob