Reminder that any true Conservative/Libertarian believes in liberty and a judicial system that protects people from oppressive governments. This movie clearly shows how the Nazis violated the rights of non-germanics and Jews and made their lives terrible. Jews were literally yanked from their homes and stores for being Jews and beaten and humiliated in the streets by Nazi Party members.
Nazis were Left-Wing
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You really got to skip to 0:43 in the video to see what i mean though.
1 race 1 state 1 leader
>Jews were literally yanked from their homes and stores for being Jews and beaten and humiliated in the streets by Nazi Party members.
Yes. It's terrific and a real blueprint to follow.
This is practically hate speech.
I get one state i get the idea of one leader (sorta, I still think dividence of power is important), but why one race?
The Jews did it to Germans first in Amerika and "Kristalnacht" was insurance fraud.
It's not even funny, even a nazi woudlnt' find it amusing.
I believe that liberty and justice can only operate when a people are moral and just. Some people need to be removed.
The strength of the race is the nation the strength of the nation is the race.
>practically hate speech
found the larping nigger toucher, fuck off shill
>Jews were literally yanked from their homes and stores for being Jews and beaten and humiliated in the streets by Nazi Party members.
Hitler was extremely upset when that happened. He told them that they almost ruined National Socialism.
Remember Capatalism and Marxism are both enemies of the people self sacrifice is needed and you should sacrifice for your people. Conservatives are faggots who seek to conserve something that is long gone
Economically left morally and legislatively they were right
What do you mean they did it to the Germans first? What on earth are you saying?
I'm going to reserach that
>Nazis were Left-Wing
The National Socialist German Workers Party was a quasi-Fascist movement. Fascism defies the left/right dichotomy, that is why it is sometimes called "Third Position."
The NSDAP blended left wing and right wing concepts. It is essentially centerist. Authoritarian centrism.
Oh we'll be having a fat chuckle about it after the real one finally begins.
>Nazis were Left-Wing
What a retarded statement.
Pic related and kill yourself
I agree, but Jews are definitely a problem.
It was Z-plane agile and nimble through 3 dimensions.
Germanics are pussies by nature, no matter what shape they take
>claims nazis weren't left wing
>posts Hitler admitting to being socialist
Hezbollah is going to fuck you. I'll laugh for the entirety of your abject demoralisation.
How else do you make Jews leave? They had already been notified. They didn't leave, so they were rounded up for deportation.
Also, you sure are dumb, read a book nigger.
>believes in liberty and a judicial system
>thinks all conservatives are classical liberals
Fuck off.
>>claims nazis weren't left wing
>>posts Hitler admitting to being socialist
National Socialism was a blend of left and right concepts.
Read a book, Jews were beaten and killed in the holocaust.
....shhhhhhhhhh that's next year.
They were neither left nor right wing
They were Authoritarian
Seeing as you're still alive, obviously not enough.
Sage, another antifa faggot. Not even trying this one, ripped straight off the reddit guideline.
You're a bad troll, terrible republican you are.
burgers get so triggered by the world 'socialism' because of how it is used conventionally in anglophone texts.
'Sozialismus', for example, is distinctive from Bolshevism and is actually tied directly to nationalism and patriotism. It is particularly distinctive for the simple reason that it retains the right of individual citizens to hold property in their own name.
This whole 'le Nazis were leftist commies' is just a cuckservative invention by degenerate Americans.
>implying I don't support this
Much too late for good byes...just bad ones. Total war is best war.
Then you are a Nazi trash.
>socialism for example is distinctive from bolshevism and is actually tied directly to nationalism and patriotism
Yes, and I hate nationalism and patriotism just as much. I am an Ayn Rand fan, she said that nationalism and patriotism are two forms of collectivism.
Left Vs Right wing meme needs to die.
Capitalism gives birth to the rotten profit driven cultureless people we see today.
Communism may kill the people through starvation but capitalism simply puts aside a government of elected people for a government of ruling corporations, such as the groups like google who are shutting down the lives of people today who speak out.
Saying that you are right wing or that you are conservative means absolutely nothing aside from the fact you wish for less immigration and are pro-life. Its a crock of shit and voting conservative will never solve our problems.
These is also nothing wrong with being obligated to give back to the community and heritage that you should see as an extension of your own family, you race. The blood that you have is a gift passed on to you through ages of hard work and sweat and blood, and you should give some back and pass the torch on to the next generation. You should leave the community youre part of in better condition than you inherited it. Individualism and capitalism are a fucking plague, along with communism.
People should be glad to give back to their people and their nation. Socialism can absolutely work so long as the country is homogeneous and the borders are closed tight.
Go back to watching Stefan Memewew videos you alt-light cuck.
That's one rabbi, look at Rabbi Johnathan Sacks saying that he wants more white europeans
Keep shilling OP
okay, and what is so bad about collectivism?
In a world of collectives, what happens to the one group that doesn't recognise their collective interests?
Remember to archive
I have all your books all your literature all undeniable 1st editions even the catalogue redacted Steinsaltz Talmud. Amalek is going to cut your lying tongues out and toss them upon a mountain of bleached skull and bones you'll soon be joining. We are everywhere and many and shall move as one.
You arent just an individualism. Thats whats wrong. You may work hard and gain profits but you are living and working within a system that was passed down to you through generations of hard work and death.
individualism prioritized profits over blood, and thus you get the greedy ass politicians who gladly sell out their people so long as they can live in their gated community. You get manufacturing sent offshores to people who are willing to live in lower standards, essentialy stripping jobs from our own people for the profits of those who rule. Erase government and leave only corporations and you will get a government made up of corporations such as Google today that has so much global power, essentially influencing and buying our politicans up.
A person who lives for themselves is selfish and does not recognize the gift of the blood running through their veins and thus there can never be a culture, heritage or anything to fight for anyways.
You can have left wing white societies as long as you don't have any jews or niggers.
A very Orwellian post
>Nazis are leftwing
Said the liberal.
Blacks are in your country directly because of Jews and their Curse of Ham myth.
Except if we had true individualism corporations wouldn't be able to lobby the government since government would have so little power.
Orwellian is the maniuplation of language for political purpose, I am simply using words how they are suppose to be.
I'm a Libertarian.;
Your a shill
All fields
Germany for the Germanic people. Not fucking hard, moron.
enjoy ban
fuck of vox
Except the Nazis wanted to take over Europe.
Crybaby kikes had to work for two years for their pathetic existence and they are still kvetching about it like it happened last year. Auschwitz is fucking beautiful, I've been there, and the reason it's so beautiful is because the Austrians built it originally as an Army base for their cavalry. You seriously think Americans don't lock up their crime-offenders? This is what the Reich was doing, and then when the Allied bombed the supply lines, the same thing happened to people as happened after WWI, starvation and typhus killed thousands. No, kikes are not exempt from disease and the Red Cross numbers only show 250,000 dead of many different nationalities, which were non-deliberate, unlike the holodomor which killed around 8 million deliberately. It pisses off kikes more than anything, because their supremacism and racism gets offended to see non-kikes have the upper hand for once. Juden need to stop making up war-time lies.
Your mum is a "Nazi", you flabby brained manlet faggot.
Why are you anti white? You're promoting white replacement with your Constitutional universalism and shallow knowledge of history.
>U.S founded as a white nation
You don't understand any history
>be socialist
>begin privatization
wtf I hate Hitler now
You should understand how to breathe dirt.
I could say the same about you, except you consider anything right of marxism to be fascism.
Also Hitler purged leftists from the SA.
Fascism is completely anti Marxist by virtue. It is literally pro corporatist and pro hierarchy. It supports everything that Marxism wants to get rid of.
The Nazis were neither entirely right wing or entirely left wing
They considered themselves off the spectrum altogether
>posting modern WWII propaganda as proof
>This movie clearly shows how the Nazis violated the rights of non-germanics and Jews and made their lives terrible. Jews were literally yanked from their homes and stores for being Jews and beaten and humiliated in the streets by Nazi Party members.
>what is the german revolution
Don't even bother replying to these faggots, Canada, they're here to try and water down pol and drive people off the board.
Ignore them.
Fuck off you shit tier democrat whore shill.
Pol is indestructible.
You are wasting your time and we will revel in your bloody demise.
>Then you are a Nazi trash.
Found the idiotic kike who labels anyone a Nazi who doesn't agree with him.
Kill yourself.