Chinks suck in every way

Chinks suck in every way.

Daily Reminder: this is what white people do by the million every single day.

And chinks do that also.

Read this if you want to understand China.

I don't want to understand it, I just want it gone.

Me too.

They are the niggers of Asia, Mao is on par with Robert Mugabe

>It's another anti-intellectualism thread

survival of the fittest

We have literal abortion clinics that murder babies and you're upset over some chickens?

So what're you bitching about? It never ceases to annoy me that someone is making thirty "chinks are against animals!" threads a day, yet not one of you is a vegetarian.

I'm not the one making these threads. You eat literal animals, but you're offended by someone eating animals?

What are your thoughts on Chinese cannibalism?

I'm not offended by people eating animals, I'm just pointing out that while you guys cry about dead animals babies are being slaughtered. Who cares about chickens and dogs?

>what are your thoughts on eating
ebin moral baiting, the desperate last resort of every spooked shithead

It's not really the dead animals. It's chinky arrogance and lack of empathy.


Fuck yo7 faggot I'm Korean. Just because you have have an uncle daddy doesn't mean you have to be a piece of shit. 5592852441 text me you address bitch and I'll be there

Why are you even here? Nobody is fucking talking about abortion?

Oh, so you're a vegetarian. Thank god. We need more of those.

>hurr durr cannibalism is bad because muh emotions said so
White intellectuals

He never said that.

Yeah that's my point, dumbass.

Enjoy your many, many diseases, Qui Liang.

couldnt they put the conveyor closer to the macerator?

easiest game of spot the gook

yes it is bad (not just morally) to canabalize, while some species it is natural for humans it is now
you have to eat alot of human to get disease, specifically the brain
you seem awful uppity for a negro

How about just not doing it?

>naturalistic fallacy

That is pretty fuckin brutal

Yeah fuckhead, no one cares when chickens die. They are t mans best freind, they are fucking chickens.

Dogs are different. Only soulless asians don't know that.

Who the fuck had the idea of typesetting a fucking novel in white on black?

fine, look up Kuru(disease) you butt pirate, always trying to plunder mee booty


when the fuck was cannibalism ever defined as the eating of human brains

>people shouldn't eat

lead us by example


>crying about dead animals
>Babies being killed

just pointing how stupid you fags are

>eating (human) brain
motherfuker the brain will most defintily be eaten

and for those of you wondering human tastes closest to veal but a little more gamey

>HAS to be eaten
according to who?

but why? Was it really worth it?

Looks like a quick death, as opposed to how chinks treat dogs.


>Sore wa paddurringu desu

easier than trying to find houses for 10 mutts

used to be a typical way of getting rid of pups

what do they even make out of grinded up chicks and egg shells?

>corporations do this kind of shit in secrecy to skirt animal rights laws in order to save money
>animals still die quickly
hmmmm I'm autistic could someone please point out the difference here

Fucking hell, at least bash them on a rock or something before

oh wait, at first I thought those were potatoes. If they're chickens idgaf

Better a dog than your own family.

this video is 7 years old. she was some dumb kid in bosnia who said she was told to get rid of them by her grandmother because the puppies were sick. PETA tried to get her in court but the court wouldn't take the case because she was too young.

meanwhile videos like this surface from china every year

i bet the part of this that haunted her the most is wearing gloves
I've talked to older men from kentucky who had to throw bags of kittens off a bridge, it seriously fucks with your head for the rest of your life. I wouldn't recommend.

why dont we start doxxing these animal torturing chinks, is that possible?

Hey, we should invade china.

here's another video from china, posted this year. you can hear the chinks speaking in the background if you have audio.

I still don't get why the animal has to be alive for that

>name xing bing ching
>look up xing bing ching in china
>48 million results
good luck

Is it black isrealite night on Sup Forums. why so much whitey hate?

here's a video from dongguan, guangdong. posted online this year.

is that dog ok?

Yes they do. What amazes me is how Sup Forums larps over chink women like they're so fucking hot. Yeah, when they're fucking 20. Soon as they hit 40 they look like Mr. Miyagi. Not to mention they shit everywhere like the Poo in Loos they banter with. They're fucking nasty.

Hispanic is the way to go.

i just dont get it, why waste time & energy doing that? it just don't have any sense at all

Fucking chinks are heartless bastards

Nothing, that's why they're going into the grinder, a machine cheks which chicks are males when they hatch, if so they're throw onto the conveyor

What was the latter event called?


they belive the more pain the better meat..hope they all have the same pain one day.

>killing an animal for food
such evil

Chinese, and a couple of other asian cultures believe that adrenaline makes meat tastier, in the west we usually think the opposite. This is why they inflicting pain before the animal is killed, and it has to be done slowly.

My lust for Gook blood has never been higher

video showing more chink carelessness.

note that this shit DOES NOT happen in western countries.

might as well nuke them and DPRK at the same time...

2 birds with one stone

this proves that only white people are humans. literally and unironically nuke everything else for the love of god.


>too lazy to walk the dog

they really are nuke fodder as far as i'm concerned.

Why is that man speaking for others?

Okay at least this guy has a reasonable motive, Western standards against guilt by association notwithstanding

pictured: savage white people brutalize an innocent dog and pose for pictures in broad daylight

Why do they have no souls?

a book from 1933 is as relevant to China, is nigger segregation that exists in USA today

you are a dumb fuck

good. i hope the little gassables all starve to death.


Sheboons should squat over that thing at Planned Parenthood. It would increase their profits. Lamborghinis ain't cheap ya know?!

Lmao this shouldn't be a funny. What is the context? Dog shit on the carpet?

the context is chinks are subhuman and so are you

Just glass Asia, get the Norks and all the others in a single blow. Keep Japan as a curiosity.

Look at that one chick at the bottom left just about to fall into the shredder. Its looking up saying why with its eyes? That other one with it's beak against the eggs. You can tell they're just scared little babies.

at least they can say that they aren't irish

Calm your belligerent Manchu genes, Kung Lao.

The point of that image is that modern chankoros are no different from chankoros from almost a century ago. Chinese never change.

>But... But... People kill animals in the West too guyz!

>Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and stumbles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because someone else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his self importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect -- the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours -- and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense.


I just simply don't understand how they can do stuff like this and smile.

Killing animals is fine, even dogs in my opinions, if necessary. But I can't even smack a fish while out fishing or drown a slug without feeling a bit bad.

How can they just smile and laugh while holding a blowtorch in a living dog face?

I can't even look at this thread.

Only shitskins/subhumans hate dogs. Muslims, niggers, Chinese, they all hate dogs. Almost all animal abuse is by niggers or shitskin subhumans here in America.

If you don't love dogs, you're not white, plain and simple.

did any of them live somehow?

fuck off back to wherever you came from subhuman.

Because nobody cares about those fucks. Dogs are man's best friend for a reason.

After working at a public park with a sizable feral chicken population for two years I have grown a deep hatred for them. They're loud, get in the god damn way constantly, kick around dirt and leaves everywhere five fucking minutes after you just cleaned the area, shit everywhere, and just be an overall nuisance. They are truly some of the worst animals on the planet.

DUUUUUDDDEEEEEEEE. That's pretty sad desu.