Here's a brand new Jimmy Dore upload fresh pff the presses...

Here's a brand new Jimmy Dore upload fresh pff the presses. It's called "Bernies Medicare for all push more successful that it appears"

He goes on about how it's a Litmus test for Democrats even thinking about running for president or for those trying to win in 2018. He also says fuck Hillary Clinton.

Interesting stuff. It seems like medicare4all is here to stay

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nobody with two brain cells to rub together should care what this retard has to say

Can't wait for Dems to sabotage it.

Why can't we just have tort reform

why are all the men on this show so feminine?

He needs to ditch those retard sidekicks

You're just a Troll that knows deep down that Jimmy Dore can fix the Democratic Party

>fix the Democratic Party

Maybe with bullets.

Isn't this the guy that spat on Alex Jones? This guy is a complete beta, I don't even think he believes his stupid political ideology

I actually don't mind Jimmy Dore too much. He's one of the few Leftists that is actually consistent and genuine in his positions. It's a sad time of the times that a political commentator adhering to their beliefs come election time is a respectable trait, but here we are.

Beyond that, while he might be a middle-aged, probably-Jewish man, his attitudes do tend to reflect those of a lot of younger Democratic voters. Even if you overwhelmingly disagree with them (And I do on basically everything but Healthcare, Environment and College), it's worth listening to just to see what your enemies are thinking and planning.

I don't understand you Americans, why don't you create a single payer or whatever you call it public healthcare only for white people ? The economic gains and efficiencies will be amazing especially if you invest in prevention

They just need a progressive revolution. No violence necessary. Bernie is kicking all of their asses right now and he's the true leader comrade.

Neoliberals are a thing of the past

Hes right its a litmus test that all democrats must pass in order to get through the democratic primaries. It's also a complete poison pill in the general.

That's the problem though, people in this country don't do that. Especially nogs and spics, holy shit they are far more unhealthier than whites are.

I love Jimmy Dore.

>No violence necessary.
Such a sweet kid.

>Litmus test

How about a degenerate test?

Ya that's why you should make healthcare huhwhyte exclusive and everybody else can fuck off

>public healthcare only for white people

You must be on meth

Yeah, good luck with that shit, that isn't going to fly. Many people would like that, but sadly the left won't want it's pets to die due to their own neglect.

I support your fight against the fascists comrade but we can't KILL in the name of Bernie Sanders. He has a plan

Jimmy Dore is paid by the Russians it's painfully obvious

Trump voter here.

I want Single Payer Healthcare, because as long as the government is going to fuck me up the ass on taxes, it can at least take me out for open heart surgery first.

pic unrelated

>t. Nigger

Follow your leader Aryan brotherhood

>Everybody who doesn't give me free gibsmedats is a far right extremist

>wanting gibs for white people only

Either everyone gets it or no one gets it. Fuck off racist

Imagine being a nigger who has no idea of current political trends around the world and only replies with a violent comment.
Single Payer is only possible in white america, our color blind bernie bros can't comprehend that.

Non whites of America are net takes, not net producers. It's only fair that whites can take what they produce.


>Fuck off racist
Get off this board

same. i disagree with him on plenty of stuff but he is very consistent. certainly much better than any other blowhard at the young turds

>Non whites of America are net takes, not net producers. It's only fair that whites can take what they produce.

This is why your race is on the verge of extinction. Because of racist beliefs like this. White people are the only people that stimulate the economy? Gave me a fucking laugh

>Your race
There we go, we have a nigger on the loose.

You're not even an American get the fuck out of this thread slav. Youre less than an African American posting from some eastern european shithole that's in worse shape than an American ghetto

also this. they add nothing to the show and just sometimes parrot what he says right after he says it

Can't wait for White Christians to become a minority world wide. You're a threat to everyone else

You have exactly 5 seconds to tell me how you wuz kangz

By racist beliefs, you mean looking at data and observing trends?
>White people are the only people that stimulate the economy.
Yes, if you look at people who contribute to the GDP and not take our government gibz, then yes.

Tell me your world view where blacks are a pro on the economy and country? Because there is none of that going right now.

please understand how statistics and trends work, dipshit

non-asian non-whites are a massive net negative to this country

George Washington is rolling in his grave at the thought of some uppity nigger trying to claim he's an American.

>non-asian non-whites are a massive net negative to this country
not for noseberg's profits though

how does his hands get stained if he's wearing gloves?

George Washington was a freemason. Half of the freemasoms aren't even white

>Either everyone gets it or no one gets it. Fuck off racist
you wanna play you gotta pay, nigger

>Freemasonry in 2017
>Having any bearing on racial attitudes in the 18th Century.

Fuck off and do your research on African monarchy

>because as long as the government is going to fuck me up the ass on taxes
payroll tax would shoot up for sure but how much you pay likely wouldn't change all that much since you'd have no monthly premium, a deductible or a copay. it would only suck for you if we had the pre obamacare system and your an extremely healthy person and uninsured.

doctors often take extra precaution in situations where fecal matter is involved

You're an idiot. Black people pay taxes amd use their disposable income on goods you dumbfuck

big pharma and insurance companies will not allow it.

>This is why your race is on the verge of extinction.
>Can't wait for White
You're not fooling anyone, progressives only appeal to whites, which is why blacks BTFO bernie in favor of hillary. Blacks will ensure that your pie in the sky medicare for all never becomes a reality.

Niggers loot riot rape steal and create macroeconomic inefficiencies due to poor health, unwillingness to save and bix nood in general

Thats rich coming from a country with single payer. Even your native abos in the bush have healthcare. Get The fuck out of here with your weak shitpost aussie

Bernie's plan reminds me of the UN shit people used to come up with in Nationstates. What a litmus test.

At best only half the dems running in 2018 are going to run on Medicare for all. Many will run against it. If they try to make the election about this, they are essentially losing the moral ground on Obamacare by admitting it's a piece of shit. They can't both defend expanding and mandating health insurance, and ending health insurance, and this will crush them.

God I hope this is really what they are trying to do. Make this a fucking litmus test, the GOP will have the largest presidential midterm gain in history.

Get blown up and ran over by a Terrorist

>blacks BTFO bernie
made no sense to me since he was promising more gibs and hilldawg's husband passed the crime bill and gutted welfare

>progressives only appeal to whites


That would be you you stupid nigger.
How do niggers even work- this is a great mistery of life. Once I saw a nigger roam the street , people decided this can't be good so they beat him up with sticks, I called the police and they came just in time to pick up what was left so the street cleaners can do their job and wash his blood off the sidewalk

>how much you pay likely wouldn't change all that
B-Man has been pretty conservative in his estimate of the cost for his plan at 4%, I don't doubt that it could get to 20% per paycheck for every working person in the country or higher...but assuming this is Improved Medicare For All and NOTHING could ever be denied/refused, it would be worth it.

I would also be okay with just repealing the individual and employer mandates and not giving 2 shits about the rest of it, even though that would still likely fuck people who voluntarily choose to get insurance.

The current state of affairs is beyond dogshit.
>too poor to afford premiums
>too "rich" to qualify for medicaid expansion
>get sick
>get fined anyway

or say you can afford premiums
>employer insurance or exchange plan
>get sick
>can't afford deductible/co-pay

Thanks King Nigger.

The only thing I like about Obamacare is that it forced insurance companies to accept people with preexisting conditions and wouldn't allow an insurance company to drop them/cap them off. So for once, the fucking kike (((Insurance Companies))) were actually forced to pony up the money/healthcare they promised but previously NEVER fucking delivered on for people who fucking paid into their kikery.

What the fuck

Jesus Christ tell me this shit is true , where did this happen

I say go for it. America can't be saved and inducing a debt crisis could trigger America's collapse sooner so huuuuuuuwhites can build their own country again.

i think we should just cut insurance companies entirely out of the equation and nationalize the pharma industry outright considering how much of their research relies entirely on gov grants and public sector research like the NIH but im more of a natsoc than a lolbert

By the embassies in izgrev Sofia close to a school
NO fags and commies I hope

Everyone i know that pays taxes get absolutely no help when they need it. Yet all the fucking welfare sponges have free medical, housing and free food... Im tired of seeing my family footing these peoples bills. While they have babies for free, my Father in law is having a lien put on his house because of a hospital bill he was trying to pay off.. I think it would be nice if we had free medical at least.. God damn, our tax dollars should go to something that helps us... Doctors wouldnt lose out anyways. They have cancer clinics average people cant go to anyways. If your a good doctor you can still be a millionaire and keep your private clinics and hospitals... All the shitty doctors can stay at the v.a. and state owned hospitals...

>nationalize the pharma industry
while everything in this thread will never happen, I agree with this, because of the amount of gov grants they get.

That said, the entire healthcare industry, which is what it is, a fucking for profit industry, needs to be regulated into the ground.
cost of prescription drugs alone would at best make a dent in it. Everything is just too fucking overpriced.
As an example, you can get an ancestry DNA test done for $99 and by analyzing your blood, they could tell you what you could be at risk for (diabetes/etc.), but going to a doctor and getting a blood test done checking for diabetes/etc. is easily $500+, and $1500 on average.
The entire healthcare industry is just bloated as fuck.
Most people become doctors cause they want a fuckton of money, not because they want to help people or cure diseases.
If you think otherwise, just imagine if doctors went from making millions a year to $25k a year. how many people would keep going through years of school because they wanted to "help" people? very fucking few.

LOL yes comparing 0.3% of the population in a homogeneous country to 13% of the population in a mongrel company

makes sense, good comparison professor

maybe you should take a look at the effects of single payer here before you champion it


>Isn't this the guy that spat on Alex Jones?
yeah, but he owned up to it and suggested setting it up so that Jones could spit ice tea in his face. Jones should push for that, Jones vs Dore rematch in Las Vegas.

democrats pushing single payer might be what trump needs to get reelected

He's good at calling out democratic leadership, who not surprisingly are donation whores. Hillary and friends can't talk about anything exciting to voters because it sends the wrong message to their sponsors. Jimmy's big thing seems to be the Bernie platform, which should be effective. For instance, $15 min wage is utterly retarded, but I bet candidates who support it will get a lot of turnout.