St. Louis riots general
St. Louis Riots
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For those who can't show up in person, here's the home version...
fucking faggot
Quick question, are leftist university faggots in?
They echoed the announcement that they will continue the chimmpening at 3 tomorrow. I guess they slept in too much.
Fuck police and fuck white people.
baka, this is some retarded shit. Lemmings in the streets
Last night, Reb Z taught us about particulate material and secret invisible gas.
I wonder what pearls of wisdom he will be letting out tonight?
call me when they start firing. otherwise this is just another day in amurrica
Get in there and red pill the chat anons.
>linking reb z
BLM always delivers
Well, at least they've boiled it down to one clear message
"Antifa and BLM are not an organizations"
One thing I never get is why there's never any molotovs in the US. There's ALWAYS a few in European riots, but never any here...
wait thats it??
Not since the Soros funding dried up.
too many white people for happenings.
It would be a shame if they stayed out there too long and were subject to...
How many rapes tonight?
>expect us
Now I know where the elite hacker ananomos went
takes too much planning and effort
chimps just show up
Someone else needs to bake the next one, probably that sign real?
There was more white people last night and shit still happened
Honestly because the police would probably use lethal force in response.
Protesting white people only believe in Instagram likes
Just wait until they tire out. The afro evolved for late night chimpanzee activities.
Rocket Fizz in troub;e
Anybody else get the feeling that something big/bad is about to happen? I've had a vauge sense of doom all day today.
yeah, but as soon as that shit went down all those white people took off. along with the older black folks, they didn't hang around for that shit.
rocketfizz about to get particulated
>particulates incoming
What is the point of claiming the streets as theirs?
Nigga did you read what I said? The European riots. As in the white Antifa/commie types
Been out of the loop for a while, what are the niggers chimping out over this time?
"Every time he leaves home" the original sign said
someone restream reb z pls
Commies and Dindus can't into logic.
but the point remains, just because there's whites, doesn't mean shit can't happen
Map for those unfamiliar with StL
They like to stroke their own ego and give homage to the concept that they are a movement of the people. In reality, they do not pay taxes as a result of their communist ideology, and the streets are objectively not theirs.
in america that's assault with a deadly weapon, leading to major jail time, also on an officer, which leads to being shot to death because you're a dumb bitch. so yeah, only rocks and bottles of water and pee pee.
video of the shooting pls
>wasn't he a drug dealer?
Why are the singling out a rocketfizz, and what the hell is a rocketfizz?
i thought east st lou was the ghetto nigger no go zone?
thanks god..
it might happen, but it's not going to go anywhere or last for more than an hour, white people like to scatter.
I'd be fine with seeing some niggas getting mowed down.
Accelarationism at it's finest
a fizzy rocket
What does saying "who's street, our street" accomplish?
that is the case but it's also illinois, not same stats
But he did rob a store earlier that day tho
Prob the most perfect widely spread shoop about dindus ever anyways
rocketfizz pulls guns on kids!
And helps keep them uppity
Probably smart and closed early and locked up
I believe many people will become tired of communists. We are reaching a breaking point.
Oh shit mobility scooter incoming!!
Their domination over the enemy.
Someone got hit by a car right before the march started.
getting run over for being in the street apparently.
>when you're so fat even light can't escape your mouth
In due time. The next 4 years are gonna be fun
It gets you a free square, of course.
Deploy the Dodge Challengers
>you will always be a nigger
sucks to be you.
we need to get every nigger, mudshark, coal burner, oil driller and coddler rounded up and shipped to Nignog Island ASAFUCKINGP
They are now attacking local businesses
Mostly small ones. What do they think will happen when those businesses pack up and leave? Where do they think the gibs come from?
lmao I didn't even through the thread first before replying.
I haven't seen a lot of these protests but this one just looks like a party. People hanging out with nothing else to do tonight, all while getting to feel good about themselves.
nah its basically a shell. Its violent but hardly anyone lives there.
North city is violent and has a big population, and theyve been moving into NoCo steadly (where ferguson is)
however North City you still have run of the mill just trynna get by niggas. Every, EVERY East StL nigga is a criminal, and will kill you if they had to. Even the cops and mayor. Estl is just a hive of scum and villiany at all levels
>bad drivers
Everyone in IL is a bad driver, including me. Why do out of staters drive exactly at the speed limit? You know it's fine to go 5-10 above.
it looks amazing
What are they butthurt about now?
A clerk at RocketFizz pepper sprayed some young "youths" recently
top zozzle
local news storyit is a candy store where a niglet flash mob tried to rob the place the owner maced them and they fled. The "community" got pissed off that there niglets took a pepper bath. Colin Flarety has a video up on it.
did that sign on stream just say "fuck jeff sesn"?
You keep using rational thinking dude, stop
Nam vet father and mother prepared. We are excited to clean house. Our family left due to communists before WW2.
Which is worse (and why):
1) BLM/black supremacists/monkeys
2) AntiFa/Communists/fags
When you run out of chants so everyone yells Mic Check.
have you been updating your board?
They want to say racist are to scared to show up in streets so they dominate it.
White traitors. A nation cannot survive treason from within.
BLM are monkeys but antifas are what brings actual destruction. Different shit but same smell in europe
is st lou the old railroad money town? With nice old money hot white women?
gommies nigs would be lost without there gommie handlers.
Any stores looted?
It is clear the communist has no concept of external systems. I am fearful of what they would create to replace a perfectly industrious one. Fortunately, they often fail and are removed for the betterment of society. They are merely outing themselves now.
>thinking you came from "kangs"
>built the pyramids
go to egypt and ask for free shit then, see how other countries treat your dumb asses.
here have another