What if your daughter want to marry with Black guy, WWYD?
Wish her the best.
I'd beat her myself. Cut out the middle man.
I would fuck the guy's mother, see how he likes it.
She won't. I've arranged my daughters matches, they've grown up knowing who they will wed.
I'd rather her marry a decent black guy than some Sup Forumsack faggot
Allahu akbar
Not gonna have kids. There's no point in the modern day.
congratulate her for choosing what she wants and not listening to dicklet white men tell her that she should be dating a guy with an average dick
I wouldn't do anything except for comforting my daughter, because the black guy ended up in a lethal accident.
they must both be purged with fire.
I would disown her. Truly. She would have destroyed thousands of years of tradition in my family.
She wouldn't.
My daughter would be very intelligent.
I wouldn't just stand by and let her mindlessly drift through life.
I would prepare her by teaching her the truth of everything, no matter how bad it might make her feel.
A smart woman is a safe and successful woman.
Very few successful women would sully their genes by marrying down.
disown her. don't see why disowning your children when they do fucked up stuff is so looked down in society.
Everyone was cheering when the families disowned their "fascist" kids
>hatred for blacks is wrong
>hatred for whites is okay
Yeah, you're a Democrat alright.
Why do you faggots even get upset?
We're just treating you the same way you're inclined to treat us.
Sage and report all shill slide threads
>What if your daughter want to marry with Black guy, WWYD?
Take pictures and shitpost about it here.
Ask my ex wife what we did wrong
Cut a deal with the guy. Dump her and I will give you a 20 piece bucket from KFC, and never see her again
Honor killing.
tell the black guy shes pregnant
Set her on fire and hang him from a lamppost