What age did you grow out of your neo-nazi/white supremacist phase?
What age did you grow out of your neo-nazi/white supremacist phase?
I never fell for this dumb meme to begin with.
Good goy
When did you grow out of being white?
I'm 30 and actually grew into it, although I've never drank the "Nazis are bad guys" koolaid
You'll eventually get to an age where you realize every group is in it for themselves, and no amount of shilling, lying, or propaganda will change that. I'm in it for my team because that's where I belong. It's a genetic arms race, so you can dress it up with whatever the latest buzzwords are or the most melodramatic appeals to emotion, but it won't change nature. One group will survive, the other will cease to exist - simple as that.
never cared for socialism
>white supremacist
wait, are other races in the running?
the chinks have a pretty based history but don't innovate anything, the jews are just financiers and extortionists
Brown people with white features but darker (Mediteranian, some Greeks, some Arabs like Zayn Malik & some latino's) are way more master race than Aryans
Also Zyzz wasn't Aryan
I grew out of it when I was around 20 when I realised all the local White Power groups were Untermensch
I'm not a neo-nazi, just a realist, I would never have a nigger in my house.
When I found out that you can have nationalism without socialism.
I've never seen any white power group IRL, pretty sure it's all just made up. I think there's really only a handful of them in the US and the media just uses these pictures of fat Walmart trash to paint us all with a broad brush. Doesn't really bother me too much I suppose, I have my own opinions. I don't associate with any groups. Eventually people will either turn this ship around or Western Civilization will cease to exist in all its glory and the world left behind will be somewhere between 1st and 3rd - not quite as good as the better parent, but not quite as bad as the worser parent - just as Hitler described.
Easy it was when I read up on actual nazi ideology and fascism. The neo faggots are worthless cowards who are scared
Honestly Arabs were pretty master race from early Islam to around the 1200s but right now white people really need to stop failing at trying to fix their shit. The most based thing to do is be a supremacist about their own race. All Mongoloids and Caucasoids have one thing or another to be proud of, and even if most Negroids don't, their supremacists have to start making things to be proud of.
I was never into it in the first place. Sup Forums is satire. It's a shame that so many newfags didn't realize that, and became unironic nazis
Have you been paying attention at all you stupid troll?
This, just look at that Kekistan shit
>Actual faggots buy nazi shit and take pics of themselves with it
Jesus you tards, good luck ever getting a job with any degree of prestige
29 and fully entering into it after pretending to be against it for so long. I say "pretending" but I truly believed in equality, I truly convinced myself of it, although always knowing the truth somewhere deep in the back of my mind.
I'm tired of niggers though. My life was ruined by one. I just hope we all come to the same realization together and start killing all the niggers.
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Go home. The phrase "Sup Forums is satire" is, in and of itself satire. Meant to disguise Sup Forumss power level. Much how we use to blame things on reddit. Which is where you're from. So go home.
I never went full nazi, but ever since Ferguson and the way Obama and the media used it I find myself growing more prejudiced, especially towards Jews. Those people are intelligent enough to know better than to act the way the media is.
I've been natsoc since i was ten. Both my family sides were part of the National Unity party during the war, and some fought in SS Wiking. We have a German last name which is similar to Luger
Am I the only one on this fucking board at the moment who was believed in a socialist utopia at one point, voted for Obama twice, and now I'm full on white nationalist right wing death squad?
>no OP, I see the state of niggers everyday and it's hard to act like I don't see it.
Keep believing that.
Nope, minus voting for Obama because frog n shiet
>tfw you don't vote because your far right is still fucking commie
>he fell for the satire