How do we lower the prison population? Obviously something isn't working.
How do we lower the prison population? Obviously something isn't working
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too bad the series is cancelled since october 2015
More physical punishments. That will scare more people and drop the crime rate
stop making jaw such a swell place to stay
get rid out drug laws and let the free market solve those problems
bring back the death penalty and get it right instead of doing that shit where those sentenced sit around for 20 years waiting to die
Bring back community hangings
They want them back in jail.
Lawyers DA the judge the cops.
They all want you to commit a crime.
It keeps them in employment.
Executions. Solves the race, crime and jail problem in one fell swoop!
>Obviously something isn't working.
Why lower it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches.
Execute anyone that would normally be convicted of a life sentence. Execute anyone who is on their 3rd felony. Execute anyone who is criminally insane.
No jails
1. Expand capital offenses to include all drug dealing, severe child abuse, and replace all cases of life imprisonment without parole with death penalty.
2. Limit appellate court jurisdiction for capital offenses as to hasten executions, and make use of slavery as criminal punishment which the 13th amendment allows.
3. We can just use thugs for slave labor (not paying them at all) on all sort of public works projects and maximizing unpaid slave labor of all non-death penalty felons can replace the shitty prison system.
4. Criminal justice reform, use restorative justice to deal with disputes on a cooperative and voluntary basis between victim and offender. The victim could make the nigger literally suck their dick or be a literal cuckold as punishment. If they can't reach an agreement, slavery to the state it is.
5. Reinstate the option of court-mandated military service as an alternative option for the defendant if they don't want to be slaves. If they go military, they must be highly dangerous combat roles, given minimal training, and minimal equipment as to increase the likelihood they die in action by the time the real troops show up and win.
turn Superjail into a reality only for the worst tho.
Impel down. No one would want to go there
send them back to country of origin, if a nigger commits a crime ship him back to his tribe in africa
Oh, and compulsory sterilization of the mentally ill (including trannies) and felons. This is permissible.
The prisons wouldn't be overpopulated if niggers didnt break the law so goddamn much.
Eliminate niggers from the planet.
An IQ test before you're allowed to have children.
Just start releasing low level offenders and those who represent no threat to the public at large. Start investing more in education and after school programs. The death penalty is cruel, barbaric, and archaic. Public execution is just flat out evil. I know nobody likes to talk about this but our prison system is on par with the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
As long it's a business to profit from, don't expect change.
Keep abortion legal. Make sure birth control is free and readily available. Decriminalize drugs and invest in healthcare. Stop making poverty a crime.
You're a massive faggot who needs to get raped by the niggers you want to release back into society.
make a spectacle out of it and charge money to view
end gangster rap. It fucking programs them to be criminals.
You don't. Since prisons became for profit entities in the US, they want more people in prisons.
and you're a racist
Also we should stop feeding nigresses (and all single moms) welfare. It is encouraging them to fuck around and have kids and treat them as objects to fulfill their own emptiness. And I doubt criminalizing abortions would increase nigger baby rates. I mean since the single moms pop them out so fast anyway.
Extra fluoride in the prison water
Get rid of niggers and spics and faggot whites
See: and Just replace prison with slave labor, military service, or doing something like sucking the victim's dick or letting them fuck the niggers' wife in front of them (or money settlements, whatever they agree on). Prolonged executions keep them going too when there's less fresh inmates so we need to hasten and even expand executions
>slave labor
This would massively destabilize the economy though in areas where the slave labor takes place. It would kill jobs, encourage more bullshit laws to be passed so that more and more people are added to the prison system. If you haven't noticed, since prisons became for profit, prison corporations have successfully been lobbying government to add more laws or extend current sentence lengths for their own benefit. Doing what you describe was increase the prison population, not lower it.
By shrinking the underclasses, sterilize inmates in exchange for reduced prison time.
We need incentives in place for the underclasses to stop popping out little criminal bastard children, instead we have the opposite.
Make a virus that sterilizes blacks
Niggers gotta be put somewhere.
Reinstitute public execution
I want tombe able to go outside and watch a public hanging, or preferably a public crucifixion
Well we don't have to lower the prison population. We can get some use for them by using them in labor.
The slave labor would replace prisons desu, and the only sort of jobs they'd take are menial manual ones that illegal spics do, and they'd do it for free. It'd kill illegal immigration and private (and public) prisons as a side benefit.
>encourage more bullshit laws to be passed so that more and more people are added
You mean laws that would effect by and large niggers, spics, and degenerate white trash as the cj system already does? But even more so?
Good, let's enslave them famalam.
Sterilize violent felons.
Kill all the niggers
Ooh, this is easy.
>chemical castration for rape, death penalty if it was a child and for multiple offenses.
>Swift death sentence for 1st degree murders. "The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed."
>mandatory rehabilitation for drug offenses. Punishing druggies doesn't help, we should be curing them.
>replace life in prison/sentences lasting over the average lifespan with a swift death penalty by hanging. Military offenders will be sentenced to death by firing squad
>No more bail, and nationalize the prisons
>overhaul prisons to be focused on rehabilitation and reentry into society. Mandatory anger management and other classes, community service, worship services, etc.
>Multiple felonies and/or large amounts of repeat offenses will result in chemical castration or death by hanging.
>Make death sentences for rapists, child molesters and murderers a publicly broadcasted event on an easily reachable network, as a show of state force and deterrent to would-be criminals.
>Some minor offences to be dealt with by community service or public flogging, depending on severity.
>How do we lower the prison population?
I have a suggestion, but liberals don't want to hear it because virtually all criminals are leftists.
Get rid of drug laws and free anyone who has been incarcerated for the crime of having drugs.
Get rid of Domestic violence/marital rape laws freeing those convicted.
Deport every illegal alien from our country and out of our prison system.
Have an option for prisoners to join the army in order to get out of prison.
This, and a privately owned and operated system of prison labour camps would be perfect
Insane death montages
De privatize the prison system. The incentive will be gone, fucking money.
Because getting assfucked in prison isn't deterrent enough? Wtf.
Put all blacks in prison for life with no chance of parole. Within 3 generations the prison population will be minuscule.
Fucking cunt as you will just castrate or kill those who could potentially be of service to us rather then use them for their abilities.
Castration makes a man into the level of a woman and only retards our population further.
Also the government should not have the power to castrate or murder someone. When that happened who decides who gets castrated and who gets killed? (if your accused will the government just murder you in order to hasten the trial?)
You misspelled niggers with 3+ loitering offenses.
> Easy
> Posts things that never work
I have a pretty high IQ and am also a fucking criminal, do the math.
Kill all the niggers
>build wall
>throw niggers and spics over
Offer them their freedom in exchange for permanent deportation to Afghanistan.
The worst of the worst will be set loose on Hadji. Just imagine an apocalyptic tide of millions Chicago dindus and Mexican cartel members pouring forth across the middle east, raping and pillaging and laying waste to entire villages.
What a sight that would be.
>How do we lower the prison population?
Make every crime punishable by death.
>execution for every prisoner who has a sentence of 15+ years.
>open a new branch of the justice department that focus souly on re-evaluating cases of prisoners that are scheduled for execution.
>if the evidence is still not 100% the prisoner is sent to hard labor for duration of his original sentence, until more evidence appears, or until the prisoner asks the court to carry on the execution, by signing away the responsibility of the execution away from the justice system.
>If the prisoner is unable to perform hard labor, then they will have an accelerated reevaluation and execution date.
>all executions are performed publicly, either by hanging or firing squad.
>all jail sentences longer than 6 and less than 15 years months, have to carry out hard labor.
Would you really want a rapist or a repeat criminal to pass down their genes? The only ones who will be castrated are those who are serious offenders. This is a pretty decent incentive to keep between the lines, don't you think?
Death sentences are only for the worst sort of people, child rapists, traitors, 1st degree murderers, and the sort. There will still be a fair trial, of course, but taxpayers shouldn't pay to keep literal human refuse alive. As for using them as slave labour, community service is one of the points I put. This includes basic trash cleaning and stuff but also extends to working on social projects like construction and other types of useful manual labour.
legalize drugs and kill murders, rapists and pedos immediately after conviction.
these guy get it
Niggers don't think about the future, you're thinking of crime prevention for white people.
Prison is meant to keep overly aggressive, violent and criminally psychotic people out of the gene pool.
Gladiator tournaments, indentured servitude and immediate death sentence for repeated disobedience should they fit categories of optimum proven guilt.
Indentured servitude should be performed as a labor to the compensation of society and the victims' associates, with leadership rewards.
Gladiatorial fights are publicly shown between the nastiest inmates in a large arena for profit.
>pretending like mandatory minimum scentences and privatizied prison systems affect anyone other than degenerets
Death Penalty
Should a man falsely accused of rape be castrated?
Not in todays world, no. I'm talking in an optimum homogeneous society, like a NatSoc one
Lighter sentences and fewer criminal prosecutions.
Go down to the court house. You'll find some random guy getting 2 years for storming out of his GFs house, slamming a door, which breaks a window.
90% of the cases I hear are complete bullshit.
>punishment over rehab
this is the states problem, you go to prison for anything
(probably wrong but drug possession gets you canned so there is half the population in prisons )
Crime all time low.... Prison population all time high really makes you think
Deprivatize the prison system and have tremendous legislation reformation. The entire idea of a prison system is inherently unamerican. Our first priority in regard to law should be to allow and sustain the maximum amount of freedom as a US citizen. Prison should only exist to keep the deranged immediately and physically dangerous apart from the rest of the population. crimes should only be considered crimes if they deprive someone of their freedom. The government starts to obtain too much power when they can loosen their terms of a crime and start incarcerating people as they please. I believe in true American ideals and the prison institution robs people of their right to freedom.
What are they gonna make illegal next? Browsing sites like Sup Forums? You wouldn't be so eager to have these prisoners castrated and killed if it was. You never know what the likes will make illegal next.
>kill murders, rapists and pedos
The child molester is most often one of the child's parents. Do you really want this?
Of course not. Rape and murder cases will always be investigated to the best of the state's ability, that way false accusations are minimal to none. If someone is found to be falsely accuses them of something heinous, like rape, they should receive jail time or a public flogging.
legalize victimless crimes
>Crime all time low.... Prison population all time high really makes you think
Think about this. We have a crime rate 5% lower than in the 1970s, but we have 10 times the prisoners.
Why not just incarcerate everyone and the crime rate will go to 0?
Deport blacks.
you cant scare people away from crime you retard, its not like touching a hot element, this would boost police violence as well as violence against police.
>you cant scare people away from crime you retard
No, you're wrong, you absolutely can.
>our system will be perfect, we will never kill a man falsely accused of rape it won't happen
The reason the death penalty is immoral is not because murderers and rapists don't deserve death, it's because the state isn't perfect and I don't want an innocent person murdered by the state.
why does a leaf get it more than burgers
death penalty, obviously.
Why are most NatSocs so primitive in their ideal states? Seriously, it's the 21st century, at least consider genetic engineering at birth.
If you can study what makes one a child rapist, then you can learn how to prevent it in the first place. If it is a genetic predisposition, then it can be modified at birth. Seriously, NatSocs need to bring their eugenic ideas to the 21st century.
it's pretty immoral to keep someone in prison many years for something they didn't do. you just don't feel as bad about it. personally i'd rather be dead than spend ten years in prison.
Thunderdome. Last man standing goes free*
Likely yes, but I do see the problem with potentially killing the wrong person. Hence why we have so many appeals. We also can't force confessions, we don't want them to lie. Not because their rights matter, but because I want to be sure we got the right person.
Last thing we need is murderers, rapists, and child molesters running around, why do you think I hate muslims so much?
I never said it would be perfect. Under a system with death penalty, you'll always get a rare couple who slip through the cracks, but with a good investigative branch it can be kept to a minimum. However, I'd rather kill one or two innocents by accident than have my taxpayers pay out the ass to keep monsters alive for the sake of a very small number of falsely accused. You gotta weigh your morality with practicality.
>Last thing we need is murderers, rapists, and child molesters running around,
You don't see that as a lose-lose situation for the kid? The boy gets molested then the state kills him mom, so basically he has nothing left in the world what-so-ever?
I love that show.
>you're a racist
oh no
No, I agree with you, but I didn't think of it this way.
more executions
execute more murderers
start executing pedos
execute serial rapists
some kind of new 5 strikes law where someone guilty of 5 violent felonies gets the chair
The more you know