What was his fucking problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
he was too big a guy (for us)
he was polite, he dressed nice, he had so much to talk about, he was sophisticated, he drove a nice a car (a bmw), he was gorgeous
He was half asian.
it's probably just part of the narrative and not a natural event. false flag psy ops are just part and parcel of living under globalist tyranny. thought you guys knew this
He was a supreme gentlemen, in a world where women don't appreciate supreme gentlemen
No vayjay for his peepee
I agree.
Never race mix.
>What was his fucking problem?
he was too magnificent for normie scum
>hapa meme straight from /r/asianmasculinity
He had shit parents
He was mad that women would rather fuck gooks and niggers than him. I wonder if MGTOW was more prevalent back then, instead of the domination of PUA, if he would have done what he did.
no tendies for his MAGA PEPE FOR YOU
And a funny thing is a lot of idiots, even here, believe it unquestioningly. They project their own emotions and it makes them feel big or something like that is going on.
I give you exhibit A
He had a big ego, hated his mother so he became just like a woman, hated his dad for not being a good father and probably watched a lot of pornography.
I think his problem was extreme narcissist he was
I empathizes with him that's my fucking problem.
did anyone else read Elliots post in his voice?
I have gone into isolation from society as he was in the past, but I wasnt in college with a bunch of hot girls within my grasp. So close yet couldnt touch.
was this guy ever confirmed a metatroll?
if you actually watch his youtube videos, I sort of feel sorry for the kid
he probably killed a few money hungry vapid spoiled Stacy sluts, who cares
i dunno but he would have made a god tier trap tbqh famalam
he was a rich kid, having grown up being given everything he could ever want. When this didn't work for him when it came to women, he did what spoiled rich kids to and threw a tantrum like a fuckin 5 year old.
What was the point of a false flag with Elliot? Who was behind it and what did they hope to achieve?
he fell for pussyjew
He was a spree killer tho
He was a total faggot living in a 90210
Paradise and couldn't deal.
He was an autistic "Mi'lady" hapa, who was born too late to be a supreme gentleman for noble women, born too early to just bang robot waifus, born just into to rage and kill himself.
He couldn't get any pussy, not any that he deemed himself worthy of at least. He should have just went for some uggo's or fatto's
Terminal beta. Very deadly condition.
is everything a false flag..jesus
being hapa
the dc snipers were spree killers...his rampage lasted less then 5 hours..he just stabbed some people and shot a few people
That's pretty good advice desu, shame Elliot had such a fucked up ego
well i guess i was wrong..
That's a good question and maybe im not sure how exactly to answer it, but i base my judgement of the preponderance of evidence, like how the supposed event immediately becomes a big media spectacle. it's probably about discouraging a beta uprising or something like that. a part of jewish racial war against non jews, they've established a bonobo like matriarchy in white countries, they're degrading and niggerfying the populations. so their maintaining those narratives, because a non jewish patriarchy would be a threat to them, they dont want normal white men to have much control over their lives, things like that, i think.
we can only speculate. some of these psy-ops have multiple parts and subtle motives. but possibly it was a character assasination on every weird beta male. since weird beta males are after all, comprise a sizable portion of the redpilled. especially in regards to any redpills related to women. it's a psy-op aimed at normies so they don't listen to betas. perhaps that's part of it but i don't know. it may not have been as successful as planned, or perhaps it was, perhaps a sizable portion of normies, especially women, now view awkward men as dangerous ticking time bombs best avoided. perhaps keeping beta males from forming families is part of the plot to destroy the west, perhaps this character assasination on betas is only a precursor, a test run, for further psy-ops in the future.
I also added the evilEliottlaugh.wav onto the end
fuck sorry guys, made some typos but you get the idea. putting the woman on the pedestal ruins societies or it will destroy your race.
He was severely mentally ill. It wasn't society.
He had a God-complex, thinking he was the greatest and best looking guy around. This made him think women would flock to him and approach him. When this of course didn't happen, he thought the problem was society and not himself.
Being rich like said, only contributed more to his deranged entitlement complex. Oh, he also mentioned numerous times that he hated being half Asian. So make of that what you will.
He was the hero the world deserved, but not the one we really needed right then.
>everything is a psyop/false flag
i agree.
>What was his fucking problem?
He saw women only as objects he deserved,
rather than independent beings with their own emotions and agendas.
Eventually, women could smell his desperation and failure and stayed away automatically.
They could probably sense a lot of the MGTOWs were 'taking the red pill' and wanted to slander them as a breeding ground for spree killers before too many of them swallowed the red pill on the jews.
>who is Marc Lépine
yeah, the jews fear and detest non jewish patriarchy and fertility, this is what events like this is about.
I just noticed this
take a look at the date the guy responded to elliot
>just days before the massacre
>elliot probably saw this response and decided to embrace the psycho
Damn Charlie Traplin....if you only know how right you were...
Women are objects and not independent beings. Whether belonging to the government, or belonging to men, women are incapable of having agency and were meant to be property.
Elliots problem was his ego, and how he cared too much about what others thought of him. No man but a cuck would think of women as anything more than objects as that is all they are good for is a wet hole, and for votes for the liberals. He was just one of those guys who was not immune to shame like most of us here on Sup Forums are now.
yeah that's the narrative anyways
now any time anyone drops a redpill on the state of modern women, that argument comes up
people unhappy with the state of modern women in general are "entitled" and possibly dangerous little elliot rogers in the normies eyes
likely elliot was one of many psy-ops designed to discredit any arguments about a return to some traditional values. and thus elliot rogers psy-op was directly supporting cultural degeneracy
it's not an unlikely theory
It's a fact though that he was racist and hated asians and his asian mom.
>Women are objects and not independent beings
He was a self-hating person. Such people of any ethnicity are the lowest form of existence- disclaimer though, I am a full-blooded Asian.
I agree with both of these sentiments. This is a hard pill to get normal people to swallow.
the character detests and has contempt for women which is appropriate, because women are contemptible and detestable and primitive and brutish and if you don't understand this you're likely to get fucked over hard in life. so the jews with this event are strongly stigmatizing contempt for women and things like that among the general population. but we need to have contempt for women to be strong as a society or as a race, or to recognize that they are inferior to men. the jews fear patriarchal behavior because it strengthens your race, whereas matriarchy degrades it, so a non jewish patriarchy has to be reestablished to fight them. this is what it's about.
Most people would just ignore insults but he had to go around and correct every single one and talk about how great he was. lel
you take the truth, add some nastiness to it. and now anyone speaking the truth is assumed to believe the nastiness as well. whether this user knows it or not he is shilling in a way that would make traditionalism seem like woman hating bitter madness
not saying this poster is entirely wrong, he makes some good points. but that's the point, you've got to make it sound reasonable that a person would believe it.
women are less independent then men by nature and this shouldn't be discouraged, but to suggest women are mere objects and not people is when he takes it into crazy town.
it's not so dangerous on Sup Forums, but when he expresses those opinions int he wider world it makes all traditionalists look bad
very good.
And people wonder why mgtow is so huge now. It was almost non-existant when Elliot did his massacre. I think you explained it well enough. Men either put up with shitty women, Ignore women, or ask for women to improve(then get shamed by the liberals). So what choice do men have?
furthermore. if these radical shills can spread their ideology and find converts to this extremism on Sup Forums, then more people will begin to post this nonsense. the edgy, the weak, the bitter, grasp to extreme ideas like a rat on a sinking ship. because the ship is sinking and they panic.
but traditional gender roles don't have to be about treating women like objects, and the idea of tradionalism will never be accepted amongst the general population if retarded edgy shit like saying women are objects takes off.
>implying that's a bad thing
Maybe I want to marry a beautiful asian/hapa
women are child like baby carriers, and the jews love using women to harm your race.
Feminists and the jews. They were able to push their narrative that MRAs are all sexually frustrated pyschos
This is true. We don't have to treat women horribly, we don't even have to treat niggers horribly. If I were a slave master I would be very kind to my niggers and women. However they must understand that when away from the protection of master, people will take advantage of them, and even if nobody does try to take advantage of them, they will imminently go crazy and turn on the people who brought them to civilization.
Today women are slaves to the government, and tomorrow they will be slaves to the muslims. Women were unhappy with white men as their masters and now they have the government as their master, but they must beware because government is a fickle and vengeful master, because as soon as you turn on it, it fights against you.
you don't have to tell me, i'm a misogynist. all i'm saying is you take it too far and make decent and reasonable misogynists like myself look bad.
women have a natural and important place in humanity as child like baby carriers. but they are not children or objects and once upon a time they were loyal sidekicks to man. that time can come again when people accept and celebrate their natural advantages, with some leeway for freewill in extreme cases since womena re individuals and should have the rights to do as they please within reason provided the general population supports and encourages traditional roles again as they once did for countless millenia
Damn.. that's heavy.
Because Elliot was totally sane. One hapa out of countless went nuts. I found a hapa grill who might be one of the only grills who's ever been decent to me and I will waifu her. She's perfectly sane too
HAPA manlet autist.
>related thread
I have met other bad hapas. There was this AMWF girl at my high school who was really short, and slightly overweight, and was so mean. She was pissed I was dating her friend and she said all sorts of rude insults at me, called me an ugly dago, queer faggot, and little dick. what a bitch.
Oh, I agree with you. I try not to exaggerate when I discuss these topics. I try to be accurate and precise, but there are too many cucks.
here's more, same guy different alt
Turns out being a pampered rich kid and also /r9k/ mongrel at the same time is a disastrous combination; in all honesty though he probably never actually tried to get girls and believed (as most /r9k/ neckbeards do) that they owe him for some reason and they should come to him. This combined with his spoiled, snobbish upbringing where he got everything he wanted and drove a BMW drove him over the edge, he simply could not understand that women dont owe him anything. He wasn't a bad looking guy, he easily could have scored some sweety pie 6/10. But he probably thought he deserved nothing less than a 9/10.
The problem is delusional cucks who are too scared to face the reality about women. I hate my own mother.
You don't get the point. The father of the guy who wrote that probably said something similar to you. The point is, kids resent being half-casts.
There are a few in Australia, the majority of the ones that I have met all wish they were one or the other. Whether they associate with whites or asians they will always be different, many of them don't like this.
He seems like a total aspie.
Lots of social issues clearly. Also seems like MTV's the Hills and shit like that got to him.
And the dumbfuck L.A. lifestyle (it's hard to put into words but u know what I mean?). He had major FOMO.
>"the narrative"
>word salad
postmodernist detected
His parents hated him and didn't get his e92 328i back to.
Too magnificent for this gay earth.
What he said is more anti-Post Modernist.
Magical thinking.
Reality was divorced in his mind.
He thought the universe (god?) owed him something for his greatness. And that if it didn't give it to him he would strike back at the system.
>So he bought 100 dollars of lotto tickets (didn't win which really upset him),
>then went to a hamburger joint where he expected a hot blonde sorority girl to throw herself at him. (Didn't happen).
That kind of irrational delusional thinking is well insane. It's so insane it almost seems like the byproduct of a meme.
Someone pumped the kid full of narcissism and magical thinking I don't think it was spontaneous ....
Like hyper Christianity divorced from sacrifice and suffering.
>tfw like to watch people die
it was just 2deep4u
lurk more
>100 dollars of lotto tickets
how do you not win at least a dollar or two back? were they scratch offs?
he shouldve gone into the stock market and swing traded.
>Someone pumped the kid full of narcissism and magical thinking I don't think it was spontaneous
parents and sister.
Eh, it's more likely it's just a handy issue they can hang their bullshit on. "If I was a pureblood I'd be happy" etc. Particularly in the current identity politics ridden state of the western world.
Having crazy mothers are a more likely culprit for them being unhappy.
Honestly, he wasn't wrong. What he did was extreme but it doesn't mean he was wrong about women. They are extremely shallow and cold hearted.
I knew ER, he wasn't a psy ops, just a result of feminism and multiculturalism.
also entitled fathers. it goes both ways.
its likely the father was a narcist, hence his hollywood career. rubbed on elliot the wrong way.
i legit seen white kids with parents that didnt hover over them enough or make excuses for them. those kids grew up still having an infantile view on the world and was able to move up due to other people in upper positions that grew the same way. They got BTFO when they realized that corporations that do deal with lots of backgrounds were setting up shop and winning around their areas.
He did nothing wrong
He overheard the sound of a penis "plunging" into his sisters vagina and went insane.