Trumpcuck hate thread

trumpcuck hate thread

I'm glad my life isn't so pathetic that I watch the news cycle of other countries




I approve this bread


Really activates my influence teams.

I want that shirt.


> he doesnt like schadenfreude
Its even better when it happens to you smug fuckers lmao

have another one on me









Such a pathetic thread


>people unironically thought voting would magically change everything

Did Washington vote to leave the British Empire?




I took a shit on your mom's chest.



Why do shills only use nu-flags?

still winning hilbots

because pickle rick xdd

>nu-fag Trump shill pretending other people are shills
Go back to /r/T_D


Left can't meme worth a shit

le epic upboat, fellow magapede

>he thinks flags are new
>being this new
>everyone who doesnt like trump is a shill
thanks for proving that you are an electionfag, now go back to t_d


Every (((extreme right-winger))) who is allowed to publicly speak freely is—without question—a fed. For fifty years, this has played out time and time again.

Anyone following Spencer is an idiot. Stick to the internet for activism—don't fall for government tricks.

wtf I love amnesty now! all those based Latinxpeeds!



Lil' Kim BTFO by big dick daddy

This is my favourite!


>lifelong democrat
>buddy buddy with schumer, pelosi, the clintons
>people believed any word he said


lol im as far right as it gets and im not getting paid shit. we ruled this board before you reddit faggots showed up and it seems we are starting to take back whats ours as time passes by and trump reveals how hard he fucked all of you retards in babys first election

git rekt cuck


Macabre history leads to a grimly realistic society.

trumpfags = naive degenerates

lol this whole thread, so many butthurt kushner shills

How are u winning?
That rally u guys had in D.C. was great

Your mom sucks my dick lol


this based black man isn't wong

>im a leftist because i dont support jewish neoconservatism or amnesty for shitskins

Finally, a containment thread for shills.

I'm not black.

Spencer is a rich faggot who has the nerve to beg for shekels from his working class followers.

The amount of shit he could fund with his plantation money is ridiculous. He could be starting Alt Right friendly businesses, like the people who lose their jobs for supporting him have been trying to do, but instead he leaves it to the proles while he fans his balls and watches Bond movies.

Why would anyone want to elevate that lisping faggot into a leader position?

>you cant raise funds for a movement if you have money to start with

>He doesn't know that meme flags are new
Git outa here shill.

Yeah it's a pretty big letdown. Still looks like we're gonna have 30 years of Republicans if the left doesn't rebuild itself.

what a cynical jew. you people are cancer. have you ever even listened to spencer? the guy knew the late Jonathan Bowden and talked real philosophy and politics, more than your literal crypto kike friend molymeme.

flags were here before, got taken off and now are back. gtfo newfag

Reddit hates Drumpf outside of /r/Sup Forums and t_d

But they weren't these shitty meme flags you retarded shill.


like half of them are the same you retard. i hope youre being ironic calling people shill you neckbeard autist

Daily reminder that the left can't effective criticise capitalism any more, because all its money and air time comes from rich people. They've been reduced to the "open borders, gays, women in the workforce, and weed" side, just like the right has been reduced to the "military spending, deregulation, no gays, and fewer government services" side.

Notice that neither side actually disagrees on anything except gays, and that gays are completely irrelevant to capital.

You are literally using a meme flag to hide your location shill, what is it really? canada? australia? germany? If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear shill. take off the meme flag.

This one always gets me. It's so true, nazi larpers just can't see the irony. Anarcho Capitalism for the USA.

i think it's past your bedtime you little faggot sperg

Dear T_D you are not Sup Forums. You were never Sup Forums. You were useful idiots that we used to get Trump elected. Trump has betray us now you are no longer of use to us. Leave.

>anime nigger calls other fags spergs

I think you should go back to sucking david brocks dick you nerd virgin cock mongling shill.

>have you ever even listened to spencer?
Yeah he lisps like a faggot and talks about pan-Europeanism, a thing literally no Yuro wants.

That is when he's not denying that NKVD jews killed Christians.

Travel ban is and has been in effect for awhile. Still have 7 more years to go as well, for the rest of the agenda. Can't expect everything to be done in

Yes, there was a vote to leave the British Empire,.. What, you think Washington decided to do that all on his own? And acted without getting the opinion of others?

I love how easy it is to spot nu-pol. Spencer is one of the few that actually goes in on the real questions.

well, voting works very well for everything in the marxist direction, but not otherwise, for some (((reason)))

pic related
rev up them tin foil hats, bois. unlike you im not actually insecure about whats what here but you keep doing you bb boi
cant tell if shitposting (flag) or retarded but have a (you) since im in a generous mood.

up, up and away (to find intelligence on another thread)!

I never understand pictures like these. I mean what are you supposed to? Whites are 60% of the population, you have to build a coalition to win an election. I'd love to see how the election would have turned out of if the Mr. Nosebergs and Based Blackmen didn't vote Republican. It's so stupid. We should not care more about skin color than ideology. White communists are not your allies.

This one alway's gives me a good laugh. r/the_zionist needs to fuck off.

I've literally never seen anyone use that argument. That's not how the meme works.

>rev up them tin foil hats, bois. unlike you im not actually insecure about whats what here but you keep doing you bb boi
wew that projection lad.

Right because if I say edgy shit on the Internet I deserve to get attacked

Spencer voted for Tulsi Gabbard so this doesn't even make sense.

You have said nothing of substance and have no way to defend your rich do-nothing leader.

Enjoy getting punched and fired from your job for supporting that clown.



>kek flag
opionion disregarded


Most Presidents get most of their impactful legislation in the first two years (GWB - Bush Tax Cuts and No Child Left Behind/ Obama - Stimulus and Obamacare). Trump has already burned through a whole year without achieving anything. And he's burned many bridges in Congress.

Can I get an awooo for my based latinxpeed?

When you forget you are no longer on r/the_donald xD

>why don't you trust based Trump? I'm sure he is just negotiating by letting them stay! ART OF THE DEAL BYATCH!

low energy loser...

You unironically want to kill people. Every time I go on Sup Forums all I read are just pages of anons talking about removing nonwhites and how every black is some low IQ mongrel. I always thought that the Sup Forums white supremacist angle was always some kind of leftwing smear campaign, but after the election Sup Forums has become a nazi echo chamber. It's not an invention of CNN, you people are literally Nazis, and there are those of you who want to fucking kill people. Yeah we all throw around the word nigger for lolz, but that doesn't mean I want to ethnically cleanse the United States.

I've been on Sup Forums since the 2006 Habbo Raids, I don't fucking recognize this place. We used to be really libertarian. Sup Forums strongly supported Ron Paul in the 2008 and 2012 elections, but have since turned their backs on his teachings. Now storm weenies run this place.

Then nazis have the gall to complain about how they're persecuted, how many threads were there about poor Anglin and his inability to find hosting for the Daily Stormer? The entitlement, not only do we have to hear how you want to kill all nonwhites and degenerates, but we also have to build your platforms for you too. Jesus Christ, the delusion.

i threw up in my mouth


where is his chin


>Why don't you trust based CNN. They are reporting the honest news. What are you a white supremacist?