Whiteys, behold the weapon that will end your race

>will widen the gap between people further
>will completely knock a big chunk of males out of the social market
>will lead to much lower fertility

and funniest of all

>expensive (ethnic minorities wont be buying them)

*breathes in*

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I can't wait for feminism to infect Islam, even your goat fucking religion can't stand up to its destructive power

ain't gonna happen. our prophet wasnt a commie hippie faggot, our culture isnt open to such subversion

>OP thinks feminism won't ruin minorities

>>expensive (ethnic minorities wont be buying them)
>expensive (ethnic minorities wont be buying them)


Slide u fucking cuck

>expensive (ethnic minorities wont be buying them)
No, they will just steal them.

I can already see it happening, Arab Spring was just the beginning soon they will all be throwing off their burkas and burning them in the streets and you will all be as cucked as the west

Are you a kurd then?

Yes once whites and asians are gone this will be a perfect brown world with impecable infastructure and social order

Holy cow. A sex doll that actually has a pretty face with a neutral expression and nice proportions. Don't see many of those.

user doesn't know what's happening in Tunisia and Algeria.

It will only spread


I won't be buying one until they become Turing complete and can bear my seed. I am 23 now, so it is extremely regrettable that I will only be able to enjoy real love in my older age. I pray that technological singularity facilitated by quantum AI will generate viable personalities capable of genuine affection and of supporting a relationship. Hopefully, quantum computing will accelerate the engineering of robotics such that she will have the body to match her mind, which is weirdly more technologically feasible at this juncture. I would hate to create a quantum soul, only to love her, only to witness her suffer within a "body" more akin to a table weight than a woman.

Yup. Make this thing have a voice and limited robotic movement, you'd get millions of sales


>whitey getting cucked by his sexbot

You know, the weapon of the whites is also that of wellfare. You may not realize it since you are religious, but there is a flux coming out of evolution principles that made this society that we have now so weak. You may get here, or have some family members who are here in the west, who for the first generation are okay, but whois children start listening to nigger music, then start smoking dope, then start drinking alcohol...suddenly they no longer have a work ethic, or even an ethic to kill infidels, they just want to party, drink and fuck around like male sluts.

and you guys, you fathers, grandpas and other people are not capable of intercepting the minor things that make them so. Have no clue that their nature is being undermined from below their feet, because your religion compels you to be blind to these "little things".

I honestly dont like your race and your people, but also dont think that you deserve our fate.

>will completely knock a big chunk of males out of the social market
Doll/robots will just be a pacifier for the bottom of the barrel men who would never have gotten a partner anyway. It can defuse a lot of men instead of them going Elliot Rodger. Feminism wanting to ban this will just harm themselves.

Only a kissless virgin would actually believe that sticking your dick in a piece of plastic would fulfill a man's emotional and sexual needs. That's as retarded as thinking fucking machines will prevent women for seeking out men.

You're fucking doomed just admit it roaches.

Yea, Tunisia and Algeria are getting closer and closer to becoming cucked Western nations, it's only a matter of time. It always starts with giving women too many rights, once you reach the tipping point everything starts going downhill as your voting population starts making decisions with their feelz instead of their brains. That's how we got SJW's.

>implying white people will be the only ones buying those stupid things. It's more likely to destroy all of those sexless chinese men..

One of the many reasons so many Muslim men are being moved to the West is so that the women who get left behind can be indoctrinated with feminism. You can already see it happening in certain countries. You're being divided just like we are. Islam will be cucked sooner or later.

Any knowledge of Egypt, Morocco??

I wonder if Syria, Iran and Iraq will become more progressive??

I reckon in 50 years, it will be safer to live in a Muslim country than a western country, because all the idiot refugees will move to our countries and the good people will stay in their countries

You are absolutely correct, Op. It kills me that some people here think that sex bots are a good thing for the huwhite race.


>implying artificial wombs won't save our race
>implying that sexbots won't stop men from pandering to women, who are the ones ultimately causing white racial suicide

>paying for any kind of sex toy when my hand functions perfectly well

Also, I'm not about to have something like that in my home. Would scare the shit out of me.

Are they really that bad if they become incredibly advanced? Let's say that they can become Turing complete, and can harbor artificial wombs, and ovaries which contain the genetic blueprints for huwhite babies. Would that be bad?

Islam is a feminist religion already. Its roots lies in the worship of Al-'Uzzá, Allāt and Manāt.
The holiest artefact of Islam is a vagina.
This is why many western feminist thinks it is empowering to wear niqab and hijab.

>1400 year old rock in a vagina shaped holder on the side of the black box in the middle of a desert.

Feminism has always clearly been here


Who will be designing these artifical wombs? Me? You? Richard Spencer? Donald Trump? I understand the argument you are making, but how far away is that technology compared to the inital dropout of white males that will occur?

The white race (and the world) is overdue for a culling of the weak spirited. The kali yuga will end eventually but is this the right direction? Or is this accelerationism? I have no deep worries in my heart, but my human soul can only take so much.

This. We Bene Tleilaxu nao.

>smoking dope
t. jeff sessions


Any thoughts on my question?

Bump, ignore the roaches mockery.

Are you retarded? Are you banned from every search engine? Artificial wombs are ALREADY being used. They're PRESENT technology, not future technology.

Biocunts OFFICIALLY on suicide watch.

lmao, can't wait for african immigration into turkey

I don't see the problem with these sex robots as they are being developed at the same rate as artificial wombs.

Once they figure out a way to heat them up off a quick charge, the sex robots will offer everything a woman does without the nagging and the divorce rates.

I can see a future where men are able to buy primo eggs from white Russia babes and stick them in an artificial womb with your jizz in order to get children.

The result will be that men will be able to play the single dad game and mooch of the state while the women are out paying the taxes as nobody needs to fall into the trap of fucking them.







these will only ever be for fetishists

for everybody else that doesn't specifically fantasize about having sex with a doll, prostitutes are a better value

>That's as retarded as thinking fucking machines will prevent women for seeking out men.
look up what are smartphones doing to teenagers, especially girls
technology is our suicide

>comparing a sheep to human
With that logic why don't we just clone our best and brightest?

I'm not doubting the technology, I am asking why would (((they))) let us use such a technology? Stop being an aggressive faggot and go back to

That's not a complete artificial womb. They were trying to develop something for premature babies, so they start with a lamb that's already a few weeks old before putting it in the bag.

It's definitely well on the way, though. I consider it extremely promising, and it would likely spawn far better, healthier human children than current methods as they could stay in the wombs for longer.

That must hurt to laugh like that.

Lol, your religion was invented by kikes. I don't know why Turks keep larping as Muslim anyway.

yeah because Christ was just such a massive bitch handleing torture shrugging off days of torture and rising from the grave
They will fuck your religion over my brown "friend" they already are doing this to your women

>Implying sex toys don't already exist
>Implying a human size version will change anything
Turks, behold the weapon that will end your race!
Western LGBTQLMNOPXYZ rights for Turkey!

>I've heard Putin's having Turkey for Christmas.