Hispanic women and Asian women are the future. It's over for white women.
Hispanic women and Asian women are the future. It's over for white women
not a race
i banged a spic last night. she was good
Tanned Hispanic.
That's not what they will look like though.
The low amount of white DNA infused mean they will look like this, not like her.
Thank god, white women dont know how to take care of a man.
> posts pic of a white girl
Hispanics are God tier. They're what white people should be.
>family oriented
>God fearing
>hard working
>don't put up with cucks
>faggotry and trannies should be gassed....
Meanwhile, whitey has turned into a pussified bitch that cowers at the most benign threat and let's their women control them cause "I might get some pussy if I act like a little bitch around her."
I'm white and I'm embarrassed by what whites have become.
I agree. Its the free market in action. White women debased themselves and lowered their market value the the point that taco and poo cunt is more highly valued and pursued
All within 10~20 years, hard to do
That's a Latina you fucking idiot. Go back to the Klan rally and learn your races, dumbass.
>felon factory
Ah yes, the age old question
>a race
You spics are dumber than niggers. Remember when white settlers built your pyramids and then you killed them all off or mated them out and turned it into the biggest human cannibalism/sacrifice cult in the world?
That's the future you want for America.
>Hispanic women and Asian women are the future.
How did you come to this conclusion? What magical traits do these women have?
>Remember when white settlers built your pyramids
I've been saying thus for a decade.
Ended up marrying and reproducing with a white woman anyway.
Holy shit /underrated image
They're always good
>Holy shit /underrated image
no this is
Interesting. I wonder why don't we hear more about that when we are taught about history.
Feminism. White women are largely obsinate, bitchy cumsluts who by the time they want to settle down have had literal gallons of cum pumped into them
Latinas and asians girls (1st gen) can still hold onto traditional feminine and moral values.
Yeah, if you like chicks with farty buttholes that reek of tacos and squid. Seriously, every Mexican amd oriental skank I've ever been around reeks of some variation of shit tacos or shit fish/squid. Filthy hygiene.
latinas are either:
- as feminist as white women
- obnoxious as fuck mamiprincesses who will suck dry your life
I see no problem here
>Interesting. I wonder why don't we hear more about that when we are taught about history.
What history? We aren't taught anything but how to obey.
Also it would be "race-iiizzzm"
All mixed race asians are crazy as fuck. Prove me wrong.
Why didnt you post a pic of an actual brown person instead of someone 90%+ white?
I'm still here. I love my white bf and I wanna marry him.
Unfortunately we are long distance, but he plans on moving here. Engagement/fiancé visa is a pretty easy way to get into America right?
Are you trying to FUD your women so I don't go for a latina?
This is the future, like it or not
White Latina you turd
OP you are on point. It is over for white women. They are far too gone for any rational male to reproduce with.
b-but white fathers and asian women produce unsightly happas
Race Mixing is a negative on society as a whole. Why should whites give up their race and country for the muh dick argument? lol
they seem [spoiler]cute and happy together[/spoiler]
Big gaping Mexican pussy
Tiny asian baby dick
Yeah that's going to last.
As an european i'd consider that bitch as white.
Would it be different in America? She looks pretty white to me.
There is another stupid thread like this with attractive black women. Somebody is just being a douchebag and sliding the board, these are stupid threads I will fuck anything but I want to make children with women like me.
Op wants you to believe that all south Americans have 99% Southern European genes, not nigger native genes.
Honorary Aryans
Meh.. at least it's better than the niggers
why are americans so fucking stupid
Goy, don't you understand that reasoning alone is racist? You got to be programmed to think that our future is a mulatto color.
God that makes me fucking sick.
>Meh.. at least it's better than the niggers
Why? Mexico is Africa. Indians were monkeys.
We were Incas, ol' chap.
But you, as an american, would consider her white? In europe we don't really talk about "whiteness" and you guys seem to be a lot more strict about the definition of white.
I'm just curious
hispanic is a race, why are Denmarkians so stupid.
Disgusting man. That's not a beard, that's a disgusting homeless piece of shit.
LMWF are the only ones capable of producing decent offspring. WMLF only produce home depot workers.
Are you implying we were monarchs and so forth?
You had your chance. You're pathetic and weak. You're done.
so hot. wanna bang hard.
Hispanics are not a race. Most are mixed race with predominantly spanish features. Certain areas they look more like indians.
Latinas are the hottest because they are basicallly europeans with superior genetics. and better curves
That being said, most latinos are over 50% white and we need to help each other against the real (((enemy)))
The latter is far more common. You're wrong anyway. WMLF will have the upbringing of a White man, while LMWF is pretty much a path to single motherhood.
You're talking to a wall. These dumbasses are all about
>muh white race
Too stupid to realize how pathetic and degenerate they really are. They're weak and sorry. Their men are complete chucks and pussies. Seriously. How many PR women do you know that put up with a pussy ass white boy?
Yes shes white in America. Remember that Spaniards came here 500 years ago and thoughout the centuries. Med whites are white here.
They prefer the term "Ethnically Challenged"
Oh fuck she is such a qt. I'd breed with her
Yeah, whitebois need to leave white women to the real men-the Black Men.
White pussy and Black dick were made for each other anyways.
Ayyyyy WE WUZ KANGZ boi
>You had your chance. You're pathetic and weak. You're done.
You just fuck like beasts. You're done too as soon as we're gone. China will enslave you low IQ apes.
t. Spic
why does he want to fuck his mom?
>It's over for white women.
Since its over for white women, we black dudes would be more than happy to take them off your hands for free.
Seriously look at them.
Look at all the e-celeb posts these faggots post slobbering over some slut that just as soon as piss on them as give them the time of day. They're all about MGTOW... until some qt looks their way then they turn into absolute cucks.
They're whole culture is degenerate and trash.
>abortion is ok
>there is no God
>drugs are cool
>marriage is for cucks
>I'm cool cause I fap to 2D
They larp about Hitler not realizing Hitler would have gassed their pathetic asses right along with all the other degenerates.
They're a virus. They ARE the reason the world has gone to shit. Then they insult the one race that actually is everything the pretend to be.
Fucking Anglo scum.
>GIbs me free sheeeeiit
Of course.
>Ayyyyy WE WUZ KANGZ boi
Pathetic reverse meme by shitskin Muslim slave cult loser.
quality larp
ok ok, you right. If you want to pay us to take them off your hands even better.
That's alright. Most white women are fucking trash at this point. Western society has made them psychotic, entitled whores. Asians run the gamut, a lot are interested in nothing but status and will demand to know how much you make on the first date. The rest are loyal and kind, if bland looking.
Hispanic chicks are fucking nuts. Good sex though and they have traditional values.
You should try brown women. They're like Hispanics without the craziness.
who wants to be raised by a hertlles mother and a pussy father,
damn, that's a lot of projections in one sentence, who cucked you
You have a point. Maybe I should try to find a latina qt. I've always liked asian girls more but none exist were I live. I'm swimming in latinas though.
>Most white women are fucking trash at this point. Western society has made them psychotic, entitled whores.
Fair enough. You are taking our trash. I should have kept my mouth shut when you offered for free.
>Posts image claiming that there wuz pyramidz in the Balkans
Amerifat confirmed
I unironically agree with this. WW initiated this shit. Just look how many protest with blm. They are all libtards. In fact, I was redpilled by a hispanic girl believe it or not.
You're talking about whites I assume since you said pussy father.
Cause yeah I've seen white "fathers" lmao putas.
Yes, she's white.
>We really talk about "whiteness".
Even today, Europe is still defined by ethnic groups of the European race.
No shit there is no pyramids in the Balkans. Everyone knows niggers didn't really build pyramids.
Can't we just all get along
>be Hispanic (Puerto rican)
> married Chilean (us born)
>just like white girl changed after marriage
>miserable 8 years
>few years later hooked up with hot young filipina virgin from the mountains
>marry her
>very fucking happy 3 years later
Marry over seas, you want to save the white race I'm rooting for you but if you want true happiness and you can't find that good white girls then go over seas.
Yes I'm Hispanic but Sup Forums are still my user bros, so I beg you, if you want to be happy, go overseas if you can't find your wife.
Nah, i dont think so. The idea of impregnating non-white women arouses me but I cant imagine fathering a mongrel kid, especially my sons. Can you imagine having a half-spic or a half paki son? It would destroy me, i would end up smothering them to death in a drunken fit of rage.
Don't worry leaf... you'll be extinct soon enough ;)
Soulless "white" roastie whores simply cannot compete
>he thinks this kind of beauty should stop existing because of some gullible cunts at a BLM rally
Artificial wombs and sexbots are the future. It's over for all women.
Fuck off nigger you know what people mean. Hispanic has a different meaning in the states, stop bitching
>Yes I'm Hispanic but Sup Forums are still my user bros, so I beg you, if you want to be happy, go overseas if you can't find your wife.
This is the only option user. This country is a wasteland for pursuing a woman for dating. Turn around and never look back at the post-cock carousel riding wall hitting white roastie whores.
ITT white cucks denouncing white females
come home white woman
coma mierda hijueputa fetishista hapa de mierda
Ahh yeah sooo hot. Scrany, no ass, no chest.
Wait is that TayTay. I know you white faggots are big into pedoism. But, damn posting pics of white teenage boys? Is that legal here on Sup Forums....
Want to see a real women? Pic related. You see that's called an ass... something you wouldn't know what to do with... stay with 2D...
>And I'll be having part custody within a year :)
There is a pill that will cure this woman's crazy, which the baby's father needs to administer.
sorry that you live in the poor neighborhoods, were I live latinas smell like roses, and taste like fresh mint, it pays to be rich