How can world peace be achieved?
How can world peace be achieved?
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with force :^)
What do you mean
Kill the niggers and kikes
It can't you idiot
Wake up
Killing all the non-whites.
violence of course
never crossed my mind
doesn't strike me as desirable
peace is a pipedream for cucks
Neck yourself faggot
So far Nuclear Weapons have prevented WWIII.
remove all toplet bombs
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Wont ever happen. There will always be haves and have nots, there will always be shitlords who want power over everyone, there will always be retarded sheep who will allow the shittiest people on the planet to rule over matter what the composition of the people look or act like.
All we can do is limit the scale and scope that people can hold power.
A world with lots of tiny countries, all independent with representative governments with very limited power will get us as close as possible.
Also having birth limits would go a LONG way. There is no reason africa needs its people pumping out 8-10 kids per female, same with desert dwellers who cant possibly have the means to feed them... Europe, America, Canada, and Japan have it right, just enough reproduction to sustain...better yet make an iq test for childbirth be mandatory.
Just some ideas i think would reduce the amount of shit on the planet.
Waiting 5 billion years
kill everything
By venturing outwards and making Mars and other human settlements our enemy. Or finding something 'else' out there and unifying it to save humanity.
Subtheraputic lsd, xanax, and lithium in all the drinking water in every country.
Kill all the nigs and spics and kikes and unite the white race in a bold goal of colonizing and exploiting space.
As long as the Koran exists there will never be world peace.
There are multiple options.
>The British option
Have every country in the world be ruled by the Royal family.
>The (old) German option
Ethnonationalism across the world. Disturbing elements are violently removed.
>The German option
Multiculti across the world. Disturbing elements are silenced by the media.
>The American option
Arm everyone with nukes and no one invades anyone out of fear for MAD
It's simple. We gas the jews
Fussion Reactors
Exterminate the jews.
Remove non whites.
Nice try, you dirty degenerate buttfucker
We must find valid economic reason to expand off our planet and into space. This will mainly achieve a state of world peace by making the default state of existence a planet rather than a nation and incentivize collecting under one world power. This will in-turn create a lack of inter-planetary peace though, so in truth we've only solved the problem semantically.
Full on nuclear winter.
There will be no wars only when there are no longer humans to wage them.
>World leaders need to stop allowing for degeneracy under the guise of multiculturalism, diversity, and religion.
>The people need to make a concerted effort against the (((forces))) that be through education and hard work.
>Realize that half the population is dumber than the average person and lower expectations accordingly, increasing patience and courtousy.
It's not everything, but it's a step in the right direction.
Whites only.
Peace achieved
Eliminate the Jews and isolate the blacks.
Not memeposting. Seriously. Multiculturalism is the primary cause of large-scale conflict.
To solve a problem, you need to get to the root of the problem. The worlds problem is caused by humans, so what is the root of the problem with humans? Behind all the memes of religion, race, politics, economics etc - there's still human factors to consider and these can be explained by psychopathy.
"In a world of psychopaths, those who are not genetic psychopaths, are induced to behave like psychopaths simply to survive. When the rules are set up to make a society "adaptive" to psychopathy."
better start looking for a different world
Living the high life. Brown plowing old white men are everywhere here.
aaand now they know his pin
Kill all muslims and americans
By having faith in your japanese overlord, praise the sun, remove roasties, embrace robot waifu, and completing a full dive VR.
Hail Abe.
Real Alien threat or atleast undoubtfull confirmation of their existence.
(((they))) already tried that. still no world peace.
when exactly was a real alien threat tried?
it's a pun user
oh duhh goin to bed
Gee, idk, pic related might work.
Otherwise just accept that it's not gonna happen, and different groups struggling to maintain their continued existence is actually a healthy thing, and an inalienable part of life.
1. Get rid of religion
2. kill or circumsize EVERY brony, furfag, normie, weeb, and nigger
3. Breed the remaining master-race with the thots. If a thot falls under 2 categories, they are spared.
4. Put communism into place.
5. exterminate all memeflaggots
>ONE WORLD know i'm right.
Ethnic and/or cultural nation-states that cooperate through a better version of the UN (adopt the jury system for each country's delegation overseen by individual(s) elected by direct popular vote, this will give the delegates legitimacy without making the UN a kike-controlled, transnational entity that can infringe on sovereignty.)
Of course, this leads to the age-old dilemma of scarcity. Brazil has rubber, Germsny has coal, Russia has natural gas, Switzerland has nothing except mountain Jews, and Africa has laughable infrastructure, education, and infrastructure - especially since Jews in Western countries are inviting their entire working male population to white countries. How do you solve these dilemmas while maintaining sovereignty? In short; you can't without expedient innovation.
The energy crisis could be solved by fusion, the mineral resource question could be solved by mining the asteroid belt, but that still leaves the question of why the countries with the means to overcome these hurdles share them with countries who can't?
Sure, the US, Canada, Mexico, India, China, and Russia can be completely resource self-sufficient, but there's a fuckton of countries who can't be. This isn't even considering population growth.
You'd need a somewhat de-centralized institution with authority to manage key resources without infringing on culture or sovereignty. This is currently impossible.
>How can world peace be achieved?
Try removing all tools for war.
t. Schneizel
How do you guarantee the removal of tools of war without tools of war to enforce it?
>How can world peace be achieved?
If you ask around you will get a few different ideas....All of them involving total removal of incompatible cultures. Look at how the muslims are doing it.
>t. Schneizel
It's a sam hyde refrence, noob.
Fuck world peace you faggot.
can't do it if you still believe in that cgi ball
>tripfag calling me a noob
>unironically saying noob
It can't, because humans are not peaceful animals.
nice comeback...
Did you think of it yourself, or do you have a team of RAND corperation monkeys working for you?
You.... know about sam hyde, right?
By killing every last Nigger, Northerner, and Marxist
Die Juden...
((World))- jews- niggers- chinks- muslims = Peace
Look up Zomia, the former Stateless region in Asia used to provide this form of living for people. Industrialization forced every concentrated power in the world to consolidate massive amounts of land and now nowhere is really free. We should push to life a more free life, not suck the dicks of bullies that fuck us all over in the end.
We must get rid of Germany
legit this