Why do evil people love cats?

Why do evil people love cats?

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i dunno, i agree though, they are very popular with white folks

what is so evil about that electrician?


You misspelled "fatherless"

slide thread but whatever
it's because they're subjectively cute

this is now a nazis with cats thread

Babies first troll.

cats are selfish shit heads to those who care for them and largely expect them to do all the heavy lifting while they fuck around in life, accomplishing nothing beyond being a hairy parasite.

evil people are able to relate to them on a personal level.


Because they lack humanity so they fill the void with an animal that mimics human behavior but will also never judge them.

>implying good and evil aren't subjective based on your own personal sense of morality

Because cats are based faggot.

kraut propagandists in the 40s were way ahead of everybody else

Yes, because life is better when you have a big, stupid dope that constantly slobbers all over your face.
Get a room, you dog fucking faggot.

i spent 1800$ on my kitty

Cats are unfeeling psychopaths, and the proof is that they will IMMEDIATELY begin eating you if you die. Dogs, at least, wait until they're starving.

Right? My german grandfather had a similar electrician uniform.

Dog owners are way more evil because they require something to dominate.

Powerful picture

w2c jacket?

Just beautiful

they knew the power кoтs hold over the human psyche

stap it


I mean come on, would you not vote for that over a liberal?

liberals believe that cramming niggers and shitskins into everything makes for effective propaganda
they are wrong

not an argument, triggered, evil retard.


there's a website where someone compiled over 300 images of nazis with cats but I can't seem to find it

Cats are the definition of /comfy/


The ancients knew how valuable kitties were to a nation's collective psyche.

Cats, whose eyes are known to glow in the dark, were probably worshiped for this reason.

on the eastern front

Awwwww its Kitler

I hope you won't mind if I save this wonderful pic.


Autism patient 0


Go right ahead.


ok no one else will say it, I will. Any dog small enough to be a lap dog is faggotry incarnate.

wonder if images like these will be outlawed in the future

Enough fighting. I love both cats and dogs. Parrots are cool too.

Hund master race


Probably because cats have no empathy and evil people can relate.

My aryan princess. Isnt she adorable?

Her name better be either Heidi or Erika

Hitler love dogs not cats.



well keep looking! lol


Soldiers eating these cats and im not joking.

Evil people love ice cream too in many instances...


>many such cases. believe me

Post more terrorists with cats

Maximum comfy from Sup Forums caturday thread




Although Muslims hate dogs, they love cats. Mohamed supposedly had a favorite cat named Muezza. Cats are a very part of Islam.

All soldiers respect the killing potential of cats

Your cat is cute, but does it have a mask?

Cats are the Chads of pets


pls no buly

why dont they have chihuahuas
those are things that i would consider evil
they are balls of anger and liquid shit

no other animal kills for fun

Cats are wonderful.

Hitler had a fear of cats. So did Napoleon and many other historical figures.


>implying Nazi's are evil

I just realized my cat negs me all the time

>Why do people-not-like-me like what I don't like?

Yeah, you have to use likable animals, not niggers and snakes and shit.

Hitler loved most kinds of animals as far as I can tell.

I doubt he was a "dog vs cats" autist so you can fuck off.


>cat pissed on bed
>go to clean piss with bleach because its all thats available
>breathe in
>start coughing
>cant stop
>go to yell at cats because this is bullshit
>cant find them
>choking on my own lungs
>remember that they are scared because of my coughing and wheezing
>cough and wheeze harder
>remember the one place they go when SHTF
>i will have my revenge
>approach bedroom
>sweating pure bleach from my skin
>it burns
>i am filled with uncontrollable rage
>the hate from a thousand suns engulfs my entire existence
>i hear movement within the room
>i lick my lips
>this is it
>my body moves swiftly and silently, much like a cat m'self
>here we go
>payback time mother fuckers
>i open the door

You're right, he loved animals. He was all about the animal conservation.
In fact, it was the Third Reich that started all that.

>rain drops on the window

Now this is comfy.

Dogs > horses > cats

Ayydolf Kittler

He didn't love Jews though

we need more cozy interior art, especially modern and futuristic


Weasels fgt

Rodents don't count

birds are incredibky social creatures. if you can afford it, get 2 to play with each other. the amount of attachment they have is on another level

tfw waiting for someone to reply so I can post this

>Hitler loved most kinds of animals as far as I can tell.
>I doubt he was a "dog vs cats" autist so you can fuck off.

Hitler was naturalist. The stronger survives.

you aren't joking you're just wrong

>thread about why evil people love cats
>JIDF wastes no fucking time
nice try, you slimy fucks

no, society as a whole decides good and evil. your opinion isn't that important.

still not a real girl

Because dogs are haram :/

Im not wrong. Back in 40s there's battles everywhere in Europe and food was rare.

Cats along with dogs are awesome. Keep in mind there are always bad apples and breeds not suitable with children etc.
some cat breeds like Maincoon cats are more like having a dog than a cat. Fetching, using paws to drink water and feeding. 5 years til they reach
adulthood. Males can get big, they are strong, not fat. They will follow you around the house like a dog. Its like having a kitten or young cat their whole life cause they love to play and will sucker punch you at most opportunities. They dont particularly like being held but are very affectionate. Double Based


You avoid the brutality of a real conflict lucky bastards. You have no idea what a real war is.