Is it true? Is Ben Shapiro a white supremacist who is just pretending to be a Jew?
Is it true? Is Ben Shapiro a white supremacist who is just pretending to be a Jew?
No. But Tariq is legit retarded.
>tariq calling other people racists
Jesus it the current year already?
Ben is 100% absolutely a white supremacist who larps as a Jew.
Shapiro is a (((neocon))) who tried to get Hillary elected because Donald Trump and his supporters remind him of the boys who stuffed him in his locker in high school.
Is Tariq one of the greatest trolls ever?
In fairness to Tariq, "Nazi" means "anyone the left accuses of being a Nazi."
I suspect he's a troll.
No, he doesn't even have any white supremacist beliefs.
He hates white supremacists, he hates Nazi's, he doesn't even like Sup Forums
And the left fears him, because he is a Jew and all they know how to do is shout Nazi at people. So in order to use their one and only tactic they have no option but to make stuff up about him so they shout Nazi at him.
It makes it a million times better because it makes them look like retards to the rest of the world.
He's a troll
He has to be. He's not even being subtle anymore.
A leaf-tier one at that.
what a hilarious conversation
fucking niggers and kikes, a match made in hell.
>implying niggers have the IQ to be this good of a troll
Tariq is actually making me laugh here
Tariq is a performance artist and a fantastic one at that.
This. Niggers, the low-IQ accidental trolls. Kikes, the perma-victims and leaders of the left. Both, susceptible to victim culture at a moment's notice, fighting for dominance.
Agreed. He sidesteps everything and manages to piss people off who are too afraid to call him a nigger. It's pottery
another case of leftist cannibalism - but it just doesn't happen on the left. be careful
>niggers being niggers
what else is new
Quick, someone throw a muslim lesbian into the mix
How can a nigger be this stupid
Shapiro would wipe the floor with him
Someone should show the nigger that novel Ben Shapiro wrote. It contains phrases about a cop shooting a black person and being forced to face the "incredible darkness" of a black protesting crowd.
Best timeline. Frankenstein's monster is turning on its creator
>How can a nigger be this stupid
What's it called?
>trained monkey trying to out jew his masters
Hahahahahaha that was entertaining gotta watch out for dat high voibal IQ
No you see, they have created a monster they can't fight. It's hilarious, he literally doesn't need any arguments other than muh oppression and unknowingly is turning their whole creation on themselves.
>Frankenstein's monster is turning on its creator
thats whats known as a golem sven look up the story and laugh your ass off at how good of an allegory it is for whats happening with modern jewry
Holy shit this is gold
>How can a nigger be this stupid
You expected anything better? Have you ever seen one before?
>How can a nigger be this stupid
I so sick of these white power assholes pretending to be good boy JEWS
>and u have the nerve to jump on my timeline?
is Tariq a black Israelite? That's what I'm getting from these Twitter threads
>nah nigga you ain't a Jew you're just a fuckin cave-dwellin neandrathal
We wuz da real jewz
I know about Golems, just thought Frankenstein would be funnier. But I hope it's gonna happen.
I mean it's already happening with muslims around jews here in Sweden.
The best part about this is that they literally CAN'T argue against BLM, by design.
ben "ethnonationalism for me, multiculturalism for thee" shapiro
I want to cut all racist snipits from Ben's speeches and make a montage just to mess with the left. Kind of like how Adam Carolla introduces him onto his show.
Zionists are white supremacists.
This is what the left created. To simply win an argument jsut call the other side a white supremacist. Hilarious.
Anyone worth a damn would've got him to call out Sorros in this moment. That would assure this nigger would never get a job in showbiz.
Wtf? Dare I say it? /ourjew/?
Stfu Milo. You have better shit to do than hang out on Sup Forums.
No, Tariq is trying to steal our Garrison strategy.
Nasheed won that one.
The Jew could only resort to muh anti-Semitism, whereas Nasheed provided an example of Ben that he thought was wrong.
You wouldn't be the first.
It's not Shapiro defending himself though ; it's some other dude doing it in his stead.
Not all Jews. NGNS.