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it's lonely at the top
QLD is interesting because it's got such a vast divergence between its capital city (Brisbane, which is arguably the most left-wing part of Australia), and its regions, which are without a doubt the most right-wing part of Australia.
Unfortunately Brisbane is bigger than all the rural areas combined so it rules.
M8 no way is Brisbane more lefty than cuckboune
It absolutely is.
What the fuck is up with that Cape York peninsula
Coons up there have no idea whats going on outside their communities so they fudged the stats and no one would know
>Tasmania 89
They really are a bunch on inbred mountain people
Incorrect assumptions based on stereotypes.
There's going to be a massive no blow out, and people will sit there wondering how they got it so wrong.
It's Brexit and Trump all over again.
What do you kikes get out of the constant criticism of the whitest, most rural and most beautiful Australian state?
Are you angry they don't live like you Sydneysiders, in interracial relationships inside $1.5M 1 bedroom cuckboxes?
Best state in the best country
lol no
crikey i can't wait to graduate and leave this shithole of a uni behind forever
pic related
>plastered all over the uq lakes bus station
i hope so
god i hope so, the ensuing meltdown will be comfy as fuck
>tfw too intellegent to not live in cuckboxes
>what it felt like to be an Australian in a capital city in 2016
Get fucked, just because it's full of fucking poofters, doesn't make it as bad as Melbourne.
It's much more left-wing than Melbourne.
that pretty well sums it up
you can keep repeating it, doesn't make it true m8
nah, at least in brissy you're not going to be crucified for having right wing viewpoints (unless you're on a uni campus, such as UQ, and the head of political science tries to get you in trouble for disagreeing with him)
wages doesn't even decrease, prices just go up while the wages go up a few cents a year. just enough to keep people from doing something about it.
Briscucks detected. Both of you deserve to die.
West End is not the entire city, you fucking poof.
Go to Melbourne and see communist marches every weekend being helmed by dyed hair freaks.
If you don't get it by the 25th you can call the ABS and they'll get your a replacement
queensland seat pisser
end yourself melbfag, you marxist cucks are hated by the rest of the country
>Le pen
> dutch elections
I live in rural NSW m8.
false flag
likely story Comrade
can permanent residents vote in the plebiscite?
>Australians itt arguing over how shitty and left wing their country is
Sorry boys, not everyone can be born Canadian.
it sucks to be you (it sucks to be you)
it sucks to be Blue (it sucks to be Blue)
you floundered around
dropped balls on the ground
'cause you never knew
If you did not vote no then you are probably a pomme poofta lover or catholic pedophile, I as a white lutheran Patriot voted no in order to stop the poofterization of Australia. WHO else voted no beaude they are White christian patriot.?!
>NT is full of boongs
>still has a higher IQ than Tasmania
I'm worrying about Australia, this is the country that brought us this horror videos.
Vote no to save the family unit.
Homosexuality is way more dangerous than driving drunk considering the cases of death.
soon your day will come, leaf
You are seppo with poofta propaganda fuck you seppo i am whittte
Gay Bowel Syndrome
>The term was used sporadically in medical literature from the 1970s to refer to a complex of gastrointestinal symptoms affecting gay men. The term was first used in the pre-HIV era, by Kazal et al. in 1976. The term was not specific to any particular disease or infection, and was used clinically to describe proctitis and a variety of other complaints caused by a wide range of infectious organisms. Reported causes include herpes viruses, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, campylobacter, and shigellosis, as well as a variety of protozoal infections. The concept of "gay bowel syndrome" was later expanded to include various opportunistic cancers. Transmission of disease was considered to take place by two routes: anal sex, and fecal-oral route. Sometimes, difficulty in specifying the method may be a result of transmission by both methods. Following the onset of the AIDS epidemic, the reported incidence of these complaints has declined, likely as a result of safer sexual practices. Those with the ano-rectal disorder experience increased incidents of diarrhea.
Poof poof syndriome poof
problem is even if NO wins the never time Labor get in they'll just push it through regardless
Shut up whitey. Give me moar sit down monies and goonbag
Poooftas will die in the Anglocaust i am white.
yeah well that's actual oppression, good thing we have a failsafe against government oppress-
oh, yeah nogunz
I wouldn't boasting about living the post-national state of cucknadia fellow anglo.
Probably, but then they'd be going against the will of the majority of the country and then that'd fuck them over
Captain Cook was German.
Australia was founded by Germans, ANGLOS FUCK OFF
Sydney more based. Woke up to this
Vote no to tell poofta to FUCK OFF.
>tfw most my family live in the whitest, most normal part of QLD
>When I went into Brisbane for the first time, all I saw was brown people.
I bet Brisbane votes Yes and Sunshine Coast/Gold Coast vote No.
>my uni has stands set up everywhere to support gay marriage
>everyone ignores them and goes one with their day
Feels good to be in Queensland.
I ain't anglo you
*takes a bath in a garbage can*
you white cunt
*falls asleep in the middle of the road*
What a deciteful Uni. It's the boongs in WA and NT that drag down IQ and muslims and blacks in NSW and VIC
>Blaming others for shitposts
Fucking anglo sheep poofta fucking nigger
>Implying the will of the majority means anything to globalists candidates with a preconceived world ideology.
My entire FAmily voted yes Fucking WOmen. I am angry.
I love how Australia took all our worst criminals.
Are Islanders still king hitting white teenagers and killing them every week or has that stopped?
proof that it's a marxist brainwashing, not actual homosexuality
was wondering how long it would take you to post in this thread.
fuck off cunt
depends on the chinks, we have a lot and it seem like they'll mostly vote no
We have Christian white men not criminals the mythh that australia was forunded by Anglos is a lie you are lying it was founded by German farmers not criminals fuck you fuck you fuck you
the asians will be voting capital N-O
When ever i got around the city in brizzy, if I'm within 1km of a university I see countless commie posters and 'bash the fash' signs
Urgh why do no voters have to keep shoving it in everyones face?
Asians are not white.
Women tend to see homos as cute innocent boys by the guidance of society. Their beliefs are not formed on actual data and real life examples of the what destructive homo culture really is.
we deport them back to your dead end shithole, the rest go back on their own eventually because we cut their welfare and services
enjoy your second socialist female PM m8, refugees welcome!
Vote no or you are a fucking poofta
They're also fairly conservative.
They still need to fuck off though.
Because they're not going to shove it in anyone's butt.
How bad is UQ when it comes to commie infestation?
If you keep on bullying me I am going to vote yes
Womem shouldnt be allowed to vote by letting them vote we have gone agaisnt christ and Martin Luther .
it's sad that livign so far away from new york city you haven't had to hear that reprehensibilbe "kol nidre" first hand...
it's amazing how the jews have no sense of natural absolvation or peneannce...just that anything they do is right, outlineed in the lyrics of the "Kol Nidre" (which is reprehensible in itself).......
erggle gurgle
Its actually written at 10,000 feet altitude. How is that in your face fgt
I will fight you
deal with it poofter
they have the stand every wednesday, and they sometimes put up a lot of marxism posters. most people ignore them though, but the real problem is the professors.
the head of the political science dept. actively goes around trying to get people who disagree with him into trouble by calling them racists, etc. and pretty active on twitter as well
How are the unofficial opinion polls looking, Bruce and Irwing?
Just know that you have my full spiritual support. Fuck the pooftahs.
>Keep the Queens out of Queensland
Asians need to go back fucking Asia, this country was founded by white lutheranss
I'm going and I don't know if I'll be back, lads, maybe I'll find a boyfriend to marry. Only have 5 days but anything could happen.
No matter what obstacles a few throw at us though, we're going to win this thing. So, please, VOTE YES when you receive your postal survey. With your voice, we're going to make history.
Canberra would be higher if it wasn't for the Parliament house pulling down the median.
Why the fuck is large populations centers the ones that overall support gay marriage? Is it because they're the ones most exposed to homosex and thus more desensitized to it?
Because sjw faggots have their heads in the clouds.
QLD fun note:
We weren't going to let in the new firearm laws until Howard and the Feds threatened to take away Federal funding.