Is Pedo Legal Now??

Pedophilia is 'Fate, not a Choice', Leading Scientinst Claims

Dr Klaus Beiersayshealthy societiesmust accept 'paedophilia is a reality amongst us'

>Dr Klaus Beier, who runs a clinic in Germany that treats people who are sexually attracted to children, told The Times of India that healthy society must accept “paedophilia is a reality amongst us”.

>Although difficult to measure, current estimatesput the prevalence of paedophilia in the general population at about one per cent.

>But research carried out by the National Crime Agency in 2015 suggested there could be as many as 750,000 men in Britain alone who may have a sexual interest in children.

>Dr Beier suggested societies should work towards prevention, rather than focusing only on punishing offenders.

>He said it was a “myth” that paedophiles could stop having sexual fantasies about children by simply choosing not to.

>“Most people believe ‘What is the problem, the guy should concentrate on women.’ They think it is a choice. But it is a fate, not a choice,” he said.“Another myth is that every person paedophilically inclined will act out.”

>His conclusions back up a claim made by a criminal psychologist that paedophilia is a "sexual orientation"like being straight or gay

This is the real happening. It's not a loud explosion, it's a quiet defeat.

>Dr. Klaus Beier

Germany just needs to justify all their children being raped by muslims.

Fuck off shitskin. I saw this thread a week ago.

Technically I can't disagree with him, it's unlikely that many pedos are that way either from birth or from being raped/molested as a child.

The other thing is that the definition of "child" is flexible and who knows what one they're using here. Being attracted to 14 year olds is perfectly natural.

Of course it's a German.

Having a sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children was never legal.

Acting on that attraction and abusing children, however, has been illegal for a while now and will continue to be.

How long till they add a P to LGBT?

>Technically I can't disagree with him
Why not? You know gay people arent even "born that way", right? What makes pedophiles special?

leading pedo claims being a pedo is fate.... kill all pedos.

They will normalize it just like they did with homosexual and trannies.
>It's not a mental illness
>they didn't choose to be this way
>love is love
>don't be a bigot
The worst part is? It will work.
The average person will bow their head and look away as their little (boy) is taken away to be fucked in the ass. At least they won't be called a bad word by a bunch of freaks.