Drugs seem to be generally viewed here as degenerate but what do you think of stimulants? Wasn't Nazi Germany a pretty big fan?
Drugs seem to be generally viewed here as degenerate but what do you think of stimulants...
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It's hard to get a general consesus on drugs because people react differently.
All addy does is make you focus and improve cognitive abilities
I have no problem with stims they're honestly very right wing drugs as they make you more productive and focused
I'm going to answer your question with another question, because I'm genuinely curious. Why do you care what Sup Forums thinks about stimulants? What event in your life made you interact with stimulants and the need to ask Sup Forums for confirmation of either your actions, or the actions of someone you're familiar with?
"drugs" is all encompassing and extremely vague.
Drugs used for the pursuit of pleasure that make you unproductive and degenerate are obviously opposed. Medicines and other things that heal you and improve your capacity to function are not opposed. It's straight forward.
I drugs
What was the question?
I feel like a bit of adderal would help me get my shit together.
I wonder if it would be immoral to use it temporarily. It sucks that it's a controlled substance and it can only be used to turn normal boys into retarded zombies and not be used as a practical tool for responsible adults for temporary usage.
I'm not asking Sup Forums for confirmation, I have done a lot of drugs in my time. I'm just genuinely interested in what people's thoughts on stims are
It doesn't always help if you have underlying issues.
They stimulate you. The end. Great thread.
adderall plus phenibut is a god tier combo
they both cancel out the negative side effects of each other and boost the positives
That train of thought generally leads to a bad slippery slope.
Yeah it's kind of unfortunate that the sxe fags ended up here
Drugs were the reason Hitler was so paranoid and ended up losing the war
Drugs literally destroyed the white race
I only do this mix once a week. Anything more and I would build a tolerance.
just because you can't string together coherent or interesting thoughts on stims doesn't mean other people can't.
checked and /thread
Personally I think its part of human nature to seek altered states, I'm a big fan of the theory that (some) agricultural societies got their start to produce alcohol.
I love my beer and occasional toke. A lot of my asian acquaintances are not huge on drinking, and the lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase could be a reason
Stimulants are ok, but I would prefer to microdose LSD. Less side affects from what I hear. Hitler did way too much meth, and I was wondering the other day how his leadership would have changed if LSD was around and he was microdosing instead,
IDK if youve ever tweaked out but anything stronger than adderall, and even too much of that is not my cup of tea. There is definatly a reason he went beserk on the rest of europe..
synthetics pumped in from china are a big no no. Dont trust that shit, ever.
I do kind of think everyone should be required, mental health permiting, to trip shrooms as a "coming of age" type thing. Very introspective.
Heroine is a big problem in my city, I can't say I would want that to be available over the counter. Opioids can and will take over your life, so having them freely available to those not already in that life just does not sit well to me. I've had some weak nights where if I couldve I wouldve, but I;m glad I didnt.
I would like something like amphetimine that wasn't so... "unnatural". Khat is something I would like to try, it sounds smoother
It would honestly probably make your life even worse. People who haven't done it think it's some magic pill like the drug from limitless that turns you into a productivity god. In reality though it's terrible for depressed people and even worse for people with anxiety problems. It's not even that great for productivity. If you already have a problem with structure and productivity, adderall will solve nothing. Just another bad habit that could potentially ruin your life. It is a methamphetamine after all.
What more is there to say? Something like this? Great now you have a recipe for more stimulants, that does the same thing as other stimulants. They stimulate you. Great thread, glad I could add this recipe to my log book. Oh damn, look we have a history lesson with no citation too that's awesome. Hell yeah, what the fuck am I going to do with all this useful information?
Also, just as an water thiught. What part of my post was incoherent? Those were all complete sentences written in the English language. If you couldn't understand them, you might be stupid enough to create a useless thread..... Oh wait.
phenibut isn't a stimulant.
fuckin relax u utter sperg. I'm just curious as to what people's experience with stims are and how they view them. Sorry if my thread offends your delicate sensibilities but let's not act like there some high bar of quality required for threads on fuckin Sup Forums of all places. If the thread is so shitty then don't post in it, I'm sure an intellectual heavyweight such as yourself has more important things to do
modafinil/armodafinil is the only non degenerate drug
If you are taking stims and dont have a career or arent actively making progress to the top 10%, you're wasting the high and probably are a dummy degenerate
*if you aren't already top 10%
Honestly, I think anyone who isn't a billionare at his 20 should be exterminated
Holy fuck I've never seen two number sequences like this.
Fair enough. I didn't even attempt to google it.
Of course I don't have better things to do. I'm getting payed grave shift to shit post on Sup Forums. You maybe right in the sense that there's not a quality bar set for threads, but you should at least attempt to discuss politics on a board dedicated to politics don't you think? I may be a intellectual heavy weight, but it doesn't take much more than common sense to see that this thread is not Sup Forums in any way. If you can't see that through your common sense, it's more likely that I'm not an intellectual heavyweight; you're just dumb.
then report me faggot
This is insterestig
Meth and speed is the thinking mans drug. It's the white mans drug. Opium is for chinks, coke is for faggots, pot is for spics and niggers, alcohol is for indians, and psychedelics are for shaman and CIA Niggers.
Methamphetamine makes you focused, alert, and productive.
this is true. no point in taking stims and shit posting all day. a few months ago I brok my arm and working in a lab with pathogenic bacteria I took a week off. still took a smaller dose since it helped with the pain and not sleep all day from the codeine, but i didnt do shhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttt that week.
I guess I did come up with the idea for the project Im working on now, which would put me on easy street if the experiments work out... so who knows
That won't do anything. It's a Saturday night. Is it that hard for you to just not be a downs tier retard? Do you need some kind of threat against you to not be retarded? Is it THAT much of a burden to just not be a fucking idiot? Life must be rough when you're stupid and unchecked.
Dexamphetamine does. Meth makes you too pleasure-seeking even when you just start it, like you'd prefer to find a girl and fuck for literally 10 hours. But with continued use it turns you into a fucking insane fiend. You'll be delusional while on it and completely powerless when off it.
the Nazis were all on Crystal meth , the blitzkrieg was fuelled by meth .
the majority of the soldiers would have been fucked after a couple of years.
maybe it was their drug use that made them lose
thread theme:
do you realize they were using them to fight a war of life and death? you're using them to be a fucking junkie loser. some dumb ass getting high isn't similar to a fighter pilot who has been awake for 30 hours and is about to start a dog for his survival
Modafinil is literally just caffeine that lasts 10 hours
I realize the thread isn't exactly politics related but I did attempt to relate it to the board somehow. Please don't act like you've never seen unrelated discussion on Sup Forums. If people fined the thread interesting then people will post. btw you are getting very fucking but mad about a thread on stims on a mongolian basket weaving forum. Fuckin relax bro, no need to get so worked up
one of my old roomates fell into a meth kick with one of group friends. I'll never forget the amount of shelves that fucker made in his room (lol) or the time the non roomate came over one morning, obviously tweaked out of his mind, accusing us of having his gf in our basement. shit was cray
oh this was when I was living in ferguson btw. Interesting times....
meth is for fags
never said I used them faggot I just asked what you thought of them.
The only acceptable drug for the Aryan man is a long acting stimulant of the amphetamine class.
But it is only to be used sparsely and very occasionally for situations that reall call for it - finals week, Blitzkrieg, etc.
Rec use is an absolute negative.
I have them, but to be honest, the only thing I use them for is performing functions of my shitty job and being the best at my job. If it wasn't for them, I think I'd be horribly depressed at performing my mundane tasks and want to die. I dont take them outside of work and school. So I have stockpiles of them and sell them around finals and mid terms. They make me enthusiastic about really boring shit and I'm not so certain that's a good thing.
not really, it doesn't have the stimulant push of caffeine. prevents fatigue without any of the other bullshit effects. it's perfect
What? I'm not mad. I just told you, I'm getting payed to shit post. Telling you that you're a retard doesn't mean I'm mad. You can state facts and not be angry. People do it all the time. I know emotions are somewhat of a challenge for those with severe autism, and if this thread is any indication of your level of retardation, I'd say your autism is pretty severe. It's no wonder simple emotions confuse you. Simple facts seem to do the same.
Naw. It didn't do anything to me. Really it did nothing at all even at double the prescribed dose, beyond give me a headache. It is not wirey like caffeine. Nothing like it, actually.
Is modafinil good for studying and retaining information?
lmao imagine getting this mad about a thread on stims. god bless you bro
It's important to remember that when the Nazis used it the effects of drugs like Meth weren't fully understood and it was still widely believed that some amphetamines were merely like caffeine, giving a short burst of energy that would wear off after a while. Had Hitler fully understood what he was putting in his soldiers systems then I'm sure he would have reconsidered.
It certainly lead to overconfidence. I would not be surprised if the invasion of russia was a meth fueld "GRAHHHAHAH" type decision
And if they hadn't, who knows how things wouldve played out. Were the Japs using too? Pretty sure everyone was in WW2 desu, its the only real explaination for how multifacited it was...
You can't look at this pic and tell me meth wasn't involved
research suggests it os good for that, but despite being frowned upon by physicians, so will coffee and nicotine.
yea cuz Hitler was such a resourceful person right
absolutely, it doesn't get you jacked up like a stimulant. it won't improve your focus or retention but will prevent the distraction of sleepiness.
t. a legitimate retard
You're nuts. We still use adderall currently and dex on out soldiers and fighter pilots since Vietnam. We absolutely still use amphetamines on soldiers still to this day. It's part of our defense budget, Google it.
>No, I'm just shit posting
Do you realize how stupid you sound? Or do you do stupid shit like this so often it, goes over your head? This is some 2012 Sup Forums tier banter.
Doesn't prevent sleep, makes it easier and more enjoyable to draw in information. Also doesn't get you fidgety / "hopped up" like other stims do. It really is the thinking man's drug. Also used as a "go pill" by the US Air Force.
speaking of Sup Forums, post hot traps. I want to see some sissy cock.
chill bro christ idk what your on about and i really dont care but you sound unstable.
take a walk around the block, its just a Sup Forums thread
I'm saving money to see a shrink to diagnosed me with ADHD so I can get a prescription to adderall so I don't have to buy it from my annoying friend anymore.
Really I just wanted to take it on days off and buzz and play video games and clean all day.
all of yall
>What? I'm not mad. I just told you, I'm getting payed to shit post. Telling you that you're a retard doesn't mean I'm mad. You can state facts and not be angry. People do it all the time. I know emotions are somewhat of a challenge for those with severe autism, and if this thread is any indication of your level of retardation, I'd say your autism is pretty severe. It's no wonder simple emotions confuse you. Simple facts seem to do the same.
-someone who is not mad
When you are trying to prove that you're not mad I'd say posting paragraphs of enraged autistic ramblings isn't the way to do it. Besides this faggot already has his mind made up there's nothing I could say to sway him.
>Hey this thread isn't politics related
>I know but people seem interested
>Proceed to reeeeeeee throughout the whole thread
Air force still uses adderall. A pilot a few years ago blamed his crash on it. It's still part of the defense budget.
You'll have to visit a psychiatrist numerous times here in Finland to get Ritalin/Adderall. At least here they aren't the first line treatment option anymore. Modafinil is 1st line treatment
It's anecdotally proven that anisotropic and microdosing psychedelics in particular basically supercharge your mind and allow you to solve complex problems you could otherwise normally solve. A lot of times the same effects won't be felt by everyone though we all metabolize drugs differently AND have different receptors and transmitters etc.
Threadly reminder that testosterone levels affect your concentration
You sure ?
This is a work safe board and I'm not about to get banned in a shitty thread like this. That's like dying in a 3rd world desert. Here's a picture of a doggo though.
I can't take a walk around the block. Nigger I've said like 3 times that I'm at work. I can't just get up and go walk around, what kind of minimum wage job do you have where that is acceptable behavior?
The length of my posts is used to measure my anger? I'll keep it short and sweet from now on. Starting now: u r dumb
Where can I get easy source of LSD TO MICRODOSE
Where do you live? I can sell you acid if you're near me.
make your own
Yeah I did some research and I read it's a few sessions. Fucked up tweaker guy at work told me about a place here where the guy will play ball with me so I can get a script. I wouldnt take it every day, few times a month at most. I do enjoy me a good dedicated adderall day, I get a lot of stuff done.
Have no insurance so it's all out of my pocket, but it's better to get it legally than buying it from my friend, which is a hassle because he sells most of his shit to other people and doesnt always have it when I want some. It's literally the only drug I abuse. I'm not even a weedfag
All things considered I do show the symptoms of ADHD but I certainly am a normal functioning person.
have you tried being less autistic and reading in a neutral voice instead of your natural screeching voice? no one is mad because of your superior internet trolling you stupid fucking faggot
>omegle is that way --->
>nazis like it so you guys have to
nazis liked niggers enough to not dislike them and anyone who spends 2 minutes here knows no one here likes niggers
>The length of my posts is used to measure my anger?
Generally people who aren't angry tend not to post literal paragraphs of enraged insults and name calling. But I see enforcing the quality standards of Sup Forums is super important to you so maybe the autistic fits are natural
Just go to a psychiatrist (not psychologist) and tell them that. You can find one that would totally work with you to get meds to help. It can help in the short term for building good habits and as long as you practice some willpower habits and scheduling habits you'll be able to keep it up once you're off.. might need a little coffee to get by after though but caffeine is good for you
I'm not judging, we all have our vices. Besides, studying mathematics is close to unbearable for me without stims
t: Econ Major
Moderation. Only subhumans do drugs for pleasure and fun.
Just drink water and get sleep nigger goddamn stop wasting money on this shit you dont need. Stop falling for the caffiene jew
Northern California
>no one is mad because of your superior internet trolling you stupid fucking faggot
My intention wasn't to troll it was just to talk about stims but you faggots can't live without finding something to bitch and complain about. If a thread about fuckin stims gets you so worked up idk what to tell you.
The time stamp is old, but that's the only pic I have on my phone. Shit is easy to get if you know where to look.
U r 2 dumb
But I don't think it was adderall Hitler was using. I'm pretty sure it was actual doses of crystal meth he gave.
Damn, swing and a miss. I tried.
Kek I'm a fucking mailman. I just like buzzing off adderall and playing planetside 2 or starcraft all night.
Thinking about night school eventually so it would definitely help me there actually.
and you are throwing a fit in a thread about stims. lmao
when I'm not on a drunken bender I'm a caffeine and nicotine addict (snuff)
do you know the ol' umad? meme?
you my friend, are a fucking troll
Yeah, well here in Finland for example finding any drug imaginable is easy as fuck nowdays. Just have to make one (1) call to get anything. Ketamine, LSD, Shrooms, MDMA etc etc .
Like is a strong word. To Germans Blacks from America were more of a novelty, like rare animal which is why they were treated which such fascination. If any Germans had to live with blacks for an extended period of time (Like German-Americans) I'm sure they'd grow to not like them as well.
I wouldn't call someone mad unless they genuinely seemed upset. If literal paragraphs of name calling and insults aren't an indication of even a little but hurt idk what is
Adderall must do wonders for your SC APM / performance
What r u saying? U r dumb.
That's not exclusive to Finland friend, that happened anywhere as long as you're not socially inept.
absolutely. Didn't mean he used adderall. I the amphetamines world, adderall is fairly new.
thanks sperg it's been fun, have a good night
Prescribed adderall, concerta, vyvanse, etc etc for years when I was a kid. Always threw them away. Look at the state of the US in terms of mental health and social ability. Everyone is drugged up on prescribed medication or fooling themselves with a false state of confidence.
If you
1. Lift
2. Sleep enough
3. Go outside
4. Eat healthy
5. Drink water
6. Push yourself daily
You will be a king and not have any issue without these medications. Beyond that, developing a mentality over time without it makes you stronger. Fuck medication and fuck stimulants. Be a man
>XR...immediate release for me
Oldfag here...your brain has "feel good" chemicals to reward you for doing things that are helpful to survival. Eating a good meal, talking to a pretty girl release a small amount.
Unnaturally releasing these chemicals using illicit drugs is not inherently wrong, but it will deplete these feel good chemicals and make you feel worse when not taking drugs