Why are Indian so creepy?
What do you think rural street shitting sub-70 IQ retards who get internet do all day? They watch porn featuring western women, and they watch enough of it to get in their heads that every western woman is a cock hungry slut that lusts after any dick she can get.
shitting in the streets, shitting through tweets, the life of Pajeet
But some Indian are smart, Aren't they?
My dad told me that all the B-films (porn) in india always featured white women. The males would be any race but the women were always white.
A lot are, but they are socially fucking retarded.
They are just thirsty for the whites whores. She could of just blocked the poor pajeet.
They have a culture where one Chad claims 30 wives while 29 virgin cucks have to sit around imagining sex and shitting in fields. They have absolutely nothing to lose by asking an attractive White woman to open her vagene and the milkings.
u saying wat u son of basterd bich u mutherfuker i wil be fuking yor mother u son of bich, top top top secret see u biching hed, i wil put my lulla in her vagina u little shitty basterd, then i wil be yor new dad u shit!! u wil respect me i am yor dad u shitty dickbich bloody basterd!!
They are thirst af
I've talked to people like these before. They think white women are all sluts because of the pornos and hollywood movies.
They think I get laid every day here in the US. They're stupid people who have no social sense and their only contact with the western world prior to the internet were hollywood movies and porn. All featuring slutty white women.
The real question is why didnt she block him? This just confirms the fact roasties love pretending they dont want men attention. If this guy was a Chad she would be knocking on his door at 4 am, but even though he is clearly not, she still cant ignore the attention she is getting.
Fuck women.
Indian men are creepy because Bollywood glorifies stalking culture.
Based bob poster
It's a man LARPing as a woman
It is because girls like to laugh at such shit attempts to hook up with them when they get in groups. It's entertainment for them.
Attention, it's an addiction for them
Indians are sub human stinky faggots
Indians and anglos do the same thing, of course anglos conveniently try to hide this.
If you try to deny this, just remember "pls be in London".
Hi, mister! not all indian is like this, it is mostly in the towns, in the cities not much. I read this.
t. Pajeet
Fuck off anglo kike, you and pajeets (and turks, forgot about them) all do the same thing on social media.
This is average Indian male.
I used to have a fake facebook account and got sand niggers to send me rupees for nudes. I didn't edit the pics I literally just pulled them from a thread on Sup Forums and they still fell for it.
you will never be white Kumar
>Indian currency is called "rupees"
>tfw you realize LoZ is the Ramayana
I'm not a currynigger, but curryniggers, t*rks, and anglos do the same shit.
Remember that kid in highschool who always dressed in naruto gloves and headbands who walked everywhere eating pocky and sayibg stuff like desu and kawaii. Youd look at him and you just KNEW this kid seriously thought japan was a giant hentai orgy because all his doujins and cartoons told him so.
That, but substitute anime and hentai for hollywood B movies and cheesy 70's porn and you basically have what your average poo in loo thinks the USA is like.
A tradition of arranged marriage really fucks up social graces.
Lol how much did you get? Considering a 30 minute tuktuk ride costs 1.5 dollars.
t. mystery meat shitskin
Whatever you say Pajeet.
literally me
My gf is Punjabi Sikh
aside from the arranged marriage thing being a potential problem (because I'm not poo in the loo myself) the main downside to the women is they are kinda hairy. Like Italian tier kinda furry.
The lighter colored ones can be quite attractive and Punjabi girls can be t h i c c af
Going on toilet is a social thing here, i meet many girls this way. Homo
I was on a language sharing site practising my german. It was kinda like facebook minus the privacy settings and geared towards language learning. Basically you display what language you are practising and your native lamguage and native speakers of the language you are learning who want to learn yours talk to you.
At first it was a pretty good site, was all european languages plus japanese korean and chinese. Was actually a pretty cool site, met lots of really cool people including cute girls and it didnt have any of the sleazy akwardness of a dating site. Just folks learning languages.
Then they opened up service to india.
Holy. Fucking. Shit. Literally overnight my imbox was 100% packed with messeges from like 3 poo in loos all begging for money because they supposedly had cancer. 95% of the women left because every single day they couldnt talk to literally any of thier learning partners because thier inbox would just be packed with fucking poo in loos begging for sex or money.
Jesus, you are a pajeet, arent you?
Did it for about a month and made almost $200 USD and got one of them to buy me a guitar on amazon. Stopped doing it because it was to much work, had to chat with them for hours just to get them to send me shit.
That's because Indian women would become instant outcasts for that. Basically fictional acts have real consequences in India.
Feck you bistch lasagne
>my imbox was 100% packed with messeges from like 3 poo in loos all begging for money because they supposedly had cancer
the eternal Pajeet, don't think they'll ever change
Lol, that's a lot of money in India, reversed charity.
>If you try to deny this, just remember "pls be in London".
I'm glad /fit/ shitposts get taken seriously by retarded poofuckers
Did you buy a squatplug yet?
indian women are sometimes born in to prostitution, sold to perverts or arrange married. Also they get raped all the time in the street or by some witch doctor. So to indians their women are probably less than dirt so they seek ¨nice status symbol white women¨
that is fucking hilarious
Dumbass. Those are the low caste women. High caste woman is valued more mid caste man or an entire low caste family.
>bitch lasagna
There's over a billion of them. Some are bound to be. Most are human garbage living in slums
so? there still brown and ugly. Dont tell me that you like shitskin poo women, there ugly. Same thing with nigger, they like white women because they look better than nigger poo women you fucking cuckboi.
I worked with a few of these guys. It's Canada, all we take in are Indians and refugees with their hands out.
Anyway, straight from India (stink and all) these guys are in an office environment and can't for the love of Christ keep it together. I think it's a combination of social retardation, being from a country where women are property, and watching American movies. They think they're being suave when they're just creepy as fuck. Only got worse once they discovered cell phones.
Fuck off, arranged marriage is based
India is r9k the country
When you're king shit, it's not that hard.
Made the mistake of thinking a filipino girl is was cute once. Phone looked like that for about a year. They seem very devoted and nice but be sure you flirt with the right one on your first try.
They're noobs.