>mom holds me up to father as a baby
>"say goodbye, you're never seeing him again"
>no reason given, entire family clueless. she disappears with me
>my leg is fucked, old senpai had connections to top surgeons. grow up and live with a handicap without the gibs
>mother marries nigger. get beat up and abused for a while
>mom pops out a couple halfie bros. finally divorces when he almost murdered one of them in front of me
>ping pong around every town in county, always losing and having to make new friends
>mother always in hysterics, breaking my shit, telling me how im evil in every way
>i always argue and talk shit back because fuck you
>now 24, met dad, cool firefighter guy, awesome family.
>mom told me he hurt her when she was pregnant and that's why my leg was messed up
>woah it was a lie, who knew?
>dad wanted to talk to me but mom always hid me from him
>brothers are older now, 18 and 16
>they're half nig so they're bigger than me, sometimes get in fights or threatened
>they are fucking losers, total apathy, short term pleasure, probably won't graduate high school, always have excuses for why it's someone else's fault, they steal shit, etc.
>i don't even respond to my mother's weekly freakout pity messeges anymore, i used to craft novels on why she's so great, had to talk to her all the time as a kid and reassure her
>now my mom recently tells me "I know you don't think I'm a good mom, but I did a great job, not just ok!"
Single Mother Stories
I'm really starting to grow resentful of her and everything that she did. And now after spending time with a loving family that I'm actually related to, I'm seeing what was taken from me. I love my bros, but they're seriously behaving like absolute niggers with no environmental explanations. Seriously starting to believe that it's just in their DNA. Mother is a fucking neurotic cunt who can't ever leave me alone or honestly face who she is, what she does, or what she has done. She has the fucking nads to pretend that she's some fucking suberb super woman? She would tell me how much she hated me and how she wishes I was never born when the fights got bad. She would break things that she knew I loved and let me join clubs before taking them away from me just to use it against me. Never learned any man skills, and I had to teach myself how to be a normal dude after moving out. She laughs at me sometimes like "oh haha, you know user, never was exactly the manly/mechanical/athletic type, lol." Yeah I wonder why, cunt. I'm lucky to have been a non-autistic likeable person in both school and work, all on my own. I could have been raised by a christian firefighter and his loving family in a community with opportunity, and maybe had a better leg. It was stolen from me and my entire upbringing was one fight after another and I'm really seeing what blacks, single mothers, lack of family or values, and degeneracy can do to a person. I'm still working hard and I'm focusing on my life...but it's hard not to spiral into rage when I think about what could of been and what wasn't. incoherent blog post over
please share single mother/coalburner stories or images
When you get the chance put does niglets into jail. Do it for the white race.
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Cool blog bro
I feel sorry for you user. I grew up with both parents, but my mother was my prime caretaker, and I visited my father on the weekends. My mother was abused by my father, but she pushed me to have a relationship with him. She cared about my fathers relationship with me, and did everything to make it stronger.
In a better world, she would have been executed on the spot for everyone to see. Everybody would be cheering for her death. YOU can work towards a better world. Start TODAY.
This is an /r9k/ thread.
Thank you OP. A quick rundown from my neck of the woods.
-Fell in love, Knocked her up. She freaks out. She hates me. I am making her fat. Its all my fault. I dont have 20k in the bank. I have a shitty job, -She tells me she never wants to see me again. SHe tells me she will call police if I attend birth, I throw money at the situation. It doesnt work. She doesnt put my name on birth cirt. She moves states. I eventually track her down and visit with my beautiful daughter. She moves states again 2 days later. Hell. SHe ignores me. says nothing. Today I sent 500 via western union to her, along with a letter to daughter. Guaranteed she will not respond. In 3 hours my daughter will be 4 years old.
It's a good story but it doesn't belong here
You sound like a man that will uphold the west. Hard times create strong men, user, and use your experiences as a scope on what to target.
I feel sorry for you man, the only thing you can do if you haven't is to forgive and move on. Don't let her have control over your life anymore, you're not a baby.
She is poison, choose your new family.
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
oh shut the fuck up, that meme is retarded as fuck.
>Today I sent 500 via western union to her, along with a letter to daughter
God Bless you OP. I suggest you enroll in a technical college first thing tommarow morning. Dont just call. GO THERE. Talk to admissions and ENROLL ASAP. I suggest taking the HVAC program. Heating, Ventilation, AC, and refrigeration.
I fucking hate single mothers like yours op
So sorry you went through this.
Never let your brothers drag you down, disown them completely. Never ever let them poison your life.
his bum leg might make physical work a little difficult.
i keep my birthing hole on nocontact status.
call into molyneux
me too bro me too except my real dad was a white drug dealer, thank god im white at least but still wont be passing on his shitty genes, all my half nig bros got taken away by the government, thank god for them they are being raised by white families probably, and i was adopted by my white grandparents while my crackwhore mom continued taking and selling drugs and spent most of her life in prison. thats life i guess.
I'm almost through with meme university. Going to work a national parks because they bring me peace. If I knew better before, I wouldn't have jumped into it so fast and did something technical like that.
good news is i'm working on getting it amputated which will improve my life 100%. I've done manual labor before of various types. It's doable, just a struggle.
srry to see u go
thank you, i will take that advice to heart
Not politics.
Sage and report all shill and slide threads
Keep fighting user. If your daughter is only 4 then that's plenty early to destroy all the evil roots that cunt plants in her.
Think of it this way user. Even though you went through shut, it was worth it to end up redpilled than to go through life being a blue pilled fuck.
>women are indoctrinated that having a man around is the ultimate oppreshun
>they will ruin their own lives and the lives of their children rather than question this indoctrination
The feminists have wreaked horrible damage on our society. Don't let them touch your daughters.
>Meet hot slut at the bar
>Fuck the living shit out of her
>Accidentally wake her 10 yr daughter up
>Hook every now and then for 4 months
>Actually try to be a stable adult in her life
>Dump the shit out of her for leaving her kid to go drinking all the time
>Still treat the daughter from time to time since she goes to school near where I work
Hopefully I save a kid from a shitty life and if not then I'll know a hot 18 year old with daddy issues in 8 years
oh god gas these fags that come here with their abloo abloo sad stories, this is not /soc/ you crybaby, everyone has a sad life get the fuck on with it.
Why do you think these women try to live the "party life" well into their expiration date?
I can relate to some extent, OP.
My advice is to:
1) Cut off all contact forever with your mother: throw away all her photos, or photos where you were with her, delete photos and videos, etc. Also change your phone number, basically never contact or see her again.
2)Cut off all contact with your nignog brothers. I'm sorry, but you'll have to learn that sometimes you have to make sacrifices to move on, they are holding you back.
3)See if you can legally cut bonds with your mother, because if not later on in life you might have to take care of her medical bills, or whatever.
4)What I did to replace the inexistent father figure in my life was youtube. Watch youtube videos of men who teach things about life. Learn philosophy stuff, as well as things like gardening, or cooking basic meals, working out, being organized, etc. I can suggest Owen Cook, and reading the sticky in /fit/ for example (you'll have to replace squats with machine leg work because of your leg though, lol).
We are all gonna make it.
10/10 that was gold I lol'd
>live 7 years of my life with both parents
>dad is a russian immigrant and overall shitty person
>his parents are shitty people
>his brother is oddly not a shitty person and at least genetic proof I wont have to end up a land whale as I age
>mom divorces him finally
>live with mom on weekdays, dad on weekends
>dad mostly for the gibmedats as a kid
>learn that there's no law stopping me from saying I want to live with my mom only
>do that
>learn about important life stuff from her
>manage my money, appreciate what I have, etc
>now 23
>literally better than everyone else who still has 2 parents
I get that I'm an outlier so here's one of a friend icollected snippets of info about
>be friend
>shit vicarious mom
>tutors from grade 2 onward
>not allowed to have pop
>cue dark descent
>parents divorce, mom still controlling as fuck
>sportsfag but no gf
>become generally creepy person like handsome murderer tier
He's now a child molester because of his mom. Making mommy proud by diddling little boys. Hell he tried to fuck me when we were same age on a """"camping"""" trip.
>3)See if you can legally cut bonds with your mother, because if not later on in life you might have to take care of her medical bills, or whatever.
This is not a thing in the US. A son is not responsible in any way for paying a parent's debts or taking care of a parent in old age. OP can safely just stop talking to her and that's it.
By the end there, I felt she was just trying to relive her glory days as that hot under 25 college girl because she really started drinking and parting after her 30th birthday.
Estrangement can be the only path to you changing from a toxic relationship. You owe nothing to your parent. Grow you. Worry about you. Don't entertain her narcissism in any way. If you have the guts, estrange yourself permanently from this person. She is personal poison to her self and others and will likely never change.
How do I know? I was a feral mom. I dumped my kids when they were young. They suffered. They would have suffered more if they followed me down the shit hole. I am better now. But I admit every shitty thing I did to them, w/o any lies, if they ask about my life. I was a shit mom. Your mom was a shit mom. She did the best she thought she could but she knows it wasn't worth shit.
Go be an adult and enjoy your life but entertain not one more minute of this woman's shit show. You owe her Not one thing.
Before she was mom, she was Chris or whatever her name is. Mom is her moniker. She is a real person with either a good heart and some redeeming qualities or she is just a malignant narcissist, with only the dregs of society or her manipulated children paying her any attention.
Leave her be. Feel no guilt. Go make you a good family and leave her on her funky ass in the shit ditch she drug you through as an innocent child.
Go overcome. Leave her to stare at herself for the next few decades. She needs it.
Nice cats, 10/10 would pet
Good luck faggit. Maybe if you blow your dad he'll let you ride in his fire truck. Good luck to you though chum and I hope your half nog bros get locked up like all subhumans should
Taste the fire hose to ride the fire truck?
Hold up you are no man to give that advice. Leave that up to a professional !!!
OP talk that kind of stuff over with a pro.
I have gone down that road no regrets but society will shun you for it and you have to explain this to your children at some stage and your father in law so you better know what and how to say it
The cat is a feral with her kittens. Every day I look at her and know she is a better mom than I ever was.
Aahahah ahahahahahahahahahahaha what a fucking loser. Get your shit together Bobby. Your story isn't the harsher one for God's sake. Man up faggot.
Are you just here to continue the stereotypes about your meme flag?
KEK meme flag says leaf
So I have to have some paper that the government gives me to say that I can or can not give my opinion on something?
I don't need to wait for the government's, or your approval to say whatever the fuck I want.
And I certainly don't need to get a (((psychology))) marxist and feminist curricula filled phd.
Baby girl got a lotta front butt
Yeah because internet advise is always best because the whole picture hasn't been seen
>3)See if you can legally cut bonds with your mother, because if not later on in life you might have to take care of her medical bills, or whatever.
That isn't how it works. If she had an inheritance to leave him after death (doubtful) the creditors could put a lien on that, but other than that he's not responsible for it.
>I'm still working hard and I'm focusing on my life
No larper would ever write what you wrote user.
I believe you.
If you live each day and strive to do better the next, you will quickly become the best man you possibly can. Keep up the good work. Not every day is perfect, and not everything we do is perfect. If you love yourself, and respect god your only limits are the ones you place on yourself.
Keep being a winner!
found the blacked/bbc poster
American parenting is infamously bad for some reason. I don't get it. Where do get your role models? Who do you look up to and think "I wanna be like this guy when I grow up"? At this point, all I feel is sadness and pity when I think of the American life.
>Fag flag
Opinion discarded
>Today I sent 500 via western union to her, along with a letter to daughter. Guaranteed she will not respond. In 3 hours my daughter will be 4 years old.
If you aren't on the birth cert, and she is avoiding you, you are a fool to follow and send money.
You realize that IF they want to hit you for support, you giving money to her makes a good case for the court that you admit to full financial responsibility of the child...but this will not guarantee you any parental rights.
As horrible as it sounds, you may want to move on...quickly. Move. change phones. Try to find a state that has no extradition. West Virginia pops in my head as one state (I could be wrong). If she ever decides she needs lots of money fast, you will be the first target. You are technically past due 4 years of child support, and 14 more to go. You should just cut your losses and move on. Nothing good will come of continuing to send money etc.
it's not. you're just a faggot, weak man.
Jesus fucking christ, you can't even speak coherently. I'm assuming you are some Pajeet, and our conversation stops here.
Are you sure he won't even have to pay for things like funeral, or cremation bills, etc.? Different laws everywhere, I guess.
>Who do you look up to and think "I wanna be like this guy when I grow up"?
Pop culture nowadays it the reason liberals constantly go DRUMPF IS VOLDEMORT ! because they're entire context for the world around them is (((Pop Culture)))
this smells like cool story bro but if you were me i would change my surname as soon as i hit 18 and move somewhere else, never look back, you owe her nothing, it's you and the world user
Im Russian immigrant also 23 living in Toronto.
Parents had a shitty relationship but never divorced.
Im half russian half english. My dad was an immigrant not me.
Im not sure what you want either... Gay sex?
>bulgarian proxyfag
im on to your tricks
My father had a rough upbringing. Litteraly grappled with my uncle for food when they were young.
It wasn't until their father won custody after years of neglect that they had a stable home.
He cut off the whole side of the family.
I found out when I was in my 20s that his sister showed up on our doorstep when I was like 10 and he literally told her to leave. Didn't even know I had an aunt on that side of the family until heard the story from my mom.
He turned everything around. Has a few quirks Because no one escapes a bad childhood unscathed, but he became a successful businessman and could have retired at 60 a wealthy man...
(But he won't stop starting and growing businesses until the day he dies I'm sure.)
Moral of the story.
Don't be afraid to cut ties and start over.
Depends on the nation.
But he doesn't have to pay for anything in the US. That said any final costs are taken from the person's estate before inheritance is given out. So if he doesn't want, or won't inherent anything, then no harm.
THAT SAID. Many debt collection companies will try to guilt you into paying, you have the right in the USA to tell them not to contact you again or you will report them to the feds. Which you can do.
> She laughs at me sometimes like "oh haha, you know user, never was exactly the manly/mechanical/athletic type, lol."
You have no clue how much this sentence spoke up me. I hate that there was no one around to walk me through those things and my mother would still find reasons to bring that up. I see now how much my upbringing screwed me up
The current (((celebrity))) being pushed down our throats. I'll never forget hearing little say their role models are Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj
You are doing the best you can given the circumstances
Never give up trying to contact her, don't be that dad that gives up. One day your daughter will know and love you because you tried so hard.
I respect you as a man.
You lost many good things user , but so does your dad , you should look foward to a better life and make yourself better and so does the relationship with your dad.
She's a narcissist dude. My single mother (now remarried) is one too. Took me too long to figure it out, but you are already aware. Keep her at a distance but most important is to get her out of your heart. Don't expect she'll change. You grow yourself.
Don't idolise your father. You need your energy for yourself.
>meet women at bars
>fuck them 1st night
>surprised they're drunk sluts