fitizen here. i went into subway and there was some faggot there that looked like polblart but he wasnt so i called him polshlart anyways he wouldn't shut the fuck up about the sandwiches so i order a subway club and put my dick in it because they didn't have any grapefruits after i powered up from my semen enveloped gainz i gave him a free breast exam but he kept sucking
Can you fucking faggots keep your pol ejaculate to yourselves in public?
nice schizoposting
show vegene and bobs
no, there were no girls there, it was basically a weinerrave
Crossfit is for faggots.
Fuck you. Why would you go in to subway and ask the employees "what is the healthiest jewwich on the menu?"
yeah you're right. he probably was from reddit. he was still a huge faggot though
I think Crossfit is faggot as fuck but who is that Semen Demon?
See, this is why I hate Sup Forums sometimes.
Is there any doubt that OP deserves to die? I, OP doesn't even deserve a bullet.
Who here has the courage to do that? Uhhh, nobody, therefore the schizo faggots like OP make their opinions more well known.
I'm gonna make something abundantly clear: OP deserves nothing but death, he is worth absolutely nothing. He doesn't further our cause, he hinders it, or is a troll.
Tittia Citi
allison bishop
You also desrve to die btw
HAHAHAHAHA lol. Thanks for the sauce. Crossfit is truly gayer than Gay though.
sorry man. wanna grab some subway?
Why is she squatting that way? What the fuck is she doing?
nah dude...I want like...a wikipedia article for the most painful death in history to be made for you. Sorry, I know you can't halp it but damn dude. I would love if some cartel shit happened to you
attention whoring
Anybody who calls themselves a "fitizen" is surely nothing but a "fagizen"
The other day after bible study I was hungry so I went to subway sandwich. I got a turkey sandwich with the usually - lettuce, tomato, onion and Chipotle southwest sauce. The chipotle sauce looked a bit strange - a little darker and with more texture than usual, but I ignored it.
I took the sandwich and sat down at a booth. It smelled a little bit different than usual - a bit spicier, perhaps. I took a big bite of it and immediately mouth was assaulted with a foul taste - as the brown juices began to flow down my arm, I realised that whatever was on my sandwich wasn't chipotle southwest sauce. I returned to the counter of the Subway and asked the manager about it.
"Oh, the Chipotle sauce? We ran out, but one of my employees had some taco bell earlier, so I had him fill a cambro pan with a big spicy pile of the hershey squirts! We also ran out of mayo so I had my guys -" she chuckled to herself "- fill the bottle with a healthy load of chunky man cream"
As a good christian, I was distraught - I told her as much: I told her I wanted to be a light for jesus, but I didn't know if i could eat the sandwich.
"Didn't jesus turn water into wine? If jesus is real, why doesn't he just turn the Diarrhea into Chipotle southwest sauce? If you don't eat the sandwich, it obviously proves that Jesus is fake!"
II wanted to be a good witness, so I ate the whole sandwich as she watched.
you could do something more productive like discuss your points intelligently over a delicious sandwich/ wouldn't you like that instead? or would you talk this way in public at subway?
I would beat the fuck out of you in a restaurant and serve time happily...hypothetically
you should spend less time in the gym, and more reading
jesus christ you ignorant faggots can't write two coherent english sentences
>I would beat the fuck out of you
even my penis?
yeah dude, while I'm at it I'd cut the damn thing off and show it to the sandwich artists. I don't think you understand what I'm saying.
She's deep-squatting a barbell. What's the problem?
sorry for misunderstanding, if you wanted a hug, you could have just asked, or is hugging too politically correct for pol?
is there anymore more disgusting than a man posting as if he's a woman, and a fit one at that. Get help OP, seriously
post more webms
>fitizen here
Stopped reading there
I think the ramblings that you've presented today are ample evidence that you deserve a rifle butting. Feel free to present any evidence to the contrary, we all already know that you have serious mental illnesses
wtf bro
some of you pollocks are alright
/fit and /pol go hand in hand....
one of the two will eventually lead to the other, welcome
she can do my laundry ON her washboard abs aaaahahahahahahahahahahaha
This is the essence of the chadpill. Being strong politically means nothing if you're a pathetic beta manlet.
Take your pills bro
exactly as worthless as being a swole brainlet
last one and i;m out. if you see a fitizen out in public, he probably is shy and doesn't know how to handle mirin and will instinctually look for the curl rack. if you neg him, please say no homo as a courtesy. good night
Jesus wept, who's that?
That is why I strive to achieve the balance of both
It's easy as fuck for a women to get a hot body.