I've had enough of the christian vs. pagan bickering. What religion is the TRUE ultimate redpill?
I've had enough of the christian vs. pagan bickering. What religion is the TRUE ultimate redpill?
Religion is the death of redpill. OP is fag
Cthulhuian Cultism
Now that's comfy.
No religion is redpilled. By definition, deluding yourself to believe in fictional stories to cope with the burdensome human condition is bluepilling yourself.
Catholic :---D
This. Religion was made up simply to explain things we didn't understand. Early man had many pagan gods because there was a lot they didn't understand. As we developed science we started to understand more and polytheism fell off. Monotheistic religions are just a way to fear monger money out of people (better cough up that dough when the donation plate comes around, or you're not getting into heaven). Then they came to America and cried about religious freedom to avoid paying taxes. There's no tangible evidence of God. Ask any religious person in the history of ever for proof and they will say 1 of 2 things: "Oh yeah? How about proof God doesn't exist?" or "You just have to believe bro, that's why it's called faith. You have to simply believe in something with no proof." They've been using the same tired shit for a while now.
Zen Buddhism
Sedevacantist traditional Roman Catholicism.
i like how nigs are almost able to see the irony in kikes covering them in chains and controlling their minds but then they just make more nig music for their jewish masters
krautchan is back - get the fukk in !!
mysticism and (non-Satanic) Occult knowledge
It used to make me feel so sad. But then I learned more about them and now I think it's hilarious.
>Monotheistic religions are just a way to fear monger money out of people
You caught me
Truth. Science. Anything that is objectively real, not just relayed through a bunch of lying neurotic psychopaths, which is the "religious leader" archetype.
Rely on absolute truths, like gravity, which is always true whether or not you like it. Oxygen, you must breathe. Water and food/sustenance, you must consume.
The more "philosophical" religion gets, the worse it is, because that's what Jews do: corrupt all natural things by assigning magical meaning to numbers, shapes, planets, emotions, etc.
Maybe we are just made by the universe, and the universe is as good a God as any. I have never been spoken to by any supernatural entity, and I do not believe in them.
Not Catholicism or Protestantism, but Christianity.
> "You just have to believe bro, that's why it's called faith. You have to simply believe in something with no proof."
That's literally the whole reason why people believe in a religion you dense moron. It isn't an excuse to prove their religion, they are saying that even if they are really wrong, they are willing to take chance to believe on something that doesn't have proof.
Also, an unfalsifiable claim isn't inherently false, as data is required to determine the validity of the hypothesis. A lack of data isn't proof of anything (it doesn't prove that your position is right because of a lack of evidence).
Islam. The truest red pills are hardest to swallow.
Monotheism derived from your own contemplation. Read Parmenides for guidance.
I could post my proof of something much higher than all of us (even above time), but it wouldn't be enough for you. Last person made excuses when presented with it.
To sum it up Parmenides was a monist, he wrote a proem in which a goddess took him on her chariot through the heavens. She told him there is one, and it is, for it can not not be. All separation is an illusion.
Read it and think if you actually care.
Most science is unprovable supposition. I am not saying that it isn't the right way to go. However, you have framed your argument incorrectly.
Catholic Paleo-Syndicalism
Also, Islamic Techno-Accelerationism
blessed trips
Trips of truth right here.
How does an opinion on religion in any way correlate with the time spent on this website? Please help me make a tangible connection, because I don't get it.
No, but there is plenty of proof that the Bible is bullshit. There is plenty of proof that Christianity is a farce. I can't claim a higher power isn't real, but what I can claim is that there is no current religion on earth that is correct, because their historical works which their entire religion is based off of, is complete and udder horse shit.
>I could
Then do it. You never know unless you try. I'm a very objective person. That's why I can look at objective facts throughout history and say the Bible is bullshit. I believe facts, and if you have indisputable facts, I'll believe those too.
See pic related