Fuck Immigrants

>Criticism of Trump
Wtf is wrong with you idiots? It bothers me that the year is almost out and Trump still hasn't put a handle on immigration and seems to be cozying up to "non-criminal" illegals. I'm glad that Trump has done some good for veterans and put a conservative judge on the supreme court that will protect religious freedom from fag-enabling atheists for years to come. However, immigrants are a horrible blight and burden on our country and Trump seems content to let them take over. What exactly is the plan? Muslims, chinks and mexicans are taking over the US and Don is pussyfooting around.

>inb4 be patient
Seriously, stfu with that bullshit because it's not funny.


Tax cuts, infrastructure, MAGA... all for nothing if he turns the USA into a North Mexico Shit hole and gives away our children's future to these IQ 90 idiots.

No it's not, it's defacto amnesty for people who should not be here in the first place.


>falling for the shills
>falling for cointelpro

>t. shill

>when le drumpf 4d chesses all over ur bukkake

>tfw /pol is being invaded by shills

The point of the wall is to keep criminals out. If all that walked through the gate or climbed over the wall was fine outstanding citizens then we would make them all citizens. Dreamers are by design of the program non criminals.

This. No human being is illegal

Pick one

>Country founded by immigrants

>illegal immigration has dropped a lot since trump won.
>construction work pay up ~30% because of less illegals.
>hotels and other companies complaining in msm that they need to pay more for americans to do the jobs, because of less illegals to hire.
>op complains because people arent buying the 'omg now i hate trump' shill meme

You should have clapped op. pic related

Except that shitskin immigrants are usually retarded and white immigrants aren't.

At the risk of sounding like a concern troll, I am getting increasingly concerned about the Trump.

I was happy when he withdrew from the TPP, withdrew from the Paris Pact, repealed DACA, tried to ban trannies from the military, stopped arming the Syrian rebels. I thought he was shaking things up, knocking down the old order.

But then he struck Syria twice. But then the advisors that had helped him along with his MAGA policies started getting fired. His tranny ban got killed. He started making deals with that kike Schumer and the beanwhore Pelosi.

And I excused it all. The strikes on Syria were limited; the advisors left to keep Trump from looking too bad. The tranny banny would get passed eventually. The deals with the Dems was just to get aid to Harvey victims.

But this DACA shit is unforgivable. Meming aside, I never really expected a true wall - that would take years, and the RINOs would never allocate the funds. What I did expect, and what I wanted, was for him to strengthen border security best he could. Deport the illegals, even the ones Obama had shielded because "muh children." Kill the sanctuary cities.

And now it looks like he's backtracking, abandoning the very policies that got him elected. That got me to support him.

I don't think that it's necessarily Trump. I think he's overwhelmed by the job and is allowing his advisors to help him make the tough decisons, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Problem is, he chose the wrong advisors, has allowed the wrong voices to whisper in his ear.

My only hope is that we can get through to him somehow, to show him how much we - the average American - want the policies he campaigned on to get enacted. We want the hard-driving nationalist who said things no one else would, not the weak globalist spouting empty promises. We want our President back.

Wall still not built. Obamacare still going strong. NK still making threats and flying shit over Japan. Mah fire and fury. Mah build a wall. Mah obamacaredisaster.

Just admit it, Trump hasn't done shit because he is all talk.

So basically, everyone who was crying and needing safe spaces and therapy because trump won, was totally over reacting? Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Good on you.

This is now a crying dems election night pic thread...... GO!

pls die you fucking bread boxes

>I'm not a concern troll but...
>proceeds to concern troll
Hm... Really activates my almonds

I don't think you understand how many shills are here.

They went warmode on all the Russian ones, so all we're left with is these mouthbreathers.

Hey buddy, it's me, from the other thread.

Hope you're well.

For being as ballsy as he was

When comes down to it, Trump doesn't have enough balls.

>responding to shills

Not going to lie, former Trump supporter here it's hilarious watch him crash and burn. In all seriousness, we can't let him get the nuclear codes