H3H3 severes ties with Pewdiepie cause he slipped out Nigger. He and Hilla go full white knight to protect their own financial gain. Literally jewing out a friend because muh ad money.

While also he literally says nigger faggot multiple times in an older podcast

Other urls found in this thread:


>omg someone said the nigger word the world is ending

Yeah fuck these kikes

hes not even black tho

Why does he keep having muscle spasms in his eyebrows. Is he disabled? Tourette?

Doesn't hehe do videos with idubbbz?

That guy says nigger, faggot and retard 40 times in ever video

He has tourettes

>thanks for the latest ecelebs run down friendo, whats swift squad up too atm also? 8-)

he has tourettes in his eyebrows no joke fahm

Ableism coming from a leaf. I expected better of you. :(
