Do you think pedophilia will become legal in the sense of legal adult/child relationships?
Do you think pedophilia will become legal in the sense of legal adult/child relationships?
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Legal for any citizen to kill them on sight maybe.
only if it is done under the guise of being "progressive"
I honestly think it might be a reality one day because each time i look into this topic, i learn more and more about the topic.
like child marriages, they were a thing all the way back a hundred years ago within the USA themselves.
I kind of think that the stigma around it garnered because of the rarity it became because of the rise of capitalism. this is also the reason why birthrates are low all across the first world countries.
I think the stigma is equivolant to that of interracial relationships/marriages. Its odd because we're not used to it. and its "wrong" because its not falling in line with the status quo.
Its kind of interesting to think about this shit.
but at the same time its weird and i think a hidden destructoid thing to talk about.
Pedophilia isnt illegal. Child rape/sexual assault/molestation is.
It already is here. 13. It's great too.
No. Even the farthest left extremist hates pedophiles. They are, like, the one universally reviled group in the world.
I think the fact you posted on this site means, at least to me, pizzagate is going to be exposed soon. You won't get any sympathy from me. I'd like to see public executions personally.
Alright Sup Forums lets hear it,
what should the legal age be?
I'm voting 16
i will tally up the totals and see who one. Anything under 14 will be ignored, even then its pushing it but i'll be open minded to opinions
desu, im just bored and im on an autistic thought spree and i find it kinda interesting to think weird shit like this.
You' can also use this pedophile talk as a double edged sword and make lefties admit there are races in the world.
Like bring up child marriages a hundred years ago in the USA.
if they're the forever hated groups like the previous guy said, then they'll forever try to counter every argument. and they'll probably say "we changed past that."
then you can make them imply evolution, and then bam, you can get them to admit that evolution happens quicker than hundreds of thousands of years, and then they would indirectly admit the existence of races.
And why is the average nips first time at the age of 30?
Imagine if you have a 13 years old daughter and she is fucking with a 30 years old dude.
Don't tell me you would be fine with it.
Not as long as the feminists/socialists are allowed power. Once we oust them things will return to how things are supposed to be.
>like child marriages, they were a thing all the way back a hundred years ago within the USA themselves.
But then the socialists/feminists took over the government and fucked everything up.
>Even the farthest left extremist hates pedophiles
Yeah, of course, they've always been the ones pushing against it. Who do you think forced up the AoC and minimum age of marriage? Who do you think forced girls into schools? It sure wasn't upright traditionalists.
I wouldn't, but that's how it was a hundred years ago.
I think its considered gross because of the age difference.
Like if an old man fucked a 20 year old girl.
Its legal yeah, but no one would really like that or like to be around that. Atleast thats what the social stigma i perceived when remember instances of similar relationships.
The age of consent should be lowered to 10 weeks old.
Fight me. All of you fight me. You can't stop me niggas I'm like 6 ft 4 and 280 pounds. 10 weeks old.
Yes. I agree that we should be able to get a hunting license and take maybe 1-2 per season, depending on how much they breed.
depends on how many joos writing the laws and whether it is israel or not
>what should the legal age be?
There shouldn't be one. The concept is anti-family government overreach. It's up to a girl's father to say when and to whom she is to be married, not the State. Any sex outside marriage is rape/theft.
>Anything under 14 will be ignored
Yeah, fuck you.
>it's good for girls tp be sluts
>unless there's a big age gap, that's gross
No, fuck you, it's never okay for girls to be sluts.
My 13yo would be fucking a guy around double her age because I'd arrange for her to marry such a man. Oh, but that can't happen because the law says I can't havd her married that early.
When did the catholic church take over?
I'll start shooting people who vote for legalizing pedophilia in the street if it does.
Literally that's the line IMO. I will go to the ballet box with an armed entourage and force people to vote no.
Fortunately I think literally every sane person agrees. So not really worried.
Then why are they celebrating 8 year old trannies who writhe suggestively and twerk and why are Salon and others pushing pro-pedophile articles defending sex predators because it's not their fault they were born that way?
>10 weeks old
>implying that's not still a clump of cells and therefore eligible for abortion
Yeah, like those child pageants. Everyone who participates in that kind of shit gets the gas chambers.
yeah, then the collapse and subsequent purge. it's gonna be really fucking horrible, but it won't last long for them.
in sweden the age of consent is 15 , thats considered pedophilia according to our retarded jew law, a 15 year old bitch already has hair in the snatch ,if nature or god didnt want them to get banged then why can they have children?
These motherfuckers:
>There shouldn't be [an age of consent]. The concept is anti-family government overreach. It's up to a girl's father to say when and to whom she is to be married, not the State. Any sex outside marriage is rape/theft.
This make so much sense.
We know that in older times marriages are arranged years before they'll happen. So one might suppose that one of the things that the family of the bride waits for is for her to have matured physically. So the men ACTUALLY having sex with actual kids was probably very rare even then.
>(makes comments suggesting he is a father.)
I'd enjoy hearing more from you about your thought on what would be a good husband for your daughter as well as other related information.
age of consent in some countries is like 12 so in some places it kinda is
in the states? doubt it
>being this much of a triggered feminist
>implying anybody likes pageant whores
They're disgusting.
>>(makes comments suggesting he is a father.)
I didn't mean to imply such. It was more of a hypothetical, "if I had a daughter I'd arrange her marriage".
Theres no way. The backlash would be massive. The first guy who tries to tell a father that his little girl wants to be his wife is going to get brutally slayed.
Yes all arguments justifying other behavior of equal decree can be twisted to justify pedophilia.
You are aware that child brides used to be a thing and still are some places, right? How do you think it used to work?
So basically sharia?
OP, this is the globalist plan to reduce world population. Three part. Encourage homosex, make divorce an endless bankruptcy for men (especially ones with children), and progressively raise the age of consent.
Women are capable of biological reproduction around age 12. Biology. Science.
12 is too young for their maturing minds. Psychology. Pseudoscience.
You decide.
>but the mudslimes do that!
Great argument, youve convinced me that girls should be sluts. Having strong healthy families would make us too much like the mudslimes.
i think thats a reasonable thing to say when you say it like that.
however, like a hundred thousand years down the road, when we evolve further into whatever, i think the age of consent as it is would be biologically natural, maybe.
because our species hasnt really evolved drastically to warrant such changes except for "social stigma" and that is heavily subjective and can be flicked left and right whenever some big cat wants.
I wasn't trying to convince you of anything, just making sure you realize the similarity. I myself am a big proponent of sharia. Inshallah it will come to both our lands, brother.
it's starting with the transgender debate.
kids, even now, are being allowed to pick their gender. if they can do that, why can't they consent to sex? will be the next question.
this is all by design (not the flow of what emerges in society, but what is normalized through our media) in order to allow the pedophiles Alex Jones talks about to have sex with children wihtout fear of legal action
Ah, well, if you agree okay.
When libertarians come to power, the issues of child labor, child slavery, child citizenship, child freedom, child sex, etc (you get the picture, anything to do with children) will eventually leave the domain of dying conservative conventional-wisdom social norms and become addressed in such a radically different way that most people alive today can't really comprehend its scale.
In the 1932 science fiction novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, in the distant 26th century humans no longer even reproduce by conceiving and giving birth. Babies are produced and harvested from giant factories, and are then raised and developed by automated systems that spit out perfectly adjusted adults ready to enter the workforce.
Once a world state with a global free market is achieved and conflict is ended, something that will clearly occur within the next several centuries barring a WWIII-like cataclysmic event that ends human society, it will only be a matter of time before medical science and free enterprise advance "designer babies" to a degree indistinguishable from Huxley's predictions.
Currently, pedophiles are persecuted to a degree that only the highest ring of oligarchs (the US Federal Government officials, other UN-member nation officials) are able to freely practice this degree of perversion, and even then, if they slip up or fall out of favor, they too are eliminated (Dennis Hastert).
I don't think any individual can really see any point in caring about what happens in his lifetime when he understands this inevitability. All present-day, sort of fabricated conflicts that are most visible (from the SJW-alt-right conflict all the way to North Korea shooting missiles over Japan) will be a tiny, completely irrelevant blip in history that might not even be covered in the classes of future private-conception-nursery-school-university megacorporations.
I a'm kinda on your side, except the age of Consent should be 12.
Earlier marriage is useless, and Heathen Mohammedan practice, and the participants are not even child bearing age yet.
Obvious sarcasm, but they do have us severely beat in Fertility you know that right?
And the concept of marriage is not a difficult one to grasp.
i do agree with that.
it is designed to an extent.
news articles were all promoting/defending pedophilia before milo decided to say some pedo shit and then they all scrapped it to shit on milo, and now milo is out of the loop.
And now they're starting that train up again.
trump is literally the only guy that can alter reality to a good destination imo but he's probably not gonna go above and beyond which is necessary.
probably will just fix up inner cities, get a wall just normal shit.
This is an important issue.
Stop this line of thought.
don't think the social stigma would ever swing from what it is now.. what self respecting parent would let someone date their child?? like wtf
listen man, maybe back in the day that was fine but girls at 14 are fucking stupid nowadays and fathers can't just marry them off because of the Laws of this land.
Dealing within the parameters of our society, i think 16 is best age
You are mixing up arranged marriages with age of consent.
Arranged marriages make strong families.
Child brides do not.
No. Maybe if you're a cuckservative republican and think this is OK.
Otherwise, no.
No the slippery slope argument is stupid the majority of people will never think fucking kids is ok
No. I don't care how progressive people get, slopes aren't that slippery
People used to think the opposite, you know? "What self respecting man would let his daughter in schools and to slut around? That'll never become normal" but now it has.
Goddamn, it's like you people have no perspective.
>fathers can't just marry them off because of the Laws of this land.
Yeah, that's the problem.
>girls at 14 are fucking stupid nowadays
Are you implying are or have ever besn not stupid?
>maybe back in the day that was fine
So wgat changed? Besides "it's the law now so that means its right".
What's the difference? And how is girls being married young not good?
>muh slippery slope
How do you people not realize the slope has been slipping the other way for the past hundred odd years? How can people be so unaware of the world around them?
Rubadubdub its time to get out of the tub
You can't stop our love Op. Age is just a number. /sarcasmoff
I hope so
Who cares, personally marriage should be normal for 12 year old girls, but we'll soon have artificial wombs so idk
Goddamn, she used to be hot. Why do girls have to grow up, why can't they just stay young and hot?
>i will force people to think the way i do
what happened to that first american rule in the amrican rulebook or whatever is called?