So what would happen if every person on the planet could have a unique ID chip implanted on them and everyone could vote on issues on a global scale, full retard democracy majority rules vote? Say an issue like gay marriage is put to the citizens of the world and its outcome could be global law or just a populous reference. I can see butthurt at an epic scale.
So what would happen if every person on the planet could have a unique ID chip implanted on them and everyone could...
Can people eat dogs and cats?
china might have a big say, but india and the west could counter them globally.
The mark of the beast 666
Please consider the implications of your suggestions fully.
Well, it depends. Is it really majority rules?
soooo, how would you vote?
Movie title: Logan's Run
We have known this shit since the 1970's.
>everyone could vote on issues on a global scale, full retard democracy majority rules vote?
>what would happen
Leftists would probably get btfo socially, but RIP to every countries' economy.
This is such an incredibly stupid idea only elites would even pretend it was worth discussion. It would actually be worth a public conversion to Christianity to avoid this.
No thanks. Paper ballots so we can catch you fagots changing records n sheet.
1. You don't need chips for this. Smartphones would accomplish it just as effectively
2. The only way this system would work is if you retained the principle of representative democracy but in an expanded form so that you could 'delegate' your vote to literally anyone in the country instead of just to politicians. Politicians would still exist - your default vote preference would be to delegate all your votes on all matters to your elected representative. But you could also change this so that someone other than your elected representative voted on your behalf. The number of people who delegated their votes to someone determine how many votes that person has on particular issues.
The kind of people that would get lots of delegations would be celebrities, political commentators, and industry experts. So for example you could customise your vote preferences so that for all science bills that go through Parliament your vote is delegated to Elon Musk. But since Elon Musk is too busy to vote manually, he would in turn delegate his vote to someone he trusts in science. The chain of delegation is kept private so as to be consistent with the concept of a silent ballot.
Cool system, except that its completely unauditable.
How can anyone count votes if no one knows who actually voted for who?
>I pledge my vote to elon musk
>elon pledges his vote to P.Poindexter
>P.poindexter pledges his vote to his good friend elon musk
>3 votes lost into the vote void and no one would be able to prove it.
Honestly I don't think full retard democracy of any kind would go with genocide.
Sooo you want people in Africa and China voting on things that affect you?
It'd be perfect, just think about it: no more crime, not having to carry around useless shit with you, customizable services, etc. Can't wait!
but with tech today, biometrics could audit every living person with some unique identifier and allow votes on any given issue. how much anonymity it has needs to be worked out, but you could get a general idea of how individuals stand on issues instead of representatives. but their are pros and cons for popular votes, like india and china could make it globally accepted to poo in the streets.
Blockchain Technology will make this happen eventually
Exactly but the RFID chip is still the mark.
NEver gonna happen
>When i was a young boy my father took me into >the city, to see the black parade.
i saw a documentary saying that everyone in the future will have a chip implanted and be controlled by the devil, and many people lost his shit by that stupid video. so im 30 and that shit is only for the dogs.
The well understood flaws of the tyrany of the majority would destroy world civilization fairly quicikly.
>So what would happen if every person on the planet could have a unique ID chip implanted on them and everyone could finally not be retarded
Whites are 13% globally. Mob rule and chaos would quickly ensue.
Okay the exception to the anonymity rule is the person that you delegate to could see you and the system wouldnt allow you to delegate votes to someone who delegated them to you
They've already come up with this technology and run HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of test runs
No fucking bull shit
No Alex Jones tin foil OD
Google PIT tags and you'll see
>I loved the movie "The Red Circle"
Jewish propaganda has successfully sold globalism to millions of useful idots like OP
So mob rule for the world?
The "mark of the beast" is having a cut dick, you fucking retards. IF YOU ARE CIRCUMCISED YOU WILL BE CULLED
Direct democracy it's a meme that goes from instantaneous chip controlled laws to anarcho primitivism floor defecation.
It's pointless and dangerous.
you say that like you are not part of the mob.
*hacker mode engaged*
>Smartphones would accomplish it just as effectively
But I don't own a smartphone. And yes, the fact that consumerist technology functions as a opt-in tracking device and more is just one reason to boycott it.
> foreskin is on the palm or the head
Well I know a lot of cutfags jerk off a lot, and I'm a real dickhead, but I think your reasoning might be faulty, buddy
Considering the bell curve, most humans would vote pretty intelligently. There would be relatively small swaths of complete retardation - but most people are able to make educated decision without triggering some apocalyptic endgame.
>expanding democracy even more
Nigger what are you thinking? We need less democracy, as fast as possible.
How the fuck are you showing the Anarcho-Capitalist flag yet denounce democracy? How demented are you?
but people will vote based on influence from other people and not think for themselves.
Do you know anything about anarcho-capitalism beyond ancap ball memes? No. If you did, you'd know how retarded that just sounded.
So you're arguing for the same thing that radical leftists are arguing for. Some magical event to wipe out modern society so you can have your utopian society.
Fuck off with that bullshit.
That's what American Media thought too.
>Stasi, Zersetzung, street theater, directed conversation, etc
>global government
lol no
computerized vote fraud, you big doofus.
>passive integrated transponder
Holy fuck it's real
Christians were all over this.
Never gonna happen.
Anyone who implants chips inside themselves somehow think their immune system will enjoy a foreign object inside them.
There was an anime with a similar idea, Gatchaman Crowds. People used a smartphone app to vote for almost all government decisions. It ended with everything going to shit and monsters that eat people for being "offensive."
>So you're arguing for the same thing that radical leftists are arguing for. Some magical event to wipe out modern society so you can have your utopian society.
Literally none of that. Straw men sure burn easy though, don't they?
>Logan's Run
This.. Old redpill movie. I
with a lovely bitcoin wallet embedded inside
>Smartphones would accomplish it just as effectively
Exactly what I've been telling RFID retards for years
>all women have been spared the mark of the beast.
I won't mind not getting into heaven if it's just gonna be a lot of roasties.
the have-nots would vote to fuck over the haves, the haves would vote to keep what they have
just like any other implementation of democracy
were u born yesterday bro?
F = 6th letter in alphabet
Face = Forehead
Book = Read with hands
Headhand = Facebook
Facebook run by King Jew Zucc.
Facebook working with governments.
Facebook most used social network
Facebook QR Code = Mark
Facebook QR Code = Could contain financial info/blockchain wallet info, etc.
Facebook = Profile Page
Profile = Face
Page = Book
Facebook is 666
>Blockchain Technology will make this happen eventually
True but, you don't need RFID to make it work. This is just a horrible idea.
I'm a Christian but what if I'm left behind after the rapture? When they try to force me to have this will and I say no will I be killed? If I'm killed for believing in Jesus after the rapture can I still be saved? Really curious about this. I don't want to be left behind though, I wanna go to heaven
fucking brainlet
they tried that in like 19 states and every time it was voted down then immediately over turned as unconstitutional by a gay judge, making gay marriage the law of the land.
Until it occurs there is going to be a constant debate between pre tribulation rapture versus post tribulation rapture. I think the rapture will occur after the tribulation and dying in the name of god compared to living in the sin of man will take you to heaven even right now this applies.
The reason I bring up Pre versus Post is if you believe in Pre tribulation rapture then you are 100% guaranteed because you would not have the possibility of the mark of the beast, only two sins are unforgivable in the name of the lord and that is calling Jesus a Heretic, and Accepting the Mark of the Beast. As we speak the technology is giving the ability for this mark, that people will knowingly, unknowingly, and or accept without care because of the predominant evil within the world.
>this concept is flawed from the beginning because third world countries out populate the first world countries and would always have the numbers to win.