what is it?
Cotton candy is not here
It's a reference book
Do tomboys hate books?
Title: I Speaka Engrish
Panel 1:
Misuzu: This is from me, so you better be fucking grateful.
Tomo: Wow, what the fuck? Sorry you have to be such a bitch all the time.
Panel 2:
Tomo: This shit is almost as heavy as your fat ass. The fuck's in here, dragon dildos?
Panel 3:
Misuzu: It's a book, so maybe you can stop being a retard for once in your life.
Panel 4:
Tomo: Yeah, "thanks". Cunt.
Misuzu: I'm glad you like it, you stupid slut.
PSGxTomochan when?
Do you get it?
What the Fumita
is writing
baka Idiot hate book.
>what is it?
Pictures of Misuzu fucking Jun. Tomo is conflicted because she knows deep in her heart that she'll rub one out to them later.
the smug is gone
What if it's THAT book, that parents give children to help them learn about the birds and the bees?
>local tomboy not so smug after being confronted with book
I don't get it. I don't get it! I DON'T FUCKING GET IT!
Not much activity in Tomo-chan threads these days, huh?
I just know Misuzu is messing with her. Tomo will go home, reluctantly open the present and find this . And for once, does an all-nighter studying.
fumita's milking tomo's udders like one of his doujins.
If that was actually happening we might hit 50 posts regularly.
She got her a book to help Tomo with tests. Its "funny" because Tomo doesn't like it.
Tomo was too cool for us.
the fuck is a reference book
>actual comic kinda meh
>go back up and see filename
>Actually laugh
Good man user.
the best comedians work in the worst conditions.
Seriously? Have you never studied or something? It's a book you can look up about a certain subject, "The Idiot's Guide to ..." or "... for Dummies" are reference books. It can be about anything from school subjects (which Tomo thinks it is) to dating (which I think it is).
>Have you never studied or something?
dropped out of high school in 9th grade because i was accused of rape threats towards a landwahale
>rape threats towards a landwahale
I don't get it
me and this hamgalaxiy girl my family knew used to be homeschooled. i ended up telling people that she was homeschooled one time, and she didn't like it because she thought it would cause her to be bullied. so she told the principal that i threatened to rape her.
I for one would enjoy getting a book as a gift.
Last page I read was her waking up on the sleep over.
Did anything happen at all?
Go research the meaning of "anything" and "happen" and then try using some brain.
I'm actually curios what ever happen to the landwhale? also the fact that how couldn't you not prove your innocence??
Every fucking Tomo-chan thread is the same.
That sucks did everyone else in school think you were some sort of chubby chaser?
>I'm actually curios what ever happen to the landwhale?
nothing, you can accuse anyone of rape threats and get away with it
>also the fact that how couldn't you not prove your innocence??
the school just went by whatever she said, and you can't really prove that you didn't threaten to rape someone. of course i didn't, but the school didn't care. they said i had to leave, or be sent to reform school.
i didn't really have any friends, but i did get made fun of in the days before i had to leave.
I remember when I moved to a new state my neighbor was a landwhale she told everyone at school we were related I didn't find out why the kids didn't like me till a field trip.
Called her a fatass and told her to stop spreading rumors
I think I get it
I regularly offer books too.
It's a physical present, it looks nice on a shelf, and if you choose it right, it'll be a good memory.
>smug girl not so smug after getting a book
Otherwise known as an encyclopedia.
You didn't get the Reference?
There's a superior tomboy childhood friend around now.
This one has superior thickness, too.
The break kinda killed the threads though.