How do we fix race relations in America?
How do we fix race relations in America?
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Already tried that and it didn't' work.
this worked well until the liberals fucked it up
The white man should pork more black women. Give the future negress more white features. Enough for the black man to find it beautiful.
Races are a social construct, when they admit it, everything will be better.
It 100% worked that's why the Jews stopped it.
Send all the negroes to the Bahamas
Unironically this
Blacks are more American than non-Anglo European immigrants
Mandatory melanotan II injections for all white people.
It worked pretty well
no thanks, myself and future kids don't need syphillis
No. Liberia. It was made for them.
When I get to hell, JWB is paying for his sin of assassinating Lincoln and thwarting his plan to send 'em back.
deport the niggers back to Africa, deport the spics back to Mexico.
>brap posting a nigger
I mated with a black girl and abandoned the child?
did i do right? she still looks black but is light skinned at least whereas her mom was black as night
in my defense the negress lied about being on birth control
This makes me fucking sick. Faggots like you need to stop posting bestiality on this board.
Race traitor
ever since this shitstorm I have been using 'nigger' at least 10 times more often than I used to. I dont even need to use it I just do out of spite.
It's not possible due to natural disparities between them. Blacks will always resent Whites if Whites are more successful even though it's impossible for the blacks to achieve this success because they don't have the genetics to make it work.
If pro sports where the main way that wealth was achieved, the situation would be the same with the races reversed.
The only real way is simply get a point where we have automation so down pat that we just pay them off. Then people will be happy. Post scarcity is the pretty much the only way.
if that were true they'd call themselves Americans not African-Americans and they'd stand for the national anthem
Fuck it, lets just all mix until we we look like brazilians.
>I mated with a black girl and abandoned the child
Congrats, you literally became a nigger. Good job.
Is the racism really required?
My mind says no but muh dik says yes
Just make sure you support the kid to some extent and get them to college, like Strom Thurmond's bastard
These are the most effective shill threads IMO
>TFW your weakness is big nigress booty
Some sort of #Blaxit or Marcus Garvey style 'Back To Africa' movement.
You convince the average black person/ pit them against the super wealthy black billionaires (and black multi hundred-millionaires) that if they simply came together with all their money & wealth, that they could "build a civilization free of racism" back in Africa for all the suffering blacks in America and racist white countries.
You convince them that white people of the past made sacrifices for the good of their own people, etc.. and that filthy rich blacks could do the same if they simply put significant portions of their wealth towards building a civilization for blacks in their homelands.
Billionaire blacks like Oprah, Dr Dre, Diddy, LeBron James, Floyd Mayweather, Jay-Z, Beyonce, etc.
It would also be rooted in "showing whitey just what they're missing and what we're capable of when the shackles of racism are free".
You all need fucking saving
You were saying?
but even in brazil there seems to be a hierarchy. I heard that women there go for white sperm in sperm banks
t-thank you user. I was so hypnotized by the magic of booty I almost thought about betraying my race
no you did not right. You deserve a horrible death.
Also birth control is not 100% safe neither pill nor condoms
Replace all humans with robots.
the fuck dude go father your kid
The mixing process is not yet complete. Give it 200-300 more years. until 95% of the population is just ambiguously mixed.
most black americans don't call themselves african american
Holy fuck yes.
Still none of those baboons can compare to pic related.
kill the jew.
they're the ones pitting races against each other.
I hope I accumulate enough good-boy points so when I die I have the bottom middle waiting for me on the other side..
congrats you created another mulatto that will probably resent whites because you abandoned it like a nigger
Blacks have ancestors that have been in America longer than most Irish, Scottish, Italian, German "Americans".
Why don't all white people go back to Europe?
think again
It's mind blowing to imagine that 99% of the people over here are basically virgins talking about sex
Dating a black woman is fine when its just the two of you or you hang out with white friends but things go downhill quickly once you're surrounded by one or more other black person. I can literally smell the stench of dirty weave just from that picture. Tru shit homebread.
>Blacks have ancestors that have been in America longer than most Irish, Scottish, Italian, German "Americans".
Who gives a shit? They're not white.
swedes still have that light of skin?
by killing all the white liberals who attack white people on behalf of nonwhite people, and believe nonwhites are disprivileged and NEED their charity and defense in order to succeed in life.
then you sterilize everybody unable to support children if they're welfare leeches and regulate reproduction based on what an individual can provide for outside of government assistance.
Race traitors will be gone, democracy will have lost power due to a depopulation of retards, and there wont be a caste of brown people that does nothing but get high, reproduce, and commit crime. This includes africans in africa that accept GNP assistance.
that's the closest to utopia we'll get
>Who gives a shit? They're not white.
Not an argument, America isn't a whiteman's land. Go back to Europe and be racist there.
Bullying virgin is a fun time, but we need to start giving more shit to people who haven't had sex in 6+ months as well. I call them "re-virgins" because it is essentially the same thing as reclaiming your V card.
Not such a bad idea. When the white man fucks the shitskin he makes the world whiter. When the white woman gets fucked by the shitskin the world becomes blacker.
Lets not pretend like no one wouldn't pork that first girl that OP showed. Just don't wife her up and give her your money and time. Only white women get that.
Damn it brazil, even your b8 is sub par. I just can't defend this shit anymore!
I just call them "married"
True story
All whites would be fine with going back to Europe as long as all non whites gtfo from Europe you stupid nigger.
I want her to crush my penis
We should have a really big orgy xD
America was built BY and FOR whites.
Niggers' contributions are literally next to nothing.
Niggers' accomplishments and innovations on a worldwide scale are laughable and are next to nothing.
Then pack your fucking bags you dumb cunt.
Neutering the mainstream media by undoing the 2012 amendment to the Smith-Mundt modernization act is a good start.
Gassing anything remotely liberal, democrat, or jewish.
You niggers are so pathetically devoid of accomplishment that you need to fabricate claims of building pyramids.
its the Jews America now GOY
>is 17
ok ill just steal money to go and fly to fucking scotland
She was given up for adoption to a white family.
She admitted she was never on B/C.
Who is this liberal niggerlover?
>The white man should pork more black women
I would be ok to fucking all somewhat beatuiful negro cunts in africa so that the male niggers don't produce more offspring. This raising their average IQ over time and bleaching them along the way.
But I don't want to have anything to do with them afterwards. I want to go back and make white children with my gf/wife. We simply should sterizile nearly all black men in africa.
>Social construct
>Determined by genes
Are you fucking retarded?
Niggers need to learn to start being inclusive and it'll resolve
>is 17
>ok ill just steal money to go and fly to fucking scotland
You can ask your parents and your family members to finance the trip. They all can go back with you.
Don't be a fool user.
Well that's better than her being raised by niggers. Maybe she'll turn out ok
same girl?
i liked the little Gap, tbhwy
>But I don't want to have anything to do with them afterwards.
Aka I want white guys to have the same reputation as blacks. Except 5x worse.
No black girl would have babies with a white guy in your crazy world.
We start by admitting that all human beings are disgusting. But, amazingly, God loves us.
Or just nuke them, It would take a lot less effort. You know how to do this Germany, I know you do.
they already expect to be single mothers. they will and definitely do have white babbies without foresight
Not the same.
Then cut your balls off, it'll clear your mind of degenerate desire.
This nation was founded and dedicated upon the proposition that all men are created equal. The intervening epoch has proved the endurance of that noble ideal. It's sacred premise based upon unyielding faith in the contraposition that right makes might.
Let us then, to whom nature has bequeathed such nobility, endeavor in all diligence to maintain this sacred charge of our fathers; the maintenance of this faithful ideal and the endurance of our union.
We are not, therefore, called in isolation to prosper but from the beneficent ennoblement of the benighted to gain prosperity thereby.
It is not in our strength that we succeed but in our faith and observance of truth. We must not degenerate but invigorate the souls of our fellow countrymen with law and society designed to enlighten and ingratiate the soul of man to the heavenly purpose upon which we are embarked and called by divine will to prosecute.
Race relations are fine. It's just in the media. Turn off the TV
Why can't I take liberties with black women? I'm a white man, conquest is in my blood
A nation is a people
You don't produce a PEOPLE by an IDEA, especially one that stands directly in contrast to the whole concept of a nation in the first place
If we're all EQUAL then ethnicity, race, nationality is meaningless huh
All white men are created equal. They never saw niggers as equal
you know what to do
ok, we'll send them your way, m8
>white babies
You do realize we are talking about africa here? I'm implying a complete repopulation programm for that continent. Sterilize black men, black women won't have a choice.
Once the first generation got bleached, the kids will get bleach 2 or 3 addition generations in that programm and africa can finally stop being a shithole. The average IQ is probably 90-95 up from 70 after 3 or 4 generations.