Are we currently seeing the true collapse of western civilization before our eyes?
Are we currently seeing the true collapse of western civilization before our eyes?
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Something has to have been built first for it to collapse.
We have a long way to go. Wait for the banking collapses, the electrical blackouts, and widespread political violence.
This is just fags with makeup. When I can't get decent sushi or the Internet connection is down, then shit is serious.
When I have the body armor out of the closet and am passing out loaner rifles to the neighbors because the darkies are coming, THEN it is real.
This mental delusion is a symptom of our sick society
you can thank the jews for that.
Everyday you spend sitting here and not spreading the word to work to form groups to fight back against the jews is a day you lose and one day closer to losing everything you value.
Join the fight today, Find the jews and destroy them, you can rely on noone but yourself.
Thanks jews
she ok?
Kek how did she even get there?
The West has been through worse desu
get rekt nigger women
When Im in control we send them all to old fashioned asylum. Electro therapy and all
Who cares about some gays on the internet
did she ded?
Yeah she lived. Tried to escape from the Saudi bitch trying to kill her. The Saudi recorded this
>She confuses green and white
Isn't it beautiful user? Look at all that culture! All that economic stimulus!
Look at how they support our economy! Marvel at their purity!
No you're seeing how the internet lets people show the world what their lives. I guarantee if the technology we have today was in the 1940's you'd see the same shit. people haven't changed, technology has.
Who is this beautiful Italian woman?
Fucking duh. If you even have to ask yourself this you're not close to being redpilled
I legit thought that was the chick from game of thrones who dragged the cripple around in his rape sled
>We have a long way to go.
typical saudi
Please tell me that's fake
Its happening
It started after ww1 with the rise of democracy. Since then people with high time preference have slowly replaced those with low. We are living in the late roman empire and we will hit the dark ages.
well seeing how the most popular reason now for getting an abortion is because "burden" i would doubt at all that some dead beat mother would want to give up their kid because they're a "burden."
at least shes giving him up to foster care rather than trying to flush him down the toilet like this fine specimen:
wouldn't doubt*
No, just seeing a few faggots imagining they are accomplishing something. I tend to just let people have their illusions (or delusions, if you'd rather).
This guy needs his skull caved in front of all the other trannys and fags like a troop of baboons establishing social order.
>Work out six times a week
>Diet mainly consists of fruit and vegetables with lean meats
>Sleep schedule involves going to bed at 9PM and waking up at 4AM to work out
>Only drink on weekends, rarely
>Not on any medication
>Don't play video games anymore
>Don't watch porn
>Don't smoke weed
>Spend quite a lot of time on the internet
>Still horribly depressed
What do I do? Cut off the internet entirely?
start smoking weed again faggot
Work till you think you'll die, discover you didn't die, work more, someday discover you've amassed money, use the money for something fulfilling.
You sound like me, and the answer is yeah, pick up a book. I'm still struggling with that though but you probably have a less addictive personality than i do
I met a ftm on grindr. She is cute and technically still is a girl, just goes by a guy's name. Im going to fuck her. Does that make me gay?
consulting this opposite list, it seems like you are missing the social life and the career.
You know the story? I heard it was a thief but that didnt make sense. Is it a maid?
Yes. Congratulations on the beginnings of your redpill journey.
>When I can't get decent sushi
I should've never traveled to japan because I can't find any sushi in the states that seems at all reasonable for the price.
How do they get a chin like that? Girl on the right. Whats the evoluti9nary explanation?
fitter. happier. more productive. regular exercise at the gym three days a week.
how have I not seen this one yet?
What if I only drink a lot of water, regular exercise, and have a sensible bedtime? I don't sleep well and I have a shitty job irl
An arab slave owner treated her slave badly so the slave tried to escape. The slave survived. The arab wasn't charged as it was found she was in her right to punish misbehaving slave and that it was slave who got the idea of jumping down from 5th floor.
>325 million people
>less than a couple million decide to do deviant shit
>oh no, civilization is crumbling
>implying most of those aren't degenerates
>Are we currently seeing the true collapse of western civilization before our eyes?
it's not a collapse...
it's a controlled demolition.
She's just mad she wasn't getting a cut, honestly.
not for long
More gay men = more single women. Why would I want them to force themselves to be competition?
I know I lost hope.
My question is how do I isolate myself from this crap?
send the kikes back to the sand, where they will be at the lack of mercy of the muslamic rayguns
move to eastern civilization
post it with sound lol
You don't even know what you are fighting against, so the only group you will join is one that is already compromised.
The abrahamic religions encode the jew's status and rank, and unless you dismantle that first, any moves you make against them will be self-defeating.
If all it took was organizing a group of men to change the status quo, do you really think we would be having this conversation right now?
Hiding your power level and lurking for the time being are the only rational courses of action
oh, PLEASE tell me she actually tweeted that shit.
>No carbs
>Only 7 hours of sleep
>No cortisol lowering activities like alcohol, weed, porn, games
>On the internet a lot
Why, oh why are you still depressed, lmao. You are a fucking retard, not depressed.
you are suffering from chronic fatigue, idiot
take a week off, sleep, jerk off, take long walks in sunshine
then go back to what you were doing, this time with AT LEAST 8 hours of sleep a night
oh and kill the alarm on weekends. moron.
Rome was in a worse state than we currently are for centuries. Though the Romans were certainly far more resilient than we are, our true collapse could still take generations.
You don't mention social interaction. I was liek you, didn't actually fix my depression until I developed some real relationships and social network.
all according to kikeaku goys hahaha
just fucking end me please. im fucking done.
you are doing all right mate good on ya, don't let the darkies or roasties get at ya, and stay vigilant for the eternal jew
Why did Michelle Obama kill himself ?